Page 1: Introduction

  • Title: The Kiss of Death | Christina Trambas & Eric Vivier

  • Topic: The Immune System

Page 2: B Cells Activation

  • Two types of B cell activation:

    • With TH Cells:

      • Results in long-lived plasma cells.

      • Produces high affinity antibodies (IgG) that help with immune memory.

    • Without TH Cells:

      • Results in short-lived plasma cells.

      • Produces low affinity antibodies (IgM) without immune memory.

  • Activation Step:

    • Antigen uptake by B cell via B Cell Receptor (BCR).

    • Antigen processed and presented by MHC-II to TH cells.

Page 3: The Complement Cascade

  • Comprises part of both adaptive and innate immunity.

  • Membrane Attack Complex (MAC):

    • Cytolytic apparatus forming pores in pathogen membranes.

    • Results in osmolysis: swelling and lysis of target cells.

Page 4: Antigen-Presenting Cells (APCs)

  • Role: Link innate and adaptive immunity.

  • Express MHC II proteins for lymphocyte interaction.

  • Involve various cells such as NK cells, Mast cells, Dendritic cells, and Macrophages.

Page 5: Immune Response to Bacterial Infection

  • Key Steps:

    • Breach of skin barrier leads to:

      • Activation of MAC and subsequent osmolysis of bacteria.

      • Mast cell activation → Histamine release → Vasodilation → Chemotaxis → Opsonization.

    • Leukocyte attraction leads to macrophage and DC engagement, facilitating B cell and TH cell activation.

Page 6: Secondary Immune Response to Viral Infection

  • Virus invades and triggers a response involving:

    • MHC-I presentation by invaded cells activating TC cells.

    • Neutralization of viruses by pre-existing antibodies, phagocytosis by macrophages, and cytokine secretion.

    • Activation of antiviral states in cells through interferon pathways.

Page 7: Immune Response to Allergens

  • Allergic response involves non-pathogenic antigens such as food and pollen.

  • Hypersensitivity Types:

    • Immediate: Triggered by antibodies within minutes.

    • Delayed: Occurs days later due to TH cells and macrophages.

  • Anaphylaxis described as a severe systemic response.

Page 8: Mechanism of Allergen Response

  • Process:

    • Allergens presented on MHC-II by APCs leading to T cell and B cell activation.

    • Plasma cells secrete IgE causing mast cell degranulation leading to inflammation and bronchoconstriction.

    • Enhanced response upon re-exposure due to memory B cells.

Page 9: Blood Transfusions

  • Common tissue donation involving red blood cells (RBCs).

  • RBCs lack MHC I proteins but express ABO and Rh blood group antigens.

Page 10: Blood Type Determination

  • ABO System:

    • Blood group A, B, O, AB characterized by specific antigens.

  • RhD Factor:

    • Presence or absence of RhD protein classifies blood as RhD+ or RhD-.

  • 8 blood types resulting from Mendelian inheritance patterns.

Page 11: Compatibility in Blood Transfusions

  • Antibodies form against absent ABO antigens leading to potential transfusion reactions.

  • Table of compatibility among blood groups summarized.

Page 12: Hemolytic Disease of Newborn

  • Occurs when RhD- mother carries RhD+ fetus leading to maternal sensitization.

  • Consequences of RBC lysis in future pregnancies outlined.

  • RhoGAM approved in 1968 to prevent RhD immunization.

Page 13: Discussion & Clicker

  • Engagement through questions/comments related to the immune response and blood compatibility.

Page 14: Introduction to Respiratory System

  • Title: The Respiratory System - Chapter 17

Page 15: Importance of Breathing

  • Essential for aerobic metabolism—oxygen supply and CO2 removal.

  • Specialized respiratory structures evolved to meet metabolic demands.

  • Primary functions:

    • Gas exchange, regulation of pH, protection from inhaled toxins, and vocalization.

Page 16: Respiratory Types

  • Cellular Respiration: Energy extraction from biomolecules.

  • External Respiration: Gas movement between environment and cells—includes inspiration and expiration.

Page 17: Respiratory Anatomy

  • Upper Tract: Mouth, nasal cavity, pharynx, and larynx.

  • Lower Tract: Trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, lungs.

  • Conditioning air (warming, humidifying, trapping particles).

Page 18: Pleural Sac

  • Structure surrounding lungs consisting of two membranes.

  • Pleural fluid enables smooth lung movement and prevents collapse via cohesion.

Page 19: Lung Mechanics

  • Lung Compliance: Ability to stretch during inhalation.

  • Elastance: Ability to recoil during exhalation, creating pressure differentials.

Page 20: Pneumothorax

  • Defined as a breach of the pleural cavity.

  • Affects lung mechanics and cardiovascular hemodynamics.

Page 21: Airways Structure

  • As air flows through trachea to alveoli, velocity is influenced by cross-sectional area.

Page 22: Alveolar Gas Exchange

  • Gas exchange occurs across the alveoli with specialized cells:

    • Type I: facilitate gas exchange.

    • Type II: secrete surfactant.

  • Structure enables efficient oxygen and CO2 diffusion.

Page 23: Alveolar Structure Reiteration

  • Emphasis on alveoli's structural adaptations for gas exchange efficacy.

Page 24: Role of Surfactant

  • Surfactant reduces surface tension, facilitating alveolar expansion.

  • Law of LaPlace illustrates pressure dynamics in alveoli based on radius.

Page 25: Air-Blood Barrier

  • Moisture at the air/blood exchange interface is crucial for preventing dehydration.

  • Smaller alveoli present challenges for expansion, emphasizing surfactant's role.

Page 26: Surfactant Composition

  • Comprised of hydrophobic and hydrophilic molecules to disrupt hydrogen bonds and reduce surface tension.

  • Enhances compliance by equalizing pressure across alveoli.

Page 27: Airway Resistance Determination

  • Poiseuille’s Law describes factors affecting airway resistance.

  • Control of resistance mediated by smooth muscle surrounding bronchioles.

Page 28: Mechanics of Breathing

  • Ventilation defined as air movement between atmosphere and alveoli.

  • Key volumes (VT, ERV, IRV, RV, VC, TLC) define lung capacities.

Page 29: Air Flow Dynamics

  • Air moves according to pressure gradients created by respiratory muscular activity.

  • Primary muscles involved: diaphragm and intercostal muscles.

Page 30: Inspiration and Expiration

  • Describes changes in thoracic volume and pressure during the respiratory cycle.

Page 31: Boyle’s Law

  • Pressure is inversely proportional to volume; implications for inspiration and expiration dynamics.

Page 32: Pressure-Volume Interaction

  • Necessities of pressure changes to facilitate air movement in and out of alveoli defined.
