Chapter 15 A+P Word Bank

1. Action Potential
  • Definition: Electrical signal that triggers muscle contraction in the heart.

  • Key Ions: Sodium (Na⁺), Potassium (K⁺), Calcium (Ca²⁺).

2. Anterior Interventricular Artery
  • Definition: A major branch of the left coronary artery that supplies blood to the interventricular septum and anterior walls of both ventricles.

3. Aorta
  • Definition: Largest artery in the body, carries oxygenated blood from the left ventricle to the body.

4. Aortic Valve
  • Definition: Prevents backflow of blood from the aorta into the left ventricle.

5. Arteries & Arterioles
  • Arteries: Carry blood away from the heart.

  • Arterioles: Small arteries that control blood flow to capillaries.

6. A-V Node (Atrioventricular Node)
  • Definition: Delays the electrical impulse, allowing the atria to contract before the ventricles.

7. Capillaries
  • Definition: Smallest blood vessels where gas and nutrient exchange occurs.

8. Capillary Networks
  • Definition: Dense web of capillaries that connect arteries and veins in tissues.

9. Cardiac Anatomy
  • Includes: Chambers, valves, blood vessels, conduction system, and muscle layers of the heart.

10. Cardiac Cycle
  • Definition: Sequence of events in one heartbeat.

  • Phases: Atrial systole → Ventricular systole → Diastole.

11. Cardiac Depolarization
  • Definition: Electrical charge change that triggers heart contraction.

12. Cardiac Output Equation
  • Formula: CO = HR × SV (Heart Rate × Stroke Volume).

13. Cerebellum
  • Definition: Brain region that coordinates voluntary movements.

14. Chordae Tendineae
  • Definition: Fibrous strings that anchor heart valves to papillary muscles.

15. Coronary Sinus
  • Definition: Large vein that collects blood from the heart muscle and returns it to the right atrium.

16. Corpus Callosum
  • Definition: Structure in the brain that connects the left and right hemispheres.

17. Cusps
  • Definition: Flaps in heart valves that ensure one-way blood flow.

18. Endocardium
  • Definition: Smooth inner lining of the heart chambers.

19. Endothelium
  • Definition: Inner lining of blood vessels.

20. Epicardium
  • Definition: Outer layer of the heart wall.

21. Frank-Starling Law
  • Definition: The heart pumps more blood when it receives more blood.

22. Functional Syncytium
  • Definition: The heart functions as a single coordinated unit.

23. Heart Sounds
  • "Lubb": Closure of AV valves.

  • "Dupp": Closure of semilunar valves.

24. Hydrostatic Pressure
  • Definition: Pressure exerted by blood in vessels.

25. Inward Oncotic Pressure
  • Definition: Osmotic pressure pulling fluid into blood vessels.

26. Ions Involved in Depolarization
  • Key Ions: Sodium (Na⁺) enters, Calcium (Ca²⁺) maintains plateau, Potassium (K⁺) exits.

27. Isovolumic
  • Definition: No volume change in heart chambers, but pressure changes.

28. Mediastinum
  • Definition: Cavity in the thorax where the heart is located.

29. Medulla Oblongata
  • Definition: Brainstem region that controls heart rate.

30. Mitral Valve (Bicuspid Valve)
  • Definition: Valve between the left atrium and left ventricle.

31. Myocardium
  • Definition: Thick muscle layer of the heart responsible for contraction.

32. Osmotic Pressure
  • Definition: Pressure that draws water into capillaries.

33. Papillary Muscles
  • Definition: Muscles in ventricles that control valve function.

34. Parasympathetic Nervous System
  • Function: Slows heart rate (via Vagus nerve).

35. Pericardial Membrane/Cavity
  • Definition: Protective sac surrounding the heart.

36. Pons
  • Definition: Brain region that helps regulate breathing.

37. P-Q Interval
  • Definition: Time delay between atrial and ventricular contraction.

38. Pulmonary Arteries
  • Definition: Carry deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle to the lungs.

39. Pulmonary Valve
  • Definition: Prevents backflow from pulmonary artery to right ventricle.

40. Pulmonary Veins
  • Definition: Carry oxygenated blood from lungs to left atrium.

41. Purkinje Fibers
  • Definition: Conduct impulses through ventricles for coordinated contraction.

42. P-Wave
  • Definition: Represents atrial depolarization on an EKG.

43. QRS Complex
  • Definition: Represents ventricular depolarization on an EKG.

44. Regulating BP
  • Controlled by: Baroreceptors, RAAS system, sympathetic/parasympathetic input.

45. S-A Node (Sinoatrial Node)
  • Definition: Pacemaker of the heart, initiates heartbeat.

46. Shunting Blood
  • Definition: Redirecting blood to priority organs during stress.

47. Sulci
  • Definition: Grooves on the heart’s surface that contain blood vessels.

48. SV (Stroke Volume)
  • Definition: Amount of blood pumped per heartbeat.

49. Sympathetic Nervous System
  • Function: Increases heart rate and contractility.

50. Thyroid Hormones
  • Function: Increase heart rate and metabolic activity.

51. Tricuspid Valve
  • Definition: Valve between the right atrium and right ventricle.

52. Tunica Media
  • Definition: Middle layer of blood vessel wall; controls vasodilation & vasoconstriction.

53. T-Wave
  • Definition: Represents ventricular repolarization on an EKG.

54. Vagus Nerve
  • Function: Slows heart rate via parasympathetic input.

55. Veins
  • Definition: Carry blood to the heart, contain valves to prevent backflow.

56. Ventricular Volume
  • Definition: The amount of blood contained in the ventricles.
