Definition: A formal and often lengthy discussion of a topic, where concepts and insights are arranged in an organized and logical manner.
To Inform: Provides a descriptive and comprehensive discussion on the topic.
To Persuade: Tries to convince readers that the proposed claim or solution is better than others.
To Entertain: Provides a source of entertainment for readers.
Factors Affecting the Writer’s Claims:
Culture: Beliefs, customs, attitudes, and language that influence the author’s perspective.
Social Environment: Physical surroundings, social relationships, and the culture of the time.
Experiences: Personal accounts or first-hand experiences that establish credibility.
Definition: Explains how readers use prior knowledge to understand and get new information from the text.
Key Idea: Written text does not carry meaning by itself; it guides readers to retrieve or construct meaning from prior knowledge structures (schemata).
Activating prior knowledge (schema).
Making predictions.
Scanning and skimming.
Actual reading (independent, shared, or guided).
Annotating (taking notes, highlighting).
Reacting to the reading material.
Group discussions.
Writing in reading journals.
Rereading the text.
Learning new knowledge and vocabulary.
Making connections to personal experiences and other texts.
Using new knowledge to create outputs or projects.
Reading more related materials.
Predict: Make educated guesses.
Picture: Form images.
Relate: Draw comparisons.
Monitor: Check understanding.
Correct: Fill gaps in understanding.
Definition: An organized ideation process to solve problems or develop new ideas by amassing spontaneous, unrestrained contributions.
Select a general topic.
Generate ideas and make a list.
Build connections and omit irrelevant ideas.
Limit and choose the best ideas.
No criticism, evaluation, or judgment during the session.
Encourage free association and quantity over quality.
Build on ideas.
Idea List
Idea Map
Free Writing
Definition: Tools used to visually organize information or ideas.
Mind Map: Illustrates knowledge of a concept or idea.
Venn Diagram: Shows similarities and differences between two or more items.
Flow Chart: Displays steps in a process.
Hierarchical Topical Organizer: Shows the order of ideas in a hierarchy.
Fishbone Map: Tracks root causes of a problem.
Spider Map: Analyzes similarities and differences.
T-Chart: Compares and contrasts two things.
Compare and Contrast Matrix: Shows similarities and differences.
PMI (Plus, Minus, Interesting): Evaluates positive, negative, and interesting attributes.
Continuum Scale: Shows timelines or ratings.
Ranking: Prioritizes elements from most to least important.
Cycle: Shows how a series of events interact.
KWL/KWLH: Activates prior knowledge.
Synectics: Draws connections between unrelated phenomena.
Cerebral Chart: Quickly amasses information.
Web: Lists facts, definitions, or examples.
Hypothesis Matrix: Identifies components of hypotheses.
Questions: Lists a set of questions.
Problem-Solution Outline: Defines problem components and solutions.
Human Interaction Outline: Organizes events in terms of action and reaction.
Bridging Snapshots: Shows changes over time.
Definition: A tool used in the writing process to organize ideas, plan the structure of the paper, and conceptualize points.
Determine the purpose, audience, and thesis.
Brainstorm and list all ideas.
Organize related ideas.
Order material from general to specific.
Label main and subheadings.
Coordination: Ideas of the same relevance should be labeled similarly.
Subordination: Minor details must be placed under major details.
Division: No cluster should contain only one item.
Parallel Construction: All entries in each cluster should use the same structure.
Topic Outline: Uses words and phrases.
Sentence Outline: Uses complete sentences.
Definition: Details why something happens, what causes it, what the effects are, and how it is related to something else.
Definition: Groups items into their parts or types.
Definition: Tells how something is like or different from other things.
Definition: Explains what something is in comparison to other members of its class, along with any limitations.
Definition: Details what something looks like and its characteristics.
Definition: Provides typical cases or examples of something.
Definition: Describes what, when, and where something happened.
Definition: Describes an issue and your position or opinion on the subject.
Definition: Explains how something happened, how it works, or how it is made.