A level spanish year 13 vocab set 1

Reinar — to reign

Los campesinos-person who lives in the countryside,


Pésimo- disastrous

El sentimiento republicano — the sense/ sentiment/

feeling of being a republican (anti Franco)

Las huelgas — strike

Irse a la huelga- to go on strike

Los partidos politicos — political parties

Dar un golpe de estado — to stage a coup d'etat

El ejército- the army

Oponerse — to oppose

Provocar — to bring about/ on

La dimision — the resignation

Dimitir- to resign

Los sindicatos — unions

Encargar- to enlist/ charge

convocarse elecciones — to call

firmar - to sign

derrocar la monorquia - to

bring down the monarchy

huir- to flee

jornada laboral- working day.

Apoyar -to support.

una batalla -a battle.

Una lucha - a fight

un pacto- an agreement/a pact.

Vencer- to win.

Perder (e:ie)- to lose.

Desconfiar — to mistrust.

Llevar a cabo- to carry out.

El enfrentamiento —confrontation

estallar -to break out
