A noun is a word used to identify people, places, animals, things, or ideas. Unlike English, Spanish nouns have gender. They are either masculine or feminine. As in English, nouns in Spanish also have numbers, meaning they are singular or plural.
Nouns that refer to living things
Masculine nouns
“el hombre” - the man
ending in -o
“el chico” - the boy
“el pasajero” - the (male) passenger
ending in -or
“el conductor” - the (male) driver
“el profesor” - the (male) teacher/professor
ending in -ista
“el turista” - the (male) tourist
Feminine nouns
“la mujer” - the woman
ending in -a
“la chica” - the girl
“la pasajera” - the (female) passenger
ending in -ora
“la conductora” - the (female) driver
“la profesora” - the (female) teacher/professor
ending in -ista
“la turista” - the (female) tourist
“Neutral” nouns (they aren’t neutral)
“el joven” - the male youth // “la joven” - the female youth
“el estudiante” - the male student // “la estudiante” - the female student
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Masculine nouns
ending in -o
el cuaderno - the notebook
el diario - the diary
el diccionario - the dictionary
el numero - the number
el video - the video
ending in -ma
el problema - the problem
el programa - the program
ending in -s
el autobús - the bus
el país - the country
Feminine nouns
ending in -a
la cosa - the thing
la escuela - the school
la computadora - the computer
la maleta - the suitcase
la palabra - the word
ending in -ción
la lección - the lesson
la conversación - the conversation
ending in -dad
la nacionalidad - the nationality
la comunidad - the community
Common exceptions to the rules of gender:
el mapa - the map
el día - the day
la mano - the hand
Plural of Nouns
To form the plural, add -s to nouns ending with a vowel. For nouns that end in a consonant, add -es. For nouns that end in z, change the z to a c, then add -es.
el chico → los chicos
la nacionalidad → las nacionalidades
el diario → los diarios
el país → los países
el problema → los problemas
el lápiz → los lápices
Lección 1.1 - Nouns & Articles
When a singular noun has an accent mark on the last syllable, the accent is dropped from the plural form.
la lección (3 syllables) → las lecciones (4 syllables)
el autobús (3 syllables) → los autobuses (4 syllables)
Masculine > Feminine
1 pasajero + 2 pasajeras = 3 pasajeros
2 chicos + 2 chicas = 4 chicos
Definite Article and Indefinite Articles
English often uses definite articles (the) and indefinite articles (a, an) before nouns. Unlike English, Spanish articles vary in form because they agree in gender and number of the nouns.
Definite Articles
el diccionario
los diccionarios
la computadora
las computadoras
Indefinite Articles
un pasajero
unos pasajeros
una fotografía
unas fotografias