GI Bill of Rights (1944) The Servicemen's Readjustment Act that provided financial and educational benefits for World War II veterans****Loans Homes Pensions Educational The GI Bill of Rights: -Government _____ for businesses or farms -Buy _____ -____________ and Health Care -___________ opportunities****Levittowns Built by William Levitt; cheap homes in NY, NJ, PA and other places By 1960 85% of the population lived near urban areas 1950-1960--one million new houses and apartments every year****Fair Deal Truman's extension of the New Deal that increased min wage, expanded Social Security, and constructed low-income housing****Baby Boom the larger than expected birthrate in United States born shortly after World War II****conglomerate A major corporation that owns a number of smaller companies in unrelated businesses EX: ITT (International Telephone and Telegraph), General Electric, Xerox****Franchise A business taht has bought the right to use a parent company's name and methods, thus becoming one of a number of smaller businesses in various locations Ex: Fast Food Industries (McDonalds)****Dr. Jonas Salk developed a vaccine for polio****Interstate Highway Act -Led to the building of the Interstate Highway System -41,000 miles of highways under President Eisenhower****Consumerism A preoccupation with the purchasing of material goods. Examples: Televisions, Record Players, Dishwashers, Washing Machines...appliances****planned obsolescence the designing of products to wear out or to become outdated quickly, so that people will feel a need to replace their possessions frequently ex: Cars****Diner's Club Card 1st credit card****Federal Communication Commission (FCC) An agency that regulates US communications industries, including radio and television broadcasting****Mass Media Television, radio, newspapers, magazines, the Internet, and other means of popular communication. --Reaches large audiences****Beatniks small group of writers and artists, in the 1950s and early 1960s, who were critical of American society****Beat Movement a social and artistic movement of the 1950's stressing unrestrained literary self expression and nonconformity with the mainstream culture****Rock and Roll Evolved in 1950s out of rhythm and blues, country, jazz, gospel, and pop****Dancing Clothing Fashion Expressions of protest Rock and Roll had impacts on _____, _____, ______, and _________ _____ ______________****Dick Clark Host of American Bandstand****Bill Haley and the Comets and Elvis Presley 2 Examples of Rock and Roll Singers****Jazz Style of music characterized by the use of improvisation****Miles Davis and Dizzy Gillespie Examples of Jazz Singers****Kennedy vs. Nixon Candidates in the Election of 1960****television 1960 election held the first _____ debate****JFK ____ won the election of 1960 by a slim margin of 119, 450 popular votes****43 JFK became the youngest elected president at the age of _____****Flexible Response Strategy of Kennedy to keep a range of options open for dealing with international crises, rather than focusing on the use of nuclear weapons****Green Berets Part of the flexible response; special forces to combat communism****Peace Corps Part of the flexible response; sent volunteers to developing countries****Alliance for Progress Part of flexible response; sent aid to Latin America, designed to encourage reforms and promote capitalism****Fulgencio Batista President of Cuba (1940-1944) and (1952-1959) Corrupt, oppressive dictator US and small group of wealthy Cubans controlled Cuba's economy****Fidel Castro Communist leader of Cuba; toppled Batista's Government in 1959****Land urban US and British Fidel Castro... -Redistributed _____ -Lowered ____ rents -Seized ___ and _____ properties****Soviet Union Fidel Castro looked to this country for help and economic aid; this led to Cuba's economic stagnation and dependence on ______________________****Bay of Pigs Failed CIA operation in April 1961 to overthrow Castro and take over Cuba using Cuban exiles. -US sent trained Cuban refugees to fight Castro -They were defeated right away -HUGE embarrassment for US****Cuban Missle Crisis (1962) Standoff between John F. Kennedy and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev in October 1962 over Soviet plans to install nuclear weapons in Cuba. Although this was ultimately settled in America's favor represented a foreign-policy triumph for Kennedy It brought the world superpowers perilously close to the brink of nuclear confrontation.****Turkey and Italy To end the Cuban Missle Crisis, the US agreed to dismantle missiles in _____ and ______****Berlin Crisis Soviets tried to remove the Allies from Berlin by cutting off access to the city****Berlin Wall Concrete barrier built in 1961 to cut off traffic between East Berlin and West Berlin It was built by the Communist East German Government to prevent its citizens from escaping to the West Lasted from 1961-1989****Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Agreement between the US, Soviet Union, and Great Britain to end the testing of nuclear bombs in the atmosphere or underwater****hot line Direct telephone line between the Leaders of The United States and Soviet Union****New Frontier Kennedy's plan to provide medical care for elderly, rebuild urban areas, aid education, increase national defense and international aid, and to expand the space program****NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration****"We choose to go to the moon" JFK said, "____"; it was a bold statement****Yuri Gagarin Soviet cosmonaut who in 1961 was the first person to travel in space (1934-1968)****Alan Shepard First American in space****John Glenn first American to orbit the earth****November 22, 1963 The date that JFK was assassinated****Dallas, Texas Where was JFK assassinated?****Lyndon B. Johnson _____ was sworn in as 36th President of the US on board of Air Force One shortly after the assassination****Lee Harvey Oswald ____ was arrested for killing JFK****Jack Ruby Night club owner shot and killed Lee Harvey Oswald on November 24, 1963****Warren Commission Headed by Chief Justice Warren; decided that Kennedy's assassination was not due to a conspiracy; people still want questions answered by the government****Economic Opportunity Act Increased employment and training Ex: Job Corps Youth Program, Project Head Start****Civil Rights Act Prevented discrimination based on race, religion, national origin, and sex****Johnson vs. Goldwater Candidates for the Election of 1964****Johnson ____ won the election of 1964****Great Society a domestic program in the administration of President Lyndon B. Johnson that instituted federally sponsored social welfare programs. The goal was to end racial discrimination and poverty and promote a better equality of life in the US****Medicare A federal program of health insurance for persons 65 years of age and older****Medicaid A federal and state assistance program that pays for health care services for people who cannot afford them.****Miranda vs. Arizona Decision by Chief Justice Warren that... ...the accused must be notified of their rights before being questioned by the police****