reflexives Spanish 3

afeitarse: shave

bañarse: to bathe oneself

cepillarse: brush

cortarse: cut

ducharse: shower

lavarse: wash

maquillarse: put on makeup

peinarse: comb/style

pintarse: paint

ponerse: put/place

prepararse: prepare

quitarse: remove

secarse: dry

vestirese; dress oneself

acostarse: to go to bed

callarse; be quite

darse ceunta: realize

darse prisa: be in a hurry

despedirese: say goodbye

despertarse: wake up

dormirse: go to sleep

irse: leave

levantarse: lift

marcharse: keave

quedarse: stay

reunirse: reunite

sentarse: sit

aburrirse: be borred

alegrarse: happy

consarse: tired

divertirse: enjoy onself

enamorarse: fall in love

enfadarse/enojarse: be angry

irritarse: irritated

ocuparse: busy

preocuparse: worried

sentirse: feel

burlarse: make fun of

cansarse: marry

equivocarse: be mistaken

hacerse: become

llevarse (bien o mal): get along

mudarse: move (from home)

pelearse: fight

ponerse (ropa): put on clothes

portarse (bien/mal): behave/misbehave

quebrarse: break

quejarse: complain

quemarse: burn
