Phylogeny: Evolutionary history of a species
Systematics: Method focused on classifying organisms and determining their evolutionary relationships
Binomial: Two part format of a scientific name
Genus: First part of binomial of scientific name
Species → Genus → Family → Order → Class → Phylum → Kingdom → Domain (most to least specific)
Taxon: Named group at any level of the hierarchy
Phylogenic Tree: Branching diagram for evolutionary history of organisms
Branch Point: Represents common ancestor of two evolutionary lineages diverging from it
Evolutionary Lineage: Sequence of ancestral organisms leading to a particular descendant taxon
Sister Taxa: Groups of organisms that share an immediate common ancestor not shared by any other group
Rooted: A tree where there is a branch point all the other animals come off
Basal Taxon: Lineage that diverges from other members of its group early
Equal, since the nodes branch off at the family
C, since the things can rotate around nodes but can’t switch branch shapes
Can’t draw
Homologies: Phenotypic and genetic similarities due to shared ancestry
Analogy: Similarity between organisms due to convergent evolution
Organisms with similar morphology or DNA are more likely to be closely related
Computer programs can distinguish DNA sequences
Cladistics: Approach to systematics, common ancestry prioritized
Clades: Groups that scientists try to place species into
Monophyletic: A taxon that consists of an ancestral species and all of its descendants
Paraphyletic: Group consisting of ancestral species and some, but not all of its descendants
Polyphyletic: Distantly related species but doesn’t include most recent common ancestor
Shared Ancestral Character: Characteristic that originated in an ancestor of the taxon
ex. all mammals have backbones but so do other animals, the backbone is broader than it so for mammals its a shared ancestral character
Shared Derived Character: Character unique to a clade
Outgroup: Species or group of species not part of the group of species, least recent common ancestor
Maximum Parsimony: First investigate simplest explanation that is consistent with the facts
Maximum Likelihood: Identify tree most likely to have produced a set of DNA based on probability rules
It would not be, since it is shared between all mammals
Can’t draw
Orthologous Genes: Homology is from a speciation event
Paralogous Genes: Homology is from gene duplication
Distinctly related species have many orthologous genes
Variation in number and complexity of genes between species suggests they are versatile and have many functions
Seeing whether it’s orthologous or paralogous can tell us if it was speciation or gene duplication
Orthologous genes
Too lazy to go back
Molecular Clock: Approach estimating age divergence from a common ancestor by looking at DNA
Some regions of DNA change at a rate consistent enough to serve as a molecular clock
Other DNA regions change in a less predictable way
Molecular clock analyses suggest that the most common strain of HIV jumped from primates to humans in the early 1900s
First, there were five kingdoms, prokaryotes, unicellular organisms, plants, fungi, and animals
Prokaryotes were too different from each other so the three domains, bacteria, archaea, and eukarya were made
Horizontal Gene Transfer: Process genes transferred transferred from one genome to another
Genetic analyses indicate it has occurred throughout evolutionary history
Too broad
Depends on what you’re looking at, like RNA or DNA, etc.
Endosymbiosis, they transferred genes to each other
Prokaryotes: Single celled organisms that make up domains Bacteria and Archaea
First orgaisms to inhabit Earth, almost 2.5 billion years ago
Unicellular, with diameters of 0.5-5 µm
Eukaryotic cells have diameters of 10-100 µm
Many different shapes—cocci (spherical), bacilli (rods), spiral
Peptidoglycan: Polymer composed of modified sugars cross linked by short polypeptides, used in bacterial cell walls instead of cellulose or chitin (like in eukaryotes)
Archael cell walls have polysaccharides and proteins but no peptidoglycan
Gram Stain: Technique to categorize bacterial species according to differences in cell wall composition
Samples are stained with crystal violet dye and iodine, then rinsed in alcohol, then stained with red dye safranin, which enters the cell and binds to its DNA. Staining response is due to bacterium’s cell wall structure
Gram Positive Bacteria: Simple walls composed of a thick layer of peptidoglycan
Gram Negative Bacteria: Less peptidoglycan, structurally more complex, outer membrane has liposaccharides (carbohydrates bonded to lipids)
Capsule: Sticky layer of polysaccharide or protein that surrounds the cell wall of many prokaryotes that is dense and well defined
If it’s not dense and well defined it’s a slime layer
Used to let prokaryotes adhere to substrates or other individuals and protect against dehydration
Endospores: Resistant cells developed by bacteria when they lack water or essential nutrients
Original cell makes a copy of its chromosome and surrounds the copy with a multilayered structure
Water is removed from the endospore so metabolism halts and original cell lyses, releasing the endospore
Fimbrae: Hairlike appendages that some prokaryotes use to stick to their substrate or to one another
Short and more numerous than pili
Pili/Sex Pili: Appendages that pull two cells together prior to DNA transfer between cells
Taxis: Directed movement toward or away from a stimulus, ~half of prokaryotes can do it
Prokaryotes that exhibit chemotaxis change movement in response to chemicals, may move towards nutrients or oxygen, positive chemotaxis, or away from toxic substances, negative chemotaxis
Flagella may be scattered over the entire surface of the cell or concentrated at one or both ends, and differ greatly from eukaryotic flagella
1/10 the width, not covered by an extension of the plasma membrane, different molecular composition and mechanism of propulsion
Bacterial and archael flagella have different and unrelated proteins
All three must have arose independently
Three parts, motor, hook, and filament hat are composed of 42 different kinds of proteins
No complex compartmentalization like in eukaryotic, but do have membranes that perform metabolic functions, which are usually infoldings of the plasma membrane
Genome has much less DNA than eukaryotic
One circular chromosome, eukaryotes have many linear chromosomes
Lack a nucleus, chromosome is located in the nucleoid
Smaller rings of independently replicating DNA molecules, plasmids, most only carrying a few genes
Genetic Recombination: Combining of DNA from two sources
In prokaryotes, transformation, transduction, and conjugating bring together prokaryotic DNA from two individuals
Transformation: Genotype and possible phenotype of prokaryotic cell are altered by uptake of foreign DNA in its surroundings
Transduction: Phages carry prokaryotic genes from one host cell to another
Conjugation: DNA is transferred between two prokaryotic cells that are temporarily joined
F(ertility) Factor: Piece of DNA whose presence results in the ability to form pili and donate DNA during conjugation
F Plasmid: F Factor in its plasmid form
Cells with F plasmid function as DNA donors during conjugation
R(esistance) Plasmids: Carry genes that code for enzymes that specifically destroy or hinder effectiveness of certain antibiotics
Obligate Aerobes: Must use O2 for cellular respiration and can’t grow without it
Obligate Anaerobes: Poisoned by O2
Some live exclusively by fermentation, others use anaerobic respiration
Anaerobic Respiration: Substances other than O2 are the final electron receptors
Facultative Anaerobes: Use O2 if it is present but can also do fermentation or anaerobic respiration
Nitrogen Fixation: Some cyanobacteria and methanogens convert atmospheric nitrogen to ammonia
This is then incorporated into amino acids and other organic molecules
Heterocysts: Carry out nitrogen fixation
Surrounded bu a thickened cell wall that restricts entry of O2
Biofilms: Surface coating colonies where metabolic cooperation among cells of 1+ prokaryotic species often occurs
Extremophiles: First prokaryotes assigned to domain Archea, live in extreme environments that few other organisms can survive in
Extreme Halophiles: Live in highly saline environments
Extreme Thermophiles: Thrive in very hot environments
Methanogens: Archaea that release methane as a byproduct of jpw tjeu pntaom emerhu
Decomposers: Chemoheterotrophic prokaryotes that break down dead organisms and waste products, unlocking supplies of carbon, nitrogen, and other elements
Symbiosis: Ecological relationship where two species live in close contact with each other
Host: Larger organism in symbiosis
Symbiont: Smaller organism in symbiosis
Mutualism: Ecological relationship in which both species benefit
Commensalism: Ecological relationship which one species benefits while the other isn’t harmed or helped
Parasitism: Parasite feeds on cell contents, tissues, or body fluids of the host
Pathogens: Parasites that cause disease, usually prokaryotic
Bacteria cause ~half of human diseases
Pathogenic prokaryotes cause illness by producing poisons (exo and endotoxins)
Exotoxins: Proteins secreted by certain bacteria and other organisms
Endotoxins: Lipopolysaccharide components of the outer membrane of gram negative bacteria, released only when bacteria die and cell walls break down
CRPISPR-Cas9 System: Introduce Cas protein (Cas9) to guide RNA into cells whose DNA they want to alter
Bioremediation: Use of organisms to remove pollutants from soil, air, or water
Protists: Eukaryote that is not an animal, plant, or fungus
Mostly unicellular
Most organisms in eukaryotic lineages are protists
Protists can be photoautotrophs, heterotrophs, or mixotrophs
Mixotrophs: Combine photosynthesis and heterotophic nutrition
Protisan diversity has origins in endosymbiosis
Heterotrophic eukaryotes aquired a cyanobacterium that evolved into plastids through endosumbiosis, which gave rise to algae (red and green)
Cyanobacteria are gram negative (two cell membranes, inner cell membrane, inner plasma membrane, outer membrane)
Secondary Endosymbiosis: Algae was ingested in food vacuoles of heterotrophic eukaryotes
Excavata: Clade with cytoskeleton (morphological)
Diplomonads: Reduced mitochondria, mitosomes, without functional ETCs, instead getting energy from anaerobic biochemical pathways. Many are parasites
Parabasalids: Reduced mitochondria, hydrogenosomes, which generate some energy anaerobically (releasing hydrogen as byproduct)
Euglenozoans: Diverse clade that includes predatory heterotrophs, photosynthetic autotrophs, mixotrophs, and parasites. Have either a rod with a spiral or crystalline structure inside their flagella
Kinetoplastids: Single large mitochondrion with an organized mass of DNA, a kinetoplast.
Euglenid: Pocket at one end of the cell where one or two flagella emerge
SAR: Subgroup of protists with stramenopiles, alveolates, and rhizarians
Stramenopiles: Have characteristic hairy flagellum with a shorter smooth flagellum
Diatoms: Type of stramenopile, unicellular algae with a unique glass like wall made of silicon dioxide embedded in an organic matrix
Brown Algae: Most large and complex stramenophile, multicelular, mostly marine. Most seaweeds are them
Holdfast: Rootlike organ which anchors the brown algae
Stipe: Stemlike organ which supports the leaflike bladesof brown algae
Alveolates: Membrane enclosed sacs (aveoli) just under the plasma membrane
Dinoflagellates: Group of aveolate flagellates, cells reinforced by cellulose plates
Apicomplexans: Aveolate parasites of animals, spread through hosts as tiny infectious cells
Ciliates: Large and varied group of aveolates named for use of cilia to move and feed, prottists
Conjugation: Sexual process in which two individuals exchange haploid micronuclei but don’t reproduce, results from genetic variation in nuclei of ciliates
Rhizarians: Many species of amoebas
Amoeba: Protist that moves and feeds by pseudopia
Pseudopia: Extensions that bulge from anywhere on the cell surface
Radiolarians: Have delicate, intricately symmetrical internal skeletons made of silica
Foraminiferans/Forans: Named for their porous shells (tests, which have a single piece of organic material usually hardened with calcium carbonate)
Cercozoans: Large group of omoeboid and flagellated protists that feed using threadlike pseudopia
Archaeplastida: Red algae, green algae, and plants
Green Algae: Chloroplasts very similar to chloroplasts, charophytes & chlorophytes
Charophytes include algae most closely related to plants
Chlorophytes, mostly freshwater species
Unikonta: Diverse subgroup of eukaryotes with animals, gunfi, and some protists
Amoebazoans: Many species of amoebas with love or tube shaped pseudopia
Opisthokonts: Diverse group of eukaryotes with animals, fungi, and several groups of protists
Producers: Organisms that use energy from to convert CO2 to organic compounds
Consumer: Organisms that depend on producers for food by directly eating them or eating an organism that eats them
Charophytes share many distinctive traits with plants and are the closest relatives of them
Plants & brown, red, & green algae are all multicellular, eukaryotic, photosynthetic autotrophs with cell walls made of cellulose
Only charophytes and plants have circular rings of protein embedded in plasma membrane which synthesize cellulose
In other algae it is linear
Sporopollenin: Durable polymer layer in charophytes, prevents exposed zygotes from drying out
Altercation of Generations: Life cycle in which multicellular forms give rise to each other in turn
In plants, the life cycles alternate between two generations of gametophytes and sporophytes
Gametophyte: Produced by mitosis of haploid gametes that fuse during fertilization (and form diploid zygotes)
Sporophyte: Meiosis of it produces haploid spores
Spores: Reproductive cells that can develop into a new haploid organism without fusing with another cell
Embryophytes: Multicellular dependent embryo of plats
Walled Spores: Produced in sporangia, only in plants and not in algae
Sporopollenin makes the walls resistant to harsh environments
Sporangia: Multicellular organs that produce spores
Apical Meristems: Localized regions of cell division at tips of roots and shoots, only in plants and not algae. Divide to allow plants’ shoots and roots to elongate
Cuticle: Covering of epidermis, consisting of wax and other polymers
Stomata: Specialized pores supporting photosynthesis by allowing exchange of CO2 and O2
Vascular Tissue: Cells joined into tubes that transport water and nutrients, helps distinguish groups of plants (either have it or don’t)
Vascular Plants: Plants with vascular tissue
93% of plant species
Seed plants are majority of the plants
Seedless Vascular Plants: Lycophytes and monilophytes, don’t form a clade
Lycophytes: Vascular club mosses and their relatives
Monilophytes: Vascular ferns and their relatives
Bryophytes: Plants without vascular tissue, don’t form a clade
Seed: Embryo packaged with a supply of nutrients inside a protective coat. Two groups
Gymnosperms: Seeds not enclosed in chambers, “naked seed” plants
Angiosperms: All flowering plants, seeds from chambers, ~90% plants
Three main bryophyte phyla
Liverworts (Named for liver shape)
Hornworts (Named for horn shape)
Haploid gametophytes are the dominant stage of the life cycle
Usually ground hugging
Protonema: Mass of green branched one cell thick filaments with large surface area and produces buds (in ideal conditions), which develop into a moss gametophyte. From germinating moss spores
Rhizoids: Long, tubular single cells or filaments of cells, anchor the bryophyte gametophytes to the ground
Gametangia: Multicellular structures that produce gametes and are covered by protective tissue, formed by gametophytes
Archegonia: Female gametangia
Antheridia: Male gametangia
Bryophyte sporophyte has three parts
Foot: Absorbs nutrients from gametophyte
Seta: Stalk, conducts materials to sporangium
Capsule: Sporangium, producing spores by meiosis
Peristome: Ring of interlocking “teeth” in upper part of capsule, opening when dry and closing when moist so spores are dispersed gradually
Peat: Type of moss, deposits of partially decayed organic material
Nonvascular and ground hugging, haploid gametophytes are dominant stage
Peristome teeth selective, seta elevates capsule, idk what else
Vascular plants have two types of vascular tissue
Xylem: Conducts most water and minerals, includes tracheids
Tracheids: Tube shaped cells that carry water and minerals from the roots
Water conducting cells of xylem are dead at functional maturity and are lignified
Lignin: Polymer that strengthens cell walls
Phloem: Has cells which are arranged into tubes that distribute sugars, amino acids, and organic products, which are alive at functional maturity
Roots: Organs that absorb water and nutrients from soil, anchor vascular plants to the ground, instead of rhizoids
Leaves: Primary photosynthetic organ of plants, either microphylls or megaphylls
Microphylls: Small, spine shaped leaves supported by single strand of vascular tissue
Megaphylls: Leaves with highly branched vascular system
Microphylls (410 million ago) before megaphylls (370 million ago)
Sporophylls: Modified leaves that bear sporangia
Sori: Clusters of sporangia produced by fern sporophylls, usually on undersides of sporophylls
Strobili: Groups of sporophylls in cone like structures
Homosporous: One type of sporophyll bearing one type of sporangium produces one type f spore, developing into a bisexual gametophyte, most seedless vascular plants
Heterosporous: Two types of sporophylls (micro and mega)
Microspores: Develop into male gametophytes
Microphylls → Microsporangia → Microspores
Megaspores: Develop into female gametophytes
Megaphylls → Megasporangia → Megaspores
Seed: Embryo and its food supply, surrounded by a protective coat
Seed plants retain the megasporangium within the parent
Integument: Layer of sporophyte tissue that envelops and protects the megasporangium
Gymnosperm have one, angiosperm has 2
Pollen Grain: Male gametophyte enclosed within the pollen wall
Pollination: Transfer of pollen to the part of a seed plant that contains ovules
Conifers: Cone bearing plants, most gymnosperms
Dominance of the sporophyte generation, development of seeds from fertilized ovules, and the role of pollen in transferring sperm to ovules are key features of a typical gymnosperm lifestyle
Flower: Unique angiosperm specialized for sexual reproduction with up to four floral organs (modified leaves)
Sepals: Green and enclose flower before it opens (like a rosebud)
Petals: Interior to the sepals, brightly colored and attract pollinators
Stamens: Microsporophylls, produce microspores that develop into pollen grains with male gametophytes
Has a filament (stalk) and anther (where pollen is produced)
Carpels: Megasporophylls: Produce megaspores that give rise to female gametophytes
Stigma: Sticky tip of carpel that recieves pollen
Style: Leads from stigma to the ovary
Ovary: The base of the carpel with one or more ovules
Pistil: Single carpel or 2+ fused carpels
Fruit: As seeds develop from ovules after fertilization, the ovary wall thickens and ovary matures into a fruit
Male gametophytes have two haploid cells, a generative cell (divides into two sperm) and a tube cell (produces a pollen tube)
Embyro Sac: Cell inside ovule of a flowering plant which becomes the female gametophyte
After it’s released from the anther, pollen is carried to the sticky stigma at the tip of the carpel
Cross Pollination: In angiosperms, the transfer of pollen from an anther of a flower to the stigma of a flower on another plant of the same species, which is ensured through various mechanisms
Micropyle: Pore in the integuments of the ovule
Double Fertilization: One fertilization event produces a zygote and the other makes a triploid cell, unique to angiosperms
Cotyledons: Sporophyte embyro with a rudimentary root and one or two seed leaves
Endosperm: Tissue rich in starch and other food reserves that nourish the developing embryo
Monocots: Species with one cotyledon
Eudicots: Clade with two seed leaves upon germination
Dicots: Species with two cotyledons (used until late 1990s)
Basal Angiosperms: Lineages that diverged from other angiosperms early in the history of the group
Magnoliids: Evolved later
Humans depend on seed plants for products like food, wood, and medicines
Destruction of habitat threatens the extinction of plant species and animal species they support
Fungi are heterotrophs and absorb nutrients from environment by secreting hydrolytic enzymes into their surroundings, which break down complex molecules into smaller organic compounds that the fungi can absorb into their cells and use
Fungi are decomposers
Yeasts: Multicellular filaments and single cells, most common fungal bodes
Often inhabit moist environments with lots of soluble nutrients such as sugars and amino acids
Hyphae: Network of tiny filaments with tubular cell walls surrounding the plasma membrane and cytoplasm of cells (formed by bodies of multicellular fungi)
Chitin: Strengthens cell walls, strong but flexible polysaccharide
Septa: Divides hyphae into cells, cross walls with pores large enough to let ribosomes, mitochondria, and nuclei to flow from cell to cell
Coenocytic Fungi: Fungi without septa which have a continuous cytoplasmic mass having hundreds or thousands of nuclei
Mycelium: Interwoven mass formed by fungal hyphae, infiltrates material on which the fungus feeds and makes it efficient (high SA:V ratio)
Arbuscules: Specialized branching hyphae used by fungi to exchange nutrients with plant hosts
Mycorrhizae: Mutually beneficial relationships between fungi and plant roots
Ectomycorrhizal Fungi: Form sheaths of hyphae over the surface of a root, grow into extracellular spaces of the root cortex
Abuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi: Extend arbuscles through root cell wall and into tubes formed by pushing inward of the root cell plasma membrane
Spores: Haploid cells that form new mycelia after germinating
Pheremones: Signaling molecules released by hyphae from two mycelia
Plasmogamy: Union of cytoplasms of two parent mycelia
Heterokaryon: Parts of the fused mycellium contain coexisting genetically different nuclei
Dikaryotic: Haploid nuclei pair off two to a cell, one from each parent
Karyogamy: Stage after plasmogamy in the sexual cycle, haploid nuclei contributed by two parents fuse and form diploid cells
Molds: Fungi that reproduce asexually by growing as filamentous fungi that produce haploid spores by mitosis and form visible mycelia
Deuteromycetes: Fungi lacking sexual reproduction
Two basic lineages of fungi have flagella even if fungi don’t
Opisthokongs: Posterior location of flagellum
Nucleariids: Amoebas that feed on algae and bacteria, closely related to several single celled protists
Cryptomycetes and microsporidians form a sister group and are a basic fungal lineage
Chrytids: Fungi in lakes and soil with zoospores
Zoospores: Flagellated spores
Zoopagomycetes: Parasites or neutral symbionts of animals, form filamentous hyphae and reproduce asexually by producing nonflagellated spores
Mucoromycetes: Species of fast growing molds, either parasites of plants or mutalists
Zygosporangium: Sturdy structure where karyogamy and meiosis occur, a multinucleate structure that is first heterokaryotic with haploid nuclei from parents, then diploid nuclei after karogany
Ascomycetes: Fungi that produce spores in saclike asci, also called sac fungi
Ascocarps: Fruiting bodies of ascomycetes developed in their sexual stage
Conidia: Asexual spores produced by ascomycetes during asexual reproduction, produced externally at tips of specialized hyphae (conidiophores). May also fuse with hyphae from mycelium of a different mating type in sexual reproduction
Basidiomycetes: Mutualists that form mycorrhizae and rusts and smuts (two destructive plant parasites)
Basidium: Cell where karyogamy occurs, followed by meiosis
Basidiocarps: Fruiting bodies produced by mycelium in response to environmental stimuli
Endophytes: Fungi/bacteria that lives inside leaves or other plants without causing them harm
Lichen: Photosynthetic microorganism and fungus symbiosis
Lichens can asexually reproduce by fragmentation of the parent or forming soredia
Soredia: Small clusters of hyphae with embedded algae
Mycosis: Infection in an animal by fungal parasite
Animals use collagen instead of cell walls
Tissues: Groups of similar cells that act as a functional unit
Cleavage: Succession of mitotic cell divisions without cell growth between them after fertilization
Blastula: Animals are like a hollow ball, embryonic stage
Gastrulation: Layers of embryonic tissues that will develop into adult body parts produced
Larva: Sexually immature form of an animal morphologically distinct from the adult
Eats different food, has different habits
Metamorphosis: Developmental transition from larvae to juvenile that's similar to an adult but not sexually mature
Choanoflagellates are closest living relatives of animals (morphological and genetic)
First macroscopic animal fossils from about 560 million years ago, of Ediacaran Biota, soft bodied multicellular eukaryotes
Cambrian Explosion 535-525 million years ago, with first arthropods, chordates, and echinoderms
Bilaterians: Members have two sided or bilaterally symmetric form and a complete digestive tract
Most of the fossils in the Cambrian Explosion were bilaterians
In Mesozoic era (252-66 million years ago) rapid development, and the first mammals appeared
In Cenozoic era (66 million years ago to the present) mass extinctions
The most recent common ancestor of animals is descended from the common ancestor of fungi and animals
Body Plan: Particular set of morphological and developmental traits that are integrated into the animal
Types of symmetry, radial, bilateral, or none
Tissue organization also varies. Some lack tissues but in others the embryo is layering during gastrulation (see chapter 47)
Diploblastic: Only have two germ layers, ectoderm and endoderm
Ectoderm: Germ layer covering surface of embryo
Endoderm: Innermost germ layer that lines the pouch that forms during gastrulation
Triploblastic: Having three germ layers
Mesoderm: third germ layer in bilaterally symmetrical animals, filling the space between the ecto and endoderm
Coelom: Body cavity from tissue derived from mesoderm, in many triploblastic animals
Hemocoel: Body cavity that forms between mesoderm and endoderm containing hemolymph (fluid that helps internal transport of nutrients and waste), in triploblastic animals without coeloms
Some don’t have body cavities at all
Body Cavity: Fluid or air filled space between the digestive tract (endoderm) and the outer body wall (ectoderm), in nearly all animals
Provide structural support, help internal transport of nutrients, gases, and wastes, kind of like blood (circulated in open system by heart)
Animals either do protostome development or deuterostome development, distinguished by differences in cleavage, coelom formation, and blastopore
Blastopore: Indentation that leads to formation of the archenteron during gastrulation
Archenteron: An embyro’s developing digestive system, a blind pouch
After development of archenteron, a second opening forms at opposite end of the gastrula
Protostome Development (ex. molluscs, annelids) | Deuterostome Development (ex. echinoderms, chordates) | |
Cleavage | Spiral cleavage, smaller cells centered over grooves between large cells (like bricks), and determinate | Radial cleavage, tiers of cells are aligned, and indeterminate, each cell produced can develop into a complete embryo |
Coelom Formation | Solid masses of mesoderm split and form the coelom | Mesoderm buds from wall of the archenteron, and its cavity is the coelom |
Fate of the Blastopore | Mouth develops from blastopore, mouth develops from second opening | Anus develops from blastopore, mouth develops from second opening |
All animals share a common ancestor
Sponges are the sister group to all other animals
Eumetazoa is a clade of animals with tissues
Eumetazoans: Animals with issues, all animals except spomges amd a fw others
Basal Eumetazoans have radial symmetry
Most animal phyla belong to Bilateria
Bilaterians: Animals with bilateral symmetry and 3 prominent germ layers
There are three major clades of bilaterian animals, deutrostomia, lophotrochozoa, and ecdysozoa
All invertebrates (animals that lack a backbone)
Chordata is the only phylum that also includes vertebrates
Lophotrochozoa: Two different features in animals in this clade
Lophophore: Crown of ciliated tentacles for feeding in som lophotrochozoans
Trochophore Larva: Developental stage of lophotrozans who don’t have lophophores
Ecdysozoa: Secrete exoskeletons and shed old exoskeletons (ecdysis), nematodes, arthropods, and other phyla
Sponges are filter feeders
Spongocoel: Central cavity in sponges, pores in it are used to draw water in. Lined with flagellated choanocytes (collar cells)
Osculum: Large opening in the sponge that water flows out of
Mesohyl: Gelatinous region seperating two layers of cells in the sponge body
Both cell layers are in contact with water so they can do processes using diffusion
Amoebocytes: Cells that move through the mesophyl of sponges and have many functions
Most sponges are hermaphrodites (each individual is both male and female in sexual reproduction)
Cnidarians are just sacs with a gastrovascular cavity (central digestive compartment) which acts as both the mouth and the anus. Two variations, polyps and medusa
Polyps: Cylindrical forms that adhere to the substrate by the aboral end (opposite of mouth) of their body and extend their tentacles, grabbing prey and pushing it towards the cavity
Medusa: Flattened version of the polyp, bell shaped body that can contract to move
Cynidocytes: Cells unique to cnidarians on their tentacles, used in defense and prey capture. Contain cnidae, capsule like organelles that can explode outward
Nematocysts: Specialized cnidae with a stinging thread that can penetrate the body surface of prey
Flatworms have no body cavity and have flat bodies that allow diffusion across the body surface. No organs for specialized gas exchange
Protonephridia: Newtorks of tubules with ciliated structures (flame bulbs) that pull fluid through branched ducts opening to the outside, flatworm excretory system
Planarians: Freshwater species that prey on smaller or dead animals and move using cilia on their central surface to glide along their secreted mucus
Alimentary Canal: Digestive tube with two openings, a mouth and an anus, in rotifers
Parthogenesis: Asexual reproduction, females that produce more females from unfertilized eggs, in rotifers
Many don’t have males
Acanthocephalans are all parasites
Ectoprocts: Colonial animals that superficially resemble clumps of moss
Encased in a hard exoskeleton studded with pores from where lophophores come out of
Brachiopods: Superficially resemble clams and hinge shelled molluscs, but two halves of the branchiopod shell are dorsal and ventral instead of lateral
Have a primary body cavity (hemocoel) and a reduced boelom. Have three main parts
Foot: Muscular and used for movement in molluscs
Visceral Mass: Contains most of internal organs of molluscs
Mantle: Fold of tissue that drapes over visceral mass and secretes a shell
Mantle Cavity: Mantle extension, water filled chamber which houses gills, anus, and excretory pores
Radula: Straplike organ used to scrape up food by molluscs
There are many different groups of molluscs
Chitons have oval shaped bodies and a shell composed of 8 dorsal plates. Foot acts as a suction cup and can also be used to creep slowly over the surface
Gastropods make up about Âľ of the molluscs, move by rippling motion of their foot or cilia, and has a shell secreted by glands at the edge of the mantle
Bilvalves have shells divided into two halves that are hinged and drawn together with tight adductor muscles. Gills used for feeding and gas exchange, most are suspension feeders
Cephalopods are predators that use tentacles to grasp prey and bite into them
Ammonites: Shelled cephalopods, ancestor of octopuses and squids with a sedementary lifestyle
Segmented worms with coeloms in freshwater habitats and damp soil
Errantians are more mobile than sedentarians
Ecdysozoans molt as they grow
Molting: Shedding a cuticle
Cuticle: Tough external coat
Nematodes/roundworms shed their old cuticle and secrete a larger one. They have an alimentary canal but no circulatory system
Arthropods: Segmented body, hard exoskeleton, joined appedages
Have an open circulatory system
Three major lineages
Chelicerates: Sea spiders, horseshoe crabs, scorpions, ticks, mites, and spiders
Myriapods: Centipedes and millipedes
Pancrustaceans: Insects and lobsters, shrimp, barnacles, and other crustaceans
Chelicerae: Pincers or fangs that are present in chelicerates
Eurypterids: Water scorpions, earliest chelicerates
Arachnids: Scorpions, spiders, ticks, mites, bulk of modern chelicerates
Book Lungs: Carry out gas exchange in spiders, stacked platelike structures contained in an internal chamber
Incomplete Metamorphosis: In insect groups, the young (nymphs) resemble small adults and undergo many molts where they look more like an adult each time. Final molt, the insect reachs full size, gets wings, and is sexually mature
Complete Metamorphosis: Larval stages specialized for eating or growwing. Larval stage is completely different from the adult stage
Echinoderms: Slow moving or sessile (fixed in place) marine animals with a coelom
Water Vascular System: Network of hydraulic canals branching into tube feet
Tube Feet: Extensions that function in locomotion and feeding
Vertebrates: Animals with a backbone
Chordates: Bilaterian animals
Notochord: Longitudinal, flexible rod between the digestive tube and nerve cord. Provides skeletal support
Pharyngeal Slits/Clefts: Grooves along the outer surface of the pharynx that develop into slips that open into the pharynx. Allow water entering the mouth the exit the body without passing through the whole digestive tract
Lancelets/Cephalochordata: Sister group to all other living chordates, bladelike shape
Tunicate/Urochordata: Marine invertebrates that undergo metamorphasis (reabsorb tail and notochord and nervous system, remaining organs rotate 90 degrees) after settling on a substrate
Vertebrates have 2+ sets of Hox genes and can duplicate genes that produce transcription factors and signaling molecules,
Neural Crest: Collection of cells that appears along the edges of the closing neural tube of an embryo, and disperse throughoutout the embryo, giving rise to many structures (bones, neurons, and sensory capsules) unique to vertebrates
Cyclostomes: Clade of jawless vertebrates
Hagfish (Myxini) and lampreys (Petromyzontida) have rudimentary vertebrae (composed of cartillage not bone)
Conodonts: Group of slender, soft bodied vertebrates without jaws and with rudimentary internal skeletons
Gnathosomes: Jawed vertebrates
Lateral Line System: Organs that form a row along each side of the body and are sensitive to vibrations in the surrounding water, characteristic of aquatic gnathosomes
Placoderms: Earliest gnathosomes
Acanthodians: Other jawed vertebrates that emerged ~same time as placoderms
Chondrichthyans: Skeleton composed of mostly cartillage, sharks, rays, and their relatives
Shark males use claspers on its pelvic fins to transfer sperm into the female’s reprouctive tract. many different kinds of sharks
Oviparous: Lay eggs in protective coats that hatch outside the mother’s body
Oviviviparous: Retain fertilized eggs in the oviduct
Viviparous: Young develop within the uterus and get nourishment from mother’s yolk sac placenta
Cloaca: Common chamber that has a single opening to the outside where reporoductive and digestive tracts are expelled
Osteichthyans: Ossified (bony) endoskeleton and hard matrix of calcium phosphate
Operculum: Bony flap covering 4/5 pairs of gills
Swim Bladder: Air sac in fishes used to maintain a buoyancy equal to surrounding water
Ray Finned Fishes: Fishes named for bony rays that support their fins
Lobe Fins: Major lineage of osteichthyans other than ray finned fishes
Tetrapods: Four feet instead of pectoral and pelvic fins
Amphibians: Clade of cold blooded vertebrates
Salamanders are either entirely squatic or live on land as adults or throughout life, and the land ones walk bending side to side like early tetrapods
Frogs use strong hind legs to hop along terrain and have many adaptations such as camouflage or poison
Caecilians are legless and nearly blind and look like earthworms
Amniotes: Group of tetrapods whose extant members are the reptiles
Amniotic Egg: Four specialized membranes, amnion, chorion, yolk sac and allantois, unique to amniotes
Reptile: Vertebrate with skin of scales, bony plates, or a combination of both
Ectothermic: Absorb external heat as their main source of body heat
Endothermic: Maintain body temperature through metabolic activity, birds
Diapsids: Pair of holes on each side of the skull, muscles passing through the holes and attaching to the jaw. Early reptiles
Three lineages
Lepidosaurs (tautaras, lizards, snakes, mososaurs)
Archosaurs (crocodilians, pterosaurs, dinosaurs)
Pterosaurs: First tetrapods to exhibit flapping flight
Theropods: Bipedial carnivores
Ratites: Flightless birds which include the ostrich, rhea, cassowary, and emu
Synapsids: Group of amniotes, early ones have no hair, swrawlking gait, and lay eggs
Mammals: Vertebrate with milk producing mammary glands
Monotremes: Lay eggs, one species of platypus and four species of echidnas
Marsupials: Young are carried in a pouch
Eutherians: Placental mammals (placentas more complex than those of marsupials)
Marsupials and eutherians have embryo begin devekloping in female’s reproductive tract, lining of the uterus and extraembryonic membranes form a placenta, higher metabolic rates, and nipples produce milk
Placenta: Structure in which nutrients diffuse into the embryo from the mother’s blood
Opposable Thumb: Can touch ventral surface (fingerprint) of all four fingers with the ventral surface of the thumb of the same hand, unique to monkeys and apes
Arthropoids: Monkeys and apes
Paleoanthropology: Study of human origins
Hominins: Extinct species more closely related to humans than chimpanzees