1.) Philippine Bureaucracy
A system of administration based upon organization into bureaus, division of labor, hierarchy of authority; designed to dispose of a large body of work in a routine manner.
What is Bureaucracy?
specific form of organization defined by complexity, division of labor, permanence, professional management, hierarchical coordination and control, strict chain of command, and legal authority. A system for controlling or managing a country, company, or organization that is operated by a large number of officials employed to follow rules carefully.
Characteristics of Beureaucracy:
Complex multi-level administrative hierarchy
Departmental specialization
Strict division of authority
Standard set of formal rules or operating procedures
Max Weber - A German sociologist that was the first person to formally study bureaucracy.
Wrote “Economy and Society” (1921) arguing that a bureaucracy represented the most proficient form of organization, due to its possession of specialized expertise, certainty, continuity, and unity of purpose.
HOWEVER, he also warned that uncontrolled bureaucracy could threaten individual freedom, leaving people trapped in an “iron cage” of impersonal, irrational, and inflexible rules.
What are Institutions?
are formal rules, informal constraints and their enforcement characteristics; together they generate regularity in behavior and allow people to get on with everyday business.
either informal or Formal
common notions and realities of Beureaucracy:
slow moving
procedure - obssessive
bloated which block rather than facilitate the day-today business of citizens
outdated and convoluted compensation structure
unable to reach its potential as a “repository of expertise and Institutional memory and an efficient implemented of policy
characteristics of Philippine Beureaucracy:
vulnerability to nepotism
perpetuation of spoils system
apathetic public reaction of bureaucratic misconduct
availability of external peaceful means of correcting bureaucratic weakness
Types of behavior of the Philippine Beureaucracy
conformity to policies
preference toward continuity
loss of self-assertion
politically supportive
2.) Civil Service
The service responsible for the public administration of the government of a country
The designation given to government employment for which a person qualifies on the basis of merit rather than political Patronage or personal favor.
classes of positions in the career service:
1st level - clerical, trafes, crafts, and custodial service positions
2nd level - professional, technical and scientific positions
3rd level - covers all positions higher than chief of division (salary grade 25 and up); positions in executive and managerial class
Non-career service - entrance of employees is based on factors other than the usual test of merit and fitness. tenure is limited to a period specified by law; project based, and Contractual.
Career Executive Service (CES) - executive and managerial 3rd level positions, excluding those specified under NEC.
Non-Executive Career (NEC) - career positions at the 3rd level including scientists, professionals, foreign service officers, judiciary, prosecution services and 3rd level positions in LGUs
monetary - wages & other incentives: salary standardization law, internal and external inequities, gender-based considerations. Salary Grade Levels.
Non-monetary - sense of missions, professional status, ideology, etc.
Civil Service Commission (CSC)
constitutionally mandated to administer the civil service
directed by a chair and two commissioners
covers all branches, instrumentalities, and agencies of the government, including government owned and controlled corporations with original carter's.
“To make every civil servant a servant-hero”
premier HR office of the Philippines
recruitment and selection:
announcement of job opportunities
competitive application, and qualification standards, among others.
controlled by that agency's own human resource development office
Examination-based entry & appointment system:
eligibility is generally earned by passing the civil service examination except:
university graduates with academic honors (Summa cum laude, magna cum laude, etc.)
board examination passers
training and development
grievance and redress system
initiatives by the CSC:
Empowered Public Sector Employee Organizations (PSEO)
fulfills mandate of strengthening employee relations
protects workers’ rights to self organization
Case Learning Management system
a program that facilitates the creation delivery and management program for the entire beureaucracy, also offering blended and e-learning courses and micro learning on the platform.
CSC Honor Awards Progam
three award categories:
1st - Presidential Bayan award
2nd - dangal Bayan award
3rd - CSC Pagasa award
Pamanang lingkod Bayani Program
recognizes Philippine Public servants who risked their lives or were killed in the line of duty.
Contact Center ng Bayan
seeks public feedback and facilitates the inquiries of the citizens
World Bank's six dimension of governance
Voice and accountability
Political Stability and absence of violence
government effectiveness
regulatory quality
control of corruption
rule of law
3.) Public Resource Management
Philippine Development Plan (2023 - 2028)
developed by Pres. Bongbong Marcos and the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA)
committed towards advancing the country's progress in achieving the Ambisyon Natin 2040 of a Matatag, maginhawa, at panatag na buhay for all Filipinos
themes of PDP 2023-2028
enhanced connectivity
greater collaboration between local and national government
partnership with local sector
Strategy Framework of PDP 2023 - 2028
I. Matatag, Maginhawa, at panatag na buhay
II. Economic and Social Transformation for a prosperous, inclusive, and resilient society
a. Develop and protect capabilities of individuals and Families
Promote human and social development
boost health
improve education and lifelong learning
establish livable communities
Reduce vulnerabilities and protect purchasing power
ensure food security and proper nutrition
strengthen social protection
Increase income learning ability
increase employability
expand employment opportunities
achieve shared labor market governance
b. Transform production sectors to generate more quality jobs and competitive products
Modernize agriculture and agri-business
revitalize industry
reinvigorate services
III. Practice good governance and improve bureaucratic efficiency
IV. Ensure peace and security, and enhance administration of justice
V. Ensure macroeconomic stability and expand inclusive and innovative finance
VI. expand and upgrade infrastructure
VII. accelerate climate action and strengthen disaster resilience
Budget cycle
1.) Budget Preparation
a. Budget call
b. citizen engagement
c. RDC consultations
D. Program Convergence
e. Agency tier 1 proposals
f. tier 1 deliberations
g. budget priorities framework
h. agency tier 2 proposals
i. tier 2 deliberations
j. presentation to the president and cabinet
k. consolidation, validation, and confirmation
l. the President's budget
2.) Budget legislation
a. house deliberations
b. senate deliberations
c. bicameral deliberations
d. ratification and enrollment
e. enactment
f. disbursement
3.) Budget Execution
a. early procurement activities
b. budget program
c. allotment release
d. obligation
e. cash allocation
f. performance review
4.) Budget accountability
a. performative targets
b. citizen engagement
c. monitoring and evaluaiton
d. agencies’ accountability reports
e. performance review
f. In-year reports
g. DBCC mid-year reports
h. DBCC year-end reports
i. audit
Types of Audit
a. Financial Audit - to determine whether the financial statements are prepared in all material respects, in accordance with an applicable financial reporting framework.
b. Performance Audit - To determine whether government undertakings, systems, operations, programmes, activities or organizations are operating in accordance with the principles of economy, efficiency and effectiveness, and whether there is room for improvement.
c. Compliance audit - to determine whether activities, financial transactions and information comply, in all material respects, with the authorities that govern the audited entity.