OCR A-Level Computer Science - 1.3.2: Databases
One table
No foreign keys
Less secure
No User-Access Control (UAC)
Harder to change data
Easier to code (simple)
Easier to implement
All data has to be loaded at once
More likely to have duplicates
A type of database with 2 or more tables linked via relational data (such as primary and foreign keys)
Multiple tables
Foreign keys
More secure
Easier to change data
Harder to code
Harder to implement
Only loads data when it is needed
Less likely to have duplicates
Primary key: a unique identifier
Foreign key: a primary key from another table
Secondary key: a non-unique key from another table
The process of organising data by -
Eliminating redundancy
Ensuring data is stored in the correct table(s)
Eliminating the need to restructure a database when data is added
Database does not have redundant data, so is smaller
Faster to run a query (less data to search through)
Less likely to have mistakes - less duplicates
One update applies for linked tables, so no repeat updates needed
Making data atomic can be counter-productive
Can cause more tables than an unnormalised database
As a database has more tables and becomes more complex, it takes longer to run queries
More relationships are needed to interact with larger numbers of tables
Queries become more complex as more tables are added
No repeating or duplicate fields
Each cell has a single value
Each record is unique
Identified by a primary key
Each field has a unique name
Atomic - a data item that cannot be broken down any further
Compound primary key - 2 or more fields together to create a primary key
The table must already be in 1NF
All non-key fields must be dependent on all fields of the primary key
Guaranteed when the primary key is a single field
The table must already be in 2NF
No non-key fields depend on each other
All non-key fields depend only on the item key
One table
No foreign keys
Less secure
No User-Access Control (UAC)
Harder to change data
Easier to code (simple)
Easier to implement
All data has to be loaded at once
More likely to have duplicates
A type of database with 2 or more tables linked via relational data (such as primary and foreign keys)
Multiple tables
Foreign keys
More secure
Easier to change data
Harder to code
Harder to implement
Only loads data when it is needed
Less likely to have duplicates
Primary key: a unique identifier
Foreign key: a primary key from another table
Secondary key: a non-unique key from another table
The process of organising data by -
Eliminating redundancy
Ensuring data is stored in the correct table(s)
Eliminating the need to restructure a database when data is added
Database does not have redundant data, so is smaller
Faster to run a query (less data to search through)
Less likely to have mistakes - less duplicates
One update applies for linked tables, so no repeat updates needed
Making data atomic can be counter-productive
Can cause more tables than an unnormalised database
As a database has more tables and becomes more complex, it takes longer to run queries
More relationships are needed to interact with larger numbers of tables
Queries become more complex as more tables are added
No repeating or duplicate fields
Each cell has a single value
Each record is unique
Identified by a primary key
Each field has a unique name
Atomic - a data item that cannot be broken down any further
Compound primary key - 2 or more fields together to create a primary key
The table must already be in 1NF
All non-key fields must be dependent on all fields of the primary key
Guaranteed when the primary key is a single field
The table must already be in 2NF
No non-key fields depend on each other
All non-key fields depend only on the item key