9/9/2022 AP HuG Quiz
English economist and demographer best known for the Malthusian Theory :: **==Thomas Malthus==**
population growth will always tend to outrun the food supply and that betterment of human kind is impossible without strict limitations on reproduction :: **==Malthusian Theory==**
German-English geographer known for his development of his Theory of Human Migration :: **==E. G. Ravenstein==**
Danish economist known for the development of the theory that population change drives the agricultural production intensity of an area :: **==Ester Boserup==**
population ageing is an increasing median age in the population of a region due to the declining fertility rates and/or rising life expectancy :: **==Aging Population==**
are a schemes or a laws that a government may adopt in order to control their population growth :: **==Anti-Natalist Policies==**
refers to the situation where a population increases by a constant number of persons (or other objects) in each period being analyzed :: **==Arithmetic Growth==**
the largest number of people that the environment of a region can support :: **==Carrying Capacity==**
the deliberate use of artificial methods or other techniques to prevent pregnancy as a consequence of sexual intercourse :: **==Contraceptives==**
an equation that summarizes the amount of growth or decline in a population within a country during a particular time period taking into account both natural increase and net migration :: **==Demographic Counting Equation==**
the tendency for growing population to continue growing after a fertility decline because of their young age distribution :: **==Demographic Momentum==**
(of a disease of condition) regularly found among particular people or in a certain area :: **==Endemic==**
a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time :: **==Epidemic==**
growth that occurs when a fixed percentage of people is added to a population each year. It’s compound because the fixed growth rate applies to an ever-increasing population :: **==Exponential Growth==**
relating to or denoting a form of social organization in which a woman is the head :: **==Matriarchal==**
death, especially on a large scale :: **==Mortality==**
relating to or denoting a social organization in which a man is the head :: **==Patriarchal==**
in public policy typically seeks to create financial and social incentives for populations to reproduce, such as providing tax incentives that reward having and supporting children :: **==Pro-Natalist Policies==**
a population group unified by a specific common characteristic (age, religion, cultural group) and subsequently treated as a statistical unit :: **==Cohort==**
those born in the USA between 1946-1964, just after WWII in a time of relative peace and prosperity :: **==Baby Boomer==**
period of time during the 1960s 1970s when fertility rates in the USA dropped as large numbers of women from the baby boom generation sought high levels of education and more competitive jobs, causing them to marry later in life :: **==Baby Bust==**
term coined by artist/author Douglas Coupland to describe people born in the USA between 1964-1980 (right after the Baby Boomers) :: **==Generation X (Gen X)==**
also known as Generation Y (Gen Y), are the demographic cohort following Gen X and preceding Gen Z, around mid-1980s to early 2000s :: **==Millennials==**
the demographic cohort following the Millennials, starts from around early 2000s with no consensus to when it ends :: **==Generation Z (Gen Z)==**