Which term refers to the concept that individuals are generally blamed, and may even blame themselves, for problems affecting them? A: personal troubles
2. What is the third step in the sociological research process? A: formulating a hypothesis
3. Which applies to symbolic interactionism? A: social order is possible because people learn what various symbols mean and apply these meanings to different situations
4. What is a general term for social backgrounds and other aspects of society? A: social network
5. In the scientific method of research, which of the following is the next step after measuring and gathering data? A: analyzing data
6. According to Marx and Engels, when is revolution inevitable in a capitalist society? A: when structural contradictions arise from capitalism
7. What is a group of people who live within a defined territory and who share a culture called? A: society
8. Alex grew up in the suburbs of Vermont where 99% of the population is white. While working on a sociology research report involving how many persons of color live in the United States, Alex predicted that almost 98% of the U.S. population is white, which is not correct. What is this prediction made by Alex most likely the result of? A:personal experience
9. What term refers to the degree to which people succeed in life in such areas as education, income, and health? A: lifechances
10. According to sociologist Peter L. Berger, what is the theme of sociology in which the aim is to go beyond superficial understandings of social reality? A: debunking motif
11. When do people become more unclear about how to deal with problems in their life? A: when the feeling of anomie persist
12. What is the scientific study of social behavior and social institutions called? A: sociology
13. What is the belief that peoples social backgrounds influence their attitudes, behaviors, and life chances? A: social environment
14. The statement that black people were more likely to support Biden over Trump in 2020 election is known as what? A: a generalization
15. What are the classic steps by which research is conducted, including the formulation of a hypothesis, the gathering and analysis of date and drawing the appropriate conclusions? A: Scientific method
16. William Ryan pointed out that Americans typically blame which of the following when they think about the reasons for social problems like poverty, unemployment, and crime? A: blame the victim
17. What does functionalism emphasize? A: the importance of social institutions for producing a stable society
18. How would social exchange theory explain armed robbery? A: would state that armed robbery createsmany jobs for police, the construction companies that build prisons, and the various businesses that provide products the public buys to help protect itself against crime
19. According to sociologist C. Wright Mills, which term involves the realization that personal troubles are rooted in public issues? A: Sociological Imagination
20. Why is conflict theory considered more of progressive perspective than the functionalist theory? A: it favors social change to reduce inequality
Chapters 3&4
21. Which of the following terms occurs through four stages, the final stages of which is the formal operational stage? A: cognitive development
22. Which of the following is an example of material culture? A: clothing
23. Which of the following argues that people cannot easily understand concepts and objects unless their language contains words for these items: A: Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
24. What is the process by which people learn their culture? A: socialization
25. What is the term for parents and other important individuals in the lives of children? A: significant others
26. “Every student should submit his homework on time.” The use of sexist language in the preceding sentence illustrates which of the following theories? A: Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
27. Which of the following views held that certain categories of people were biologically inferior and hence should be sterilized? A: eugenics
28. According to George Herbert Mead, what is the “I” of the self? A: the passive part of the self
29. Which of the following is an example of nonmaterial culture? A: values
30. Which of the following refers to young children taking the role of the other? A: Children pretend to be other in their playtime and so learn what these other people expect of them
31. Which of the following is true of symbols? A: some symbols are material objects
32. What is the most important stage of peoples lives for socialization and for cognitive, emotional and physiological development? A: childhood
33. What is the controversial belief that critical human behaviors and emotions are related to our biological makeup and evolutionary needs? A: sociobiology
34. Which term refers to the beliefs and values that children learn in school? A: hidden curriculum
35. The theory of cognitive development was primarily set forth by (which philosopher) while (which other philosopher) is credited with the theory of identity development? A: Piaget, Erikson
36. Which of the following about nonverbal symbols is true? A: A nonverbal symbol can be interpreted differently by different societies
37. Which of the following terms refers to the tendency to judge another culture by the standards of our own and the belief that our own culture is indeed superior to another culture? A: ethnocentrism
38. According to Sigmund Freud, what is that part of the personality consisting of biological instincts that all babies have, including the need for food and, more generally, the demand for instant gratification? A: Id
39. Which theory suggest that individuals use the perceptions that others have of them to develop judgements and feelings about themselves? A: looking-glass self
40. How do rituals help us understand culture? A: The reflect and transmit a cultures norms and other elements from one generation to the next
Chapters 5&6
41. Which of the following is true about in groups? A: in groups can promote very negative attitudes towards out groups
42. What is the totality of relationships that link us to other people and groups, and through them to still other people and groups termed? A: Social network
43. Which leadership style involves extensive consultation with group members on decisions and less emphasis on rule compliance? A: Democratic leadership
44. What type of formal organization has certain organizational features designed to achieve goals in the most efficient way possible? A: bureaucracies
45. Which of the following is an example of a utilitarian organization? A: large corporations
46. An overabundance of rules and regulations and over-attention to them lead to an inability of people in an organization to think creatively and to act independently. What did Thorstein Veblen call this problem? A: trained incapacity
47. Which of the following is a reference group? A: American Sociological Association
48. What is a group of two or more people who regularly interact on the basis of mutual expectations and share a common identity? A: Social group
49. What is an instrumental leader's main focus? A: Achieve group goals and accomplish group task
50. In which type of society does information technology and service jobs replace machines and manufacturing jobs as the primary dimension of the economy? A: post industrial
51. What is our status based on sex, race, ethnicity, and social class called? A: ascribed status
52. Which of the following is a secondary group? A: Jersey College
53. Based on Soloman Asch's experiment involving the comparison of line lengths, which of the following is NOT one of the reasons why groups induce conformity? A: members fear punitive consequences for nonconformity
54. Members of which type of organization, listed below, do not get paid and instead contribute their time or money because they like or admire what the organization does? A: Normative
55. What type of group exists for a specific purpose? A: Secondary
56. What are coercive organizations? A: organizations that people enter involuntarily
57. What term below refers to the ways in which a society or group ranks people in a hierarchy? A: vertical social structure
58. Which of the following characterizes a primary group? A: extensive interaction
59. What problem arises when a person must deal with competing demands on wo or more roles that the person is expected to play? A: role strain
60. Which of the following about industrial societies and traditional societies is true? A: in modern societies, we have many relationships where we barely know the person
61. What practice aims at exposing illegal and/or harmful behavior of corporations and other groups and organizations? A: whistle blowing
62. According to Max Weber, why do hierarchical structures maximize efficiency? A: They give authority to people at the top to make important decisions as they are best qualified to make them.
63. Based on the overall outcome of Stanley Milgram's electric shock experiment, what did Milgram conclude about human behavior in the context of authority? A: People are quite willing to obey authority even if it means inflicting great harm on others.
64. What is the process called whereby individuals who are interacting try to convey a favorable notion of themselves?A: impression management
65. Which term below refers to the social patterns through which a society is organized? A: Social structure.
66. If a group values task accomplishment over anything else, including how well group members get along and how much they like their leader, then ________________ leadership is preferable to _____________ leadership, as it is better able to achieve group goals quickly and efficiently.A: authoritarian; democratic.
67. Which term below refers to the social relationships and the social and physical characteristics of communities to which individuals belong? A: Horizontal social structure
68. Which leadership style primarily focuses on rigorous compliance with group rules and penalties for noncompliance? A: Authoritarian leadership.
69. What is the process termed by which individuals understand and create reality through their interaction with other individuals? A: social construction of reality.
70. While many groups are responsible for bringing about social change and social reform, they often encounter which difficulty listed below? A: another group trying to block their efforts.
Chapter 7&8
71. 1.According to Karl Marx, what was the primary dimension of stratification in class systems? A: economics
72. Which of the following helps explain why females commit less serious crime than males? A: Gender socialization
73. Which of the following is true? A: As envisioned by Marx, a communist society is classless.
74. Which statement below is attributed to sociologist Emile Durkehim? A: The "collective conscience" is never strong enough to prevent all rule breaking.
75. What is the degree to which people succeed in such areas as education, income, and health referred to as? A: life chance
76. Despite their strain, most poor people continue to accept the goal of economic success and continue to believe they should work to make money. They stick to society’s norms and values. What does sociologist Robert Merton call their adaptation? A: confirmity
77. Which term refers to the ways in which a society tries to prevent and sanction behavior that violates norms? A: social control
78. One of Robert Merton's adaptations in his strain theory described those people living in poverty abandon society's goal of economic success and reject is means of employment to reach this goal. What was the term Merton used to describe this? A: retreatism
79. What is the social ecology approach? A: It is the view that certain characteristics of neighborhoods and communities influence the likelihood of committing deviance and crime.
80. What type of behavior is considered so serious that it violates formal laws prohibiting such behavior? A: crime
81. Which of the following describes people who are born into unequal groups based on their parents' status and remain in these groups for the rest of their lives? A: caste
82. Which of the following is true about class systems? A: A person's own effort, knowledge, and skills or lack of them, often do enable upward movement in class societies.
83. Which of the following is true from the functionalist view? A: Stratification is necessary to induce people with special intelligence, knowledge, and skills to enter the most important occupations.
84. What is the most closed system of stratification? A: slavery
85. What is conflict theory's explanation of stratification? A: Stratification results from lack of opportunity and from discrimination and prejudice against poor people, women, and people of color.
86. What does the relativity of deviance in space imply? A: A given behavior may be considered deviant in one society but acceptable in another society.
87. What are the rankings of people based on wealth and other resources a society values referred to as? A: social stratification.
88. Which of the following is true about deviance? A: It is behavior that arouses negative social reactions.
89. Which of the following is a set of beliefs that supports the status quo? A: Ideology
90. What is white-collar crime? A: Crime that harms the public more in terms of death and financial costs.