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Britian's History

How did Britian Change 1750-1900?

  • In 1750, people lived in cottages, farms, villages and small towns. Most housing was in the countryside. People used to work on farms, or as cheesemakers, or steam power, as well as tradesmen, teachers and priests, power and energy stations, train stations, wool productions and more. They got around by walking, carriages, trains, boats and (unsteady) roads. They learnt at home, or at schools, church and farms.

  • In 1830, people lived in cottages, farms, houses and in cities and towns. People worked as farmers, tradesmen, teachers, boat and train drivers, priests, cheesemakers, hunters, wool producers, factory workers, and powering steam. They got around using trains and trams, boats, carriages, (steady) roads, wagons and a railway. They learnt at schools and universities, churches, home, farms, ragged school and most commonly, only elementary school.

  • In 1900, people lived in cottages, houses, farms, apartments, cities, towns and villages. People worked at factories, or they drove boats, trains and busses, they were teachers or priests, they were miners or shopkeepers, or they were hunting or making cheese. They travelled by trains, carriages, boats, busses, railways, trams, wagons, bicycles and cars. They went to schools and universities, and learnt at home, farms and churches.

  • The biggest change was that Britian turned more industrial, and got more materials due to her empire, which consisted of many countries, which helped Britian develop a lot.

  • The empire consisted of Afghanistan, Australia, Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Botswana, Canada, Cyprus, Egypt, Ghana, Hong Kong, India, Iraq, Kuwait, Kenya, Malta, New Zealand, Nigeria, Oman, Papua New Guinea, Palestine, Qatar, the Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Trinidad and Tobago, Jordan, Uganda, Yemen, Zambia and Zimbabwe and more!

  • This tells us that the British Empire was quite strong and had a good military. In addition, it shows us that they were greedy as they wanted to conquer all the countries. It was the biggest empire and was close to world domination. For example, they had control of 1/5 of the world and had land in every continent. It also impacts current Britian, as there are more than 300 languages and 14 practiced religions. However, the British empire caused racisms, slavery, wars and problems in the Middle East.

  • Reign means to rule as either a king or a queen. A seafarer is a sailor or an explorer.

  • Britian was trading across the Atlantic Ocean, and therefore trading with North and South America.


Where bought

Where sold





West Indies


America/West India & Africa


West Africa

America, West Indies and Caribbean

Iron ware

America/West India & Africa







American colonies

Woolen cloth

America/West Indies & Africa


West Indies






  • Britian benefited from her empire, as they gained power over the other countries. They had a higher population and more land, making transport easier, which opened new trading possibilities and accessibility to goods, which made their economy significantly better, meaning the country can develop more and advanced the country.

  • Slaves were denied their right to independence, right to freedom, right of choice, right of speech, right for basic human needs, rights to sanitation and rights to space.

  • A human right is something that the government decides is necessary for a person to live a safe and healthy life, and every human should have human rights.

    The Trade Triangle

  • Britian makes manufactured goods, such as cloth, ironware, guns, spirits, and more, and British merchants ship the manufactured goods to West Africa, where they traded the manufactured goods for slaves, and using the same ships, they sent the slaves across the Atlantic Ocean (middle passage) and to North America, the West Indies and the Caribbean. These slaves were forced to work and got natural recourses such as tobacco, cotton, sugar cane and more and shipped those raw materials back through the Atlantic Ocean into Britian.

  • A slave is someone who has to work for nothing and is the property of someone else.

  • Slaves were kidnapped and separated from their families, and some children were even taken while playing near trees and while their parents are out at work. They close their mouths to prevent yelling or anything that will attract attention. They were tied up to avoid any form of movement. They are eventually taken to a home where they found themselves yoked up with many strangers and were rejected of many human rights, such as the right to eat, drink, or go to the restroom. Some slaves even had iron neck rings to hurt them if they misbehaved. After that, they were forced to walk for multiple hours a day, from sunrise to sunset, and that process was repeated for many weeks without end. They only stop this journey once they arrived at shore to be taken to the plantation.

  • They got on a boat to be taken to the Caribbean or North America, and the conditions on the boat are bad. Each boat contained around 250-600 slaves, and they were packed like sardines under the deck, tied up as if they are barrels of food. The slaves were denied the right to anything sanitary and usually have to urinate or defecate in their places, which creates a loathsome smell and could be very dangerous if any of us were to go there. The smell is so bad to the point that many slaves got diseases which are life-threatening to them, such as yellow fever or malaria. In addition, slaves are used for the crew's pleasure. Slaves are forced to dance, and the crew humiliates them and if the slaves aren’t up to their standards, they were tortured and whipped. In addition, many crew members might rape women, again, for their pleasure, or the captain might decide to kill off a random slave just for his pleasure. Many slaves are ridden of their clothes and have their hair shaved off. While slaves are on deck, women and men are separated for ‘protection.’

  • After arriving, they were auctioned off. There are two different types of auctions, ‘grab-and-go’ and ‘sold to the highest bidder’. The ‘grab-and-go’ auction was where slaves are put into a pit, and buyers buy tickets to represent the number of slaves they want, and once the gates to the hole opened, all the buyers rushed into the pit to get the slave that they desire, and they check their physical wellness before deciding and ‘checking out’ by going to the seller and showing him the slaves and the tickets. Many slaves are injured during this process due to being pushed around and thrown around. On the other hand, ‘sold to the highest bidder’ auctions are slightly different, as slaves are presented one at a time, and the buyers have a chance to prod and poke at this slave to see the health and strength of the slave, and they bid depending on the age and health. The younger and healthier the slave was, the more expensive and competitive to get the slave. The buyer with the highest bid and willing to buy for the high amount of money got the slave.

  • When they got to the plantation, they are marked as the plantation owner's property and have to use a branding iron to mark them. If slaves attempted to escape and were found, they would have to wear a collar with bells to alert the plantation owner of any movement they do. Slaves had to work from sunrise until sunset and they only get a 15-minute break, causing many to get heatstroke. None of them had any rights, such as the right to freedom, the right to have an education or the right to marry, and they are limited to many other things we consider normal. Slaves have to carry heavy haybales and other plants they harvest, and they do ‘back-breaking work’ every day.

Britian's History

How did Britian Change 1750-1900?

  • In 1750, people lived in cottages, farms, villages and small towns. Most housing was in the countryside. People used to work on farms, or as cheesemakers, or steam power, as well as tradesmen, teachers and priests, power and energy stations, train stations, wool productions and more. They got around by walking, carriages, trains, boats and (unsteady) roads. They learnt at home, or at schools, church and farms.

  • In 1830, people lived in cottages, farms, houses and in cities and towns. People worked as farmers, tradesmen, teachers, boat and train drivers, priests, cheesemakers, hunters, wool producers, factory workers, and powering steam. They got around using trains and trams, boats, carriages, (steady) roads, wagons and a railway. They learnt at schools and universities, churches, home, farms, ragged school and most commonly, only elementary school.

  • In 1900, people lived in cottages, houses, farms, apartments, cities, towns and villages. People worked at factories, or they drove boats, trains and busses, they were teachers or priests, they were miners or shopkeepers, or they were hunting or making cheese. They travelled by trains, carriages, boats, busses, railways, trams, wagons, bicycles and cars. They went to schools and universities, and learnt at home, farms and churches.

  • The biggest change was that Britian turned more industrial, and got more materials due to her empire, which consisted of many countries, which helped Britian develop a lot.

  • The empire consisted of Afghanistan, Australia, Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Botswana, Canada, Cyprus, Egypt, Ghana, Hong Kong, India, Iraq, Kuwait, Kenya, Malta, New Zealand, Nigeria, Oman, Papua New Guinea, Palestine, Qatar, the Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Trinidad and Tobago, Jordan, Uganda, Yemen, Zambia and Zimbabwe and more!

  • This tells us that the British Empire was quite strong and had a good military. In addition, it shows us that they were greedy as they wanted to conquer all the countries. It was the biggest empire and was close to world domination. For example, they had control of 1/5 of the world and had land in every continent. It also impacts current Britian, as there are more than 300 languages and 14 practiced religions. However, the British empire caused racisms, slavery, wars and problems in the Middle East.

  • Reign means to rule as either a king or a queen. A seafarer is a sailor or an explorer.

  • Britian was trading across the Atlantic Ocean, and therefore trading with North and South America.


Where bought

Where sold





West Indies


America/West India & Africa


West Africa

America, West Indies and Caribbean

Iron ware

America/West India & Africa







American colonies

Woolen cloth

America/West Indies & Africa


West Indies






  • Britian benefited from her empire, as they gained power over the other countries. They had a higher population and more land, making transport easier, which opened new trading possibilities and accessibility to goods, which made their economy significantly better, meaning the country can develop more and advanced the country.

  • Slaves were denied their right to independence, right to freedom, right of choice, right of speech, right for basic human needs, rights to sanitation and rights to space.

  • A human right is something that the government decides is necessary for a person to live a safe and healthy life, and every human should have human rights.

    The Trade Triangle

  • Britian makes manufactured goods, such as cloth, ironware, guns, spirits, and more, and British merchants ship the manufactured goods to West Africa, where they traded the manufactured goods for slaves, and using the same ships, they sent the slaves across the Atlantic Ocean (middle passage) and to North America, the West Indies and the Caribbean. These slaves were forced to work and got natural recourses such as tobacco, cotton, sugar cane and more and shipped those raw materials back through the Atlantic Ocean into Britian.

  • A slave is someone who has to work for nothing and is the property of someone else.

  • Slaves were kidnapped and separated from their families, and some children were even taken while playing near trees and while their parents are out at work. They close their mouths to prevent yelling or anything that will attract attention. They were tied up to avoid any form of movement. They are eventually taken to a home where they found themselves yoked up with many strangers and were rejected of many human rights, such as the right to eat, drink, or go to the restroom. Some slaves even had iron neck rings to hurt them if they misbehaved. After that, they were forced to walk for multiple hours a day, from sunrise to sunset, and that process was repeated for many weeks without end. They only stop this journey once they arrived at shore to be taken to the plantation.

  • They got on a boat to be taken to the Caribbean or North America, and the conditions on the boat are bad. Each boat contained around 250-600 slaves, and they were packed like sardines under the deck, tied up as if they are barrels of food. The slaves were denied the right to anything sanitary and usually have to urinate or defecate in their places, which creates a loathsome smell and could be very dangerous if any of us were to go there. The smell is so bad to the point that many slaves got diseases which are life-threatening to them, such as yellow fever or malaria. In addition, slaves are used for the crew's pleasure. Slaves are forced to dance, and the crew humiliates them and if the slaves aren’t up to their standards, they were tortured and whipped. In addition, many crew members might rape women, again, for their pleasure, or the captain might decide to kill off a random slave just for his pleasure. Many slaves are ridden of their clothes and have their hair shaved off. While slaves are on deck, women and men are separated for ‘protection.’

  • After arriving, they were auctioned off. There are two different types of auctions, ‘grab-and-go’ and ‘sold to the highest bidder’. The ‘grab-and-go’ auction was where slaves are put into a pit, and buyers buy tickets to represent the number of slaves they want, and once the gates to the hole opened, all the buyers rushed into the pit to get the slave that they desire, and they check their physical wellness before deciding and ‘checking out’ by going to the seller and showing him the slaves and the tickets. Many slaves are injured during this process due to being pushed around and thrown around. On the other hand, ‘sold to the highest bidder’ auctions are slightly different, as slaves are presented one at a time, and the buyers have a chance to prod and poke at this slave to see the health and strength of the slave, and they bid depending on the age and health. The younger and healthier the slave was, the more expensive and competitive to get the slave. The buyer with the highest bid and willing to buy for the high amount of money got the slave.

  • When they got to the plantation, they are marked as the plantation owner's property and have to use a branding iron to mark them. If slaves attempted to escape and were found, they would have to wear a collar with bells to alert the plantation owner of any movement they do. Slaves had to work from sunrise until sunset and they only get a 15-minute break, causing many to get heatstroke. None of them had any rights, such as the right to freedom, the right to have an education or the right to marry, and they are limited to many other things we consider normal. Slaves have to carry heavy haybales and other plants they harvest, and they do ‘back-breaking work’ every day.
