ID 2

Tanakh- Acronym for Torah, Nev’im, & Ketuvim

Moses- A baby in a basket on the river Nile who was thought to be the prince of Pharoah Ramesy’s but became a Hebrew Man and freed God’s people and split the Red Sea to evade the Egyptians

Abraham- First Person To Have A Covenant with God and is the husband to Sarah

Temple- Scared place of Worship and Devotion

Deuteronomistic Code- When you do what God Commands you will prosper as will the land

Pentateuch- The Torah

Mount Sinai- This critical Mountain where Moses and Abraham had very important things take place there from the 10 commandments to the “sacrifice” of Issac

Gentiles- Someone who isn’t Jewish

Diaspora- Scattering

Torah- First 5 Books of the bible

Sadducees- Priest of the Temple, don’t believe in an after-life

Pharisees- The most important thing is the Torah

Messiah- The Anointed One, who will make the Romans stay away from the land.

Rabbis- Teachers of The Law


Kabbalah- Text called “Zohar” form of Mystical Judaism

Tikkun olam- Help God make the world a better place

Yarmulke/Kippah- Small like a cap on the head of men

Reform Judaism- Focus on the message and not the commandments

Conservative Judaism- Point to an extent which the commandments are valuable

Zionism- As long as another state or country is with them they’ll be victimized unless they get their land

Rosh Hashanah- Start of New Year

Yom Kippur- Atonement for wronging someone

Passover (Pesach)- Spirit of Death killing firstborn Egyptian Boys

Martyr- Someone who dies due to their beliefs.

Constantine- Roman Emperor who became a Christian after seeing a symbol and winning a war

Gnosticism- The Physical World is Bad and God + Universe will be the correct way to understand/gain salvation

Nicene Creed- Jesus was fully human and fully God

Monasticism- People who stay away from society to better themselves on their religion

Eastern Orthodoxy- Helped Jews and Christians reconnect and understand each others views again.

Filioque- To the Son

The Fall- Original Sin of Adam and Eve

Pentecost- 50 total days after easter, a celebration of The holy spirit seeing the apostles and followers again

Qur’an- Holy Book (Text From God)

Ka’bah- Holy Stone “sent from God” that is circled 7 times located in the Mecca

Hadith- Step 2 of the Islamic Tradition which is the sayings of Muhammad

Ummah- Community

Khadijah- First wife of Muhammed

Shari’ah- Code of Laws that regulate the Muslim way of Life

Hijrah- Migration

Hijab- Headscarf worn by women to protect themselves for modesty purposes.

Five Pillars- Core Practices and Beliefs in Islam, the guide to build a relationship with Allah

Sunni-  85% of the community of Muslims Community

Shi’a- Followers/ Parties that follow Muhammad’s descendants, including Ali and the people of the Shi’a believe that Ali should’ve been Muhammed's Successor

Sufi- Seeks direct personal experiences of Allah, and embraces the love and holy side of Islam.

Eid al-fitr- The celebration of the end of Ramadan

Imam- Prayer Leaders

Dhimmi- Started off as Jews and Christians but expanded to various faiths

Ramadan- Month of Fasting

Iftar- Meal to break fasting during Ramadan
