Soc 302 - Structuralist Approaches to Health/Sociobiology/Socialization/Conflict Theory/Bureaucracy - Exam 1

Flashcard 1:

Q: What is the US healthcare paradox?
A: The US spends significantly on healthcare yet has some of the worst health outcomes.

Flashcard 2:

Q: What are Supply and Demand Side Health Policy Interventions?

  1. Reducing Demand: Tackles fundamental causes driving people to need healthcare.

  2. Increasing Supply: Focuses on health-oriented interventions.

Flashcard 3:

Q: What is the McKeown Theory?
A: Medicine improvements do not explain early reductions in diseases like tuberculosis; initial declines were due to non-medical factors, though some declines (e.g., polio) are due to medical advances.

Flashcard 4:

Q: Define the Biomedical Industrial Complex.
A: A network of private corporations, healthcare personnel, and pharmaceutical companies that profit from healthcare services and products.

Flashcard 5:

Q: What is Specific Etiology?
A: The specific cause of a disease or abnormal condition.

Flashcard 6:

Q: What is the Epidemiological Transition?
A: A shift in a population’s primary causes of death from infectious to non-communicable diseases.

Flashcard 7:

Q: What is a structural issue versus a non-structural issue?

  • Structural: Rooted in social systems (e.g., systemic racism, income inequality).

  • Non-Structural: Arises from individual behavior or personal circumstances (e.g., drug use).

Flashcard 8:

Q: What is Sociobiology?
A: An attempt to explain human physiology and behavior through biological, evolutionary, and social/cultural mechanisms.

Flashcard 9:

Q: What is Herbert Spencer’s Social Darwinism?
A: Ideologies using Darwin's theory to justify social inequalities, based on "survival of the fittest."

Flashcard 10:

Q: What is Scientism?
A: Trusting seemingly scientific but actually non-scientific explanations, often because they use scientific terms.

Flashcard 11:

Q: Define Biological Reductionism.
A: The tendency to explain complex phenomena solely through biology.

Flashcard 12:

Q: How does Sapolsky define "Us/Them"?
A: "Us" refers to an in-group showing loyalty, while "Them" refers to out-groups, often viewed with suspicion or hostility.

Flashcard 13:

Q: What factors amplify Us/Them divisions?
A: Resource scarcity, perceived threats, dehumanization, group polarization, language barriers, authoritarian leadership.

Flashcard 14:

Q: What are the effects of intergroup contact?
A: According to contact theory, increased intergroup contact can reduce prejudice and hostility if certain conditions are met.

Flashcard 15:

Q: Describe the warmth and competence dimensions in Us/Them perceptions.

  • High warmth, high competence (Us): Pride

  • Low warmth, high competence: Envy

  • High warmth, low competence: Pity

  • Low warmth, low competence: Disgust

Flashcard 16:

Q: What is the Honorable Enemy phenomenon?
A: Showing respect or admiration for enemies who follow shared codes of conduct, such as during warfare.

Flashcard 17:

Q: Define Concerted Cultivation and Natural Growth.

  • Concerted Cultivation: A structured, involved parenting style.

  • Natural Growth: Less structured, typical in working-class families, fostering a sense of constraint.

Flashcard 18:

Q: What are the three theories of socialization?

  1. Structuralist: Integrates people into society.

  2. Conflict: Resisted roles can lead to change.

  3. Symbolic Interactionist: Sense of Self guided by social interactions.

Flashcard 19:

Q: What is Habitus in sociology?
A: Internalization of societal values, behaviors, and logic so deeply that it becomes subconscious.

Flashcard 20:

Q: What are Carr’s views on socialization?

  • Socialization: Learning to be functional in society.

  • Resocialization: Adjusting previous socialization.

  • Anticipatory Socialization: Preparation for a future role.

Flashcard 21:

Q: What did Keefe discuss about Arthur Sackler and marketing medications?
A: Sackler used aggressive marketing and gifts to influence doctors, a tactic repeated later by Richard Sackler for OxyContin.

Flashcard 22:

Q: Explain Marx’s concepts of Base and Superstructure.

  • Base: Economic arrangement (production relations).

  • Superstructure: Society's institutions (e.g., religion).

Flashcard 23:

Q: What is Commodity Fetishism according to Marx?
A: The perception of a direct relationship with products rather than recognizing the social relations involved in production.

Flashcard 24:

Q: Summarize Marx’s predictions about capitalism.

  1. Expanding markets will eventually reach limits.

  2. Workers feel alienated from product, process, and each other.

  3. Creative destruction continuously pushes new production methods.

Flashcard 25:

Q: Define Weber’s Life Chances.
A: The likelihood that one can achieve their will, often determined by social standing.

Flashcard 26:

Q: What is an Ideal Type according to Weber?
A: A conceptual model of something in its purest form, used for comparative analysis.

Flashcard 27:

Q: What is the Switchman Analogy?
A: Social structures and conflicts drive change, but ideas, values, and beliefs also shape society.

Flashcard 28:

Q: Explain Rationalization and Demystification in Weber’s theory.
A: Rationalization strips away creativity and mystery, leading to disillusionment similar to Marx’s alienation and Durkheim’s anomie.

Flashcard 29:

Q: What is the Iron Law of Oligarchy?
A: All bureaucracies, regardless of values or systems, will eventually become oligarchies.

Flashcard 30:

Q: What are Weber’s Three Types of Authority?

  1. Traditional: Based on long-standing customs.

  2. Charismatic: Based on personal qualities.

  3. Rational-Legal: Based on established laws and regulations.
