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Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (IB)

Artificial Intelligence

  • By definition, AI is the Behavior by a machine that, if performed by a human being, would be called intelligent. It can also be defined as “The study of how to make computers do things at which, at the moment, people are better at”.

  • AI also involves studying the thought processes of humans (to understand what intelligence is); secondly, it deals with representing those processes via machines (computers, robots, etc.).

  • The emergence of AI as a viable commercial technology can be attributed to the development of semiconductor devices and enhanced computer architectures. AI takes a lot of memory, but memory is now inexpensive.

  • AI differs from traditional computer software engineering and simple automation in several ways. The latter produces predefined actions according to preprogrammed instructions. In contrast, the actions of an AI system may differ from situation to situation in a way not predefined but determined from a collection of facts, assumptions, and general procedures for decision-making – much as a human would act.

Turing Test

Alan Turing predicted in 1950 that in about fifty years "an average interrogator will not have more than a 70 percent chance of making the right identification after five minutes of questioning" in a version of the imitation game (the Turing Test) in which a computer imitates a human.

Artificial Vs Natural (Human) Intelligence

The potential value of artificial intelligence can be better understood by contrasting it with natural, or human, intelligence. AI has several commercial advantages:

1. AI is permanent. Natural intelligence is perishable from a commercial standpoint in that workers can change their place of employment or forget information. AI, however, is as permanent as computer systems and programs.

2. AI offers case duplication. Transferring a body of knowledge from one person to another usually requires a lengthy process of apprenticeship; even so, expertise can never be completely duplicated. However, when knowledge is embodied in a computer system, it can be copied from that computer and easily moved to another computer, sometimes across the globe.

3. AI can be less expensive than natural intelligence. There are many circumstances in which buying a computer of any size costs less than having human power carry out the same tasks.

4. AI being a computer technology is consistent and thorough. Natural intelligence is erratic because people are erratic; they do not perform consistently.

5. AI can be documented unlike natural intelligence.

Some advantages of Natural Intelligence

1. Natural intelligence is creative, whereas AI is rather uninspired. The ability to acquire knowledge is inherent in human beings, but with AI, tailored knowledge must be built into a carefully constructed system.

2. Natural intelligence enables people to benefit and use sensory experience directly, whereas AI systems must work with symbolic input.

3. Human reasoning is able to make use at all times of a very wide context of experience and bring that to bear on individual problems, whereas AI systems typically gain their power by having a very narrow focus.

Categories of Artificial Intelligence

Research in this field can be divided into the following categories:

1. Knowledge based and Expert systems,

2. Neural Networks (Simulation of Human Sensory capabilities)

3. Robotics.

Knowledge based and Expert Systems

  • A knowledge-based system relies on a knowledge base that is filled with “rules” of thumb (intuition, judgment, and inferences) about a specific application area to solve a particular problem.

  • Expert systems are the most sophisticated implementation of a knowledge –based system. Once the knowledge of one or more human experts has been entered to an expert system’s knowledge base, users can tap this knowledge by interacting with the system in much the same way they would interact with a human expert in the field. Many expert systems are based on fuzzy logic. Fuzzy logic allows conclusions to be stated as probabilities (e.g there is a 70% chance …..) rather than certainties.

Neural Networks (Simulation of Human Sensory capabilities)

  • Neural networks is a section of AI that deals with specialized software that allows a system to learn to recognize features or characteristics of situations which are input in it.

  • The technique is based on a model of logical properties of interconnected ‘nerve cells’ in a network. The network, called neural net, is made up of very many junctions and nodes. Each of these nodes continuously learn features according to input.

  • Once the learning phase is completed, the neural net can be used to recognize features of the same type that were originally presented to it. Neural nets have been used for visual recognition and also for financial prediction


Robotics is the study and design of robots:

Def 1: A robot is a computer controlled mechanical device which is sufficiently flexible to be able to do a variety of tasks.

Def 2:A robot is a machine that looks like a human being and has the capacity to perform human tasks. Robotics is one of the fastest growing areas of artificial intelligence.

  • Robots combine sensory systems with mechanical motion to produce machines of widely varying intelligence and abilities.

  • The difference between the automatic machine and an intelligent robot is that the robot senses its environment and modifies its behavior as a result of the information gained. The intelligent robot is thought to have humanlike capabilities and attributes.

  • For example, the robots are distinguished from regular automation by their ability to deal with uncertainty. The intelligent robot flexibly connects perception to action. Humans can be viewed as super intelligent robots because they can see and feel, have graceful hands for fast, accurate motion, etc.

Where Used

Robots are used day after day in factories, while others are highly experimental and use artificial intelligence to behave more and more like living creatures. Some robots are being designed to perform surgery that requires great precision, explore space, the ocean, other dangerous areas.

What are the advantages of Robots over Humans?

1. More reliable work, 95 percent uptime, works three shifts, no vacations, and no coffee breaks.

2. Work at lower cost, no workman's compensation, no retirement benefits, and no insurance plans.

3. Environmentally insensitive i.e can work in poor climatic conditions, in high noise environs, in hazardous location e.t.c.

4. More consistent, accurate work, improve quality, reduce scrap, production predictable, efficient use of capital, self-diagnosis of errors, improves work methods.

5. Work only for the organization, no moonlighting, no espionage for competition, no Sabotage, no theft, no feather-bedding.

Rudimentary Robot

  • This is a single mechanical arm controlled by a computer. The arm is called manipulator, and has a shoulder, forearm, and wrist and is capable of performing motions of the human arm.

  • An industrial robot is best at repetitive work and especially tasks that require precision movements, moving heavy loads and working in hazardous areas. Such tasks include manufacturing, painting, welding, circuit testing, connecting chips to circuit boards; surgeons are using robots to help in brain surgery.

  • They can be set up to manipulate the surgical drill and biopsy needle with great accuracy, thereby making brain surgery faster, more accurate, and safer.

  • A computer program is written to control the robot just as one is written to print payroll cheque. It includes such commands as when to reach, in which direction, how far to reach when to grasp, and so on. Robots don’t need too much attention once programmed.


Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (IB)

Artificial Intelligence

  • By definition, AI is the Behavior by a machine that, if performed by a human being, would be called intelligent. It can also be defined as “The study of how to make computers do things at which, at the moment, people are better at”.

  • AI also involves studying the thought processes of humans (to understand what intelligence is); secondly, it deals with representing those processes via machines (computers, robots, etc.).

  • The emergence of AI as a viable commercial technology can be attributed to the development of semiconductor devices and enhanced computer architectures. AI takes a lot of memory, but memory is now inexpensive.

  • AI differs from traditional computer software engineering and simple automation in several ways. The latter produces predefined actions according to preprogrammed instructions. In contrast, the actions of an AI system may differ from situation to situation in a way not predefined but determined from a collection of facts, assumptions, and general procedures for decision-making – much as a human would act.

Turing Test

Alan Turing predicted in 1950 that in about fifty years "an average interrogator will not have more than a 70 percent chance of making the right identification after five minutes of questioning" in a version of the imitation game (the Turing Test) in which a computer imitates a human.

Artificial Vs Natural (Human) Intelligence

The potential value of artificial intelligence can be better understood by contrasting it with natural, or human, intelligence. AI has several commercial advantages:

1. AI is permanent. Natural intelligence is perishable from a commercial standpoint in that workers can change their place of employment or forget information. AI, however, is as permanent as computer systems and programs.

2. AI offers case duplication. Transferring a body of knowledge from one person to another usually requires a lengthy process of apprenticeship; even so, expertise can never be completely duplicated. However, when knowledge is embodied in a computer system, it can be copied from that computer and easily moved to another computer, sometimes across the globe.

3. AI can be less expensive than natural intelligence. There are many circumstances in which buying a computer of any size costs less than having human power carry out the same tasks.

4. AI being a computer technology is consistent and thorough. Natural intelligence is erratic because people are erratic; they do not perform consistently.

5. AI can be documented unlike natural intelligence.

Some advantages of Natural Intelligence

1. Natural intelligence is creative, whereas AI is rather uninspired. The ability to acquire knowledge is inherent in human beings, but with AI, tailored knowledge must be built into a carefully constructed system.

2. Natural intelligence enables people to benefit and use sensory experience directly, whereas AI systems must work with symbolic input.

3. Human reasoning is able to make use at all times of a very wide context of experience and bring that to bear on individual problems, whereas AI systems typically gain their power by having a very narrow focus.

Categories of Artificial Intelligence

Research in this field can be divided into the following categories:

1. Knowledge based and Expert systems,

2. Neural Networks (Simulation of Human Sensory capabilities)

3. Robotics.

Knowledge based and Expert Systems

  • A knowledge-based system relies on a knowledge base that is filled with “rules” of thumb (intuition, judgment, and inferences) about a specific application area to solve a particular problem.

  • Expert systems are the most sophisticated implementation of a knowledge –based system. Once the knowledge of one or more human experts has been entered to an expert system’s knowledge base, users can tap this knowledge by interacting with the system in much the same way they would interact with a human expert in the field. Many expert systems are based on fuzzy logic. Fuzzy logic allows conclusions to be stated as probabilities (e.g there is a 70% chance …..) rather than certainties.

Neural Networks (Simulation of Human Sensory capabilities)

  • Neural networks is a section of AI that deals with specialized software that allows a system to learn to recognize features or characteristics of situations which are input in it.

  • The technique is based on a model of logical properties of interconnected ‘nerve cells’ in a network. The network, called neural net, is made up of very many junctions and nodes. Each of these nodes continuously learn features according to input.

  • Once the learning phase is completed, the neural net can be used to recognize features of the same type that were originally presented to it. Neural nets have been used for visual recognition and also for financial prediction


Robotics is the study and design of robots:

Def 1: A robot is a computer controlled mechanical device which is sufficiently flexible to be able to do a variety of tasks.

Def 2:A robot is a machine that looks like a human being and has the capacity to perform human tasks. Robotics is one of the fastest growing areas of artificial intelligence.

  • Robots combine sensory systems with mechanical motion to produce machines of widely varying intelligence and abilities.

  • The difference between the automatic machine and an intelligent robot is that the robot senses its environment and modifies its behavior as a result of the information gained. The intelligent robot is thought to have humanlike capabilities and attributes.

  • For example, the robots are distinguished from regular automation by their ability to deal with uncertainty. The intelligent robot flexibly connects perception to action. Humans can be viewed as super intelligent robots because they can see and feel, have graceful hands for fast, accurate motion, etc.

Where Used

Robots are used day after day in factories, while others are highly experimental and use artificial intelligence to behave more and more like living creatures. Some robots are being designed to perform surgery that requires great precision, explore space, the ocean, other dangerous areas.

What are the advantages of Robots over Humans?

1. More reliable work, 95 percent uptime, works three shifts, no vacations, and no coffee breaks.

2. Work at lower cost, no workman's compensation, no retirement benefits, and no insurance plans.

3. Environmentally insensitive i.e can work in poor climatic conditions, in high noise environs, in hazardous location e.t.c.

4. More consistent, accurate work, improve quality, reduce scrap, production predictable, efficient use of capital, self-diagnosis of errors, improves work methods.

5. Work only for the organization, no moonlighting, no espionage for competition, no Sabotage, no theft, no feather-bedding.

Rudimentary Robot

  • This is a single mechanical arm controlled by a computer. The arm is called manipulator, and has a shoulder, forearm, and wrist and is capable of performing motions of the human arm.

  • An industrial robot is best at repetitive work and especially tasks that require precision movements, moving heavy loads and working in hazardous areas. Such tasks include manufacturing, painting, welding, circuit testing, connecting chips to circuit boards; surgeons are using robots to help in brain surgery.

  • They can be set up to manipulate the surgical drill and biopsy needle with great accuracy, thereby making brain surgery faster, more accurate, and safer.

  • A computer program is written to control the robot just as one is written to print payroll cheque. It includes such commands as when to reach, in which direction, how far to reach when to grasp, and so on. Robots don’t need too much attention once programmed.