test 2 plearth
Topographic maps
V leads upstream
Vertical exaggeration = horizontal scale/vertical scale
As the crow flies → straight line
Relief = highest point - lowest point
Geologic maps
Contact → location on the surface where two rock layers touch
Original horizontality → rock layers are deposited horizontally
Superposition → oldest layers on bottom, and they get younger as you go up
Uncomformity → old erosional surface, gap in geologic history = erosion period
Disconformity → uncomformity between parallel layers
Angular uncomformity → horizontal parallel sedimentary layers are deposited on tilted and eroded layer → this make an angular fiscordance with overlying layer
Cross cutting relationship → geologic feature (igneous intrusions, faults, etc…) younger than rock layers and features they cut across
Transgression → fining upward sequence, rise in sea level
Regression → coarsening upward, drop in sea level
Sandstone → largest particles
Shale → medium size particles
Limestone → smallest particles
Precambrian → 4.5 mya
Paleozoic → 543 mya - 290 mya
Mesozoic triassic → 248 mya
Mesozoic jurassic → 206 mya
Mesozoic cretaceous → 144 mya - 65 mya
Cenozoic Tertiary → 65 mya - 5.3
Cenozoic quaternary → 1.8 - now
Central texas geobiology
Paleozoic (545-245 mya)→ ocean, mountain building, deposition dominant
Mesozoic (245-65 mya) → spreading of continents, animals on land, ocean, air, deposition dominant
Cenozoic (65-present) → ocean receded, erosion dominant, differential loading and faulting
Point bars → terrace formations deposited on inside of stream bend
Terrace formation
Volcanic ash layering
Topographic maps
V leads upstream
Vertical exaggeration = horizontal scale/vertical scale
As the crow flies → straight line
Relief = highest point - lowest point
Geologic maps
Contact → location on the surface where two rock layers touch
Original horizontality → rock layers are deposited horizontally
Superposition → oldest layers on bottom, and they get younger as you go up
Uncomformity → old erosional surface, gap in geologic history = erosion period
Disconformity → uncomformity between parallel layers
Angular uncomformity → horizontal parallel sedimentary layers are deposited on tilted and eroded layer → this make an angular fiscordance with overlying layer
Cross cutting relationship → geologic feature (igneous intrusions, faults, etc…) younger than rock layers and features they cut across
Transgression → fining upward sequence, rise in sea level
Regression → coarsening upward, drop in sea level
Sandstone → largest particles
Shale → medium size particles
Limestone → smallest particles
Precambrian → 4.5 mya
Paleozoic → 543 mya - 290 mya
Mesozoic triassic → 248 mya
Mesozoic jurassic → 206 mya
Mesozoic cretaceous → 144 mya - 65 mya
Cenozoic Tertiary → 65 mya - 5.3
Cenozoic quaternary → 1.8 - now
Central texas geobiology
Paleozoic (545-245 mya)→ ocean, mountain building, deposition dominant
Mesozoic (245-65 mya) → spreading of continents, animals on land, ocean, air, deposition dominant
Cenozoic (65-present) → ocean receded, erosion dominant, differential loading and faulting
Point bars → terrace formations deposited on inside of stream bend
Terrace formation
Volcanic ash layering