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Nursing Science and Theory

Nursing Science

  • A melting pot of different knowledge, creeds, and backgrounds of care and healing

  • Collected and preserved since the dawn of time


  • An organized system of accepted knowledge composed of CPAD

  • CPAD: Concept, Proposition, Assumption, Definition

Nursing Theory

  • A creative process and rigorous structuring of ideas

  • Group of interrelated concepts developed from various studies and experiences

  • Conceptualizes aspects of nursing to describe, explain, predict, or prescribe nursing care


  • Ideas formulated by the mind or experiences perceived and observed

  • Examples: justice, love, war, disease

  • Building blocks of theories, enhance understanding of phenomena


  • Explain relationships between different concepts


  • Composed of various descriptions conveying a general meaning


  • Statements specifying the relationship or connection of factual concepts or phenomena

Types of Theories

  • Descriptive Theories: Identify and describe major concepts but do not explain their relationships

  • Explanatory Theories: Present relationships among concepts and propositions

  • Predictive Theories: Describe future outcomes based on relationships of concepts

  • Prescriptive Theories: Deal with nursing actions and test the validity of specific interventions

Theoretical Models and Frameworks

  • Representation of ideas or knowledge based on personal understanding or perception

  • Nursing Paradigms: Patterns or models showing relationships among existing theoretical works in nursing


  • The highest level of knowledge in nursing

  • Embodies the knowledge base, theory, philosophy, research, practice, and educational experience

Philosophy and Science

  • Philosophy: Sets forth the meaning of phenomena through analysis, reasoning, and logical argument

  • Science: Acquiring knowledge through observation, data gathering, hypothesis formation, experimental investigation, and conclusion

Nursing Knowledge and Research

Scientific Method

  • System of acquiring knowledge in science

  • Includes observation, data gathering, hypothesis formation, experimental investigation, and conclusion

Traditional Knowledge

  • Passed down from generation to generation

  • Always been practiced this way

Authoritative Knowledge

  • Idea by a person of authority perceived as true due to expertise

Scientific Knowledge

  • Derived from the scientific method

  • Tested and measured systematically


  • Describes empirical data that can be physically observed or tangible

Nursing Theories and Quality of Care

  • Developed to improve the quality of care

Types of Theories

  • Grand Theories: Broad in scope and complex, assist research occasionally

  • Middle Range Theories: Focus on the discovery of concepts

  • Critical Theory: Describes how social structures influence human experiences

Theory-Generating Research

  • Discover and describe relationships and phenomena without predetermined notions

Theory-Testing Research

  • Determines how accurately a theory describes a phenomenon

Theoretical and Practical Knowledge

  • Theoretical Knowledge: Stimulates thinking and broadens understanding of nursing science and practice

  • Practical Knowledge: Gained through personal experience and practice

Forms of Knowing

  • Empirical Knowing: Factual and descriptive knowing, focuses on evidence-based research

  • Aesthetics or Esthetics Knowing: Understanding significance to patients, empathy

  • Ethical Knowing: Knowledge of different philosophical positions regarding what is good and right

  • Personal Knowing: Knowledge of self in relation to others, encompasses the Nurse-Client Relationship

Evidence-Based Practice

  • Promotes quality care that has been proven effective and efficient

Influential Figures in Nursing

Florence Nightingale

  • Practice: Environmental aspects as an integral part of nursing

  • Education: Developed an excellent training system in London hospitals

  • Research: Invented "polar diagrams" for data analysis

Hildegard Peplau

  • Practice: Provided a clear design for psychiatric nursing

  • Emphasized the development of interpersonal relationships between patients and nurses Main Ideas:

  • Hildegard Peplau's contributions in education, research, and psychotherapeutic methods

  • Virginia Henderson's focus on nursing practice, education, and research

  • Betty Neuman's holistic approach to client care, education, and research

  • Imogene King's impact on nursing practice, education, and research

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  • Hildegard Peplau

    • Education: Author of "Interpersonal Relations in Nursing"

    • Education: Formulated effective psychotherapeutic methods

    • Research: Formulated concepts of anxiety as a means to constructively resolve angry feelings

  • Virginia Henderson

    • Practice: Nurses as direct caregivers help patients become independent

    • Education: Nurse's education demands universal understanding of diverse human beings

    • Education: Designed three phases of curriculum development

    • Research: Recommended library research

    • Research: Advocated research as a way to improve practice

  • Betty Neuman

    • Practice: Goal-directed, integrated, and holistic approach to client care

    • Practice: Neuman Nursing Process Format (Diagnosis, Goals, Outcomes)

    • Education: Holistic curriculum; effective framework in conceptual evolution among levels of nursing education

    • Research: Additional clarification and generation of testable nursing theories

    • Research: Guide Model to enhance the nursing care of clients with specific physiological stressors

  • Imogene King

    • Practice: Utilized by professionals in most specialty areas

    • Practice: Developed the Goal Oriented Nursing Record (GONR) for recording goals and outcomes in patient settings

    • Education: Nursing curriculum development and practice application in Ohio state and other universities

    • Research: Her work served as a theoretical basis for various studies

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Nursing Science and Theory

Nursing Science

  • A melting pot of different knowledge, creeds, and backgrounds of care and healing

  • Collected and preserved since the dawn of time


  • An organized system of accepted knowledge composed of CPAD

  • CPAD: Concept, Proposition, Assumption, Definition

Nursing Theory

  • A creative process and rigorous structuring of ideas

  • Group of interrelated concepts developed from various studies and experiences

  • Conceptualizes aspects of nursing to describe, explain, predict, or prescribe nursing care


  • Ideas formulated by the mind or experiences perceived and observed

  • Examples: justice, love, war, disease

  • Building blocks of theories, enhance understanding of phenomena


  • Explain relationships between different concepts


  • Composed of various descriptions conveying a general meaning


  • Statements specifying the relationship or connection of factual concepts or phenomena

Types of Theories

  • Descriptive Theories: Identify and describe major concepts but do not explain their relationships

  • Explanatory Theories: Present relationships among concepts and propositions

  • Predictive Theories: Describe future outcomes based on relationships of concepts

  • Prescriptive Theories: Deal with nursing actions and test the validity of specific interventions

Theoretical Models and Frameworks

  • Representation of ideas or knowledge based on personal understanding or perception

  • Nursing Paradigms: Patterns or models showing relationships among existing theoretical works in nursing


  • The highest level of knowledge in nursing

  • Embodies the knowledge base, theory, philosophy, research, practice, and educational experience

Philosophy and Science

  • Philosophy: Sets forth the meaning of phenomena through analysis, reasoning, and logical argument

  • Science: Acquiring knowledge through observation, data gathering, hypothesis formation, experimental investigation, and conclusion

Nursing Knowledge and Research

Scientific Method

  • System of acquiring knowledge in science

  • Includes observation, data gathering, hypothesis formation, experimental investigation, and conclusion

Traditional Knowledge

  • Passed down from generation to generation

  • Always been practiced this way

Authoritative Knowledge

  • Idea by a person of authority perceived as true due to expertise

Scientific Knowledge

  • Derived from the scientific method

  • Tested and measured systematically


  • Describes empirical data that can be physically observed or tangible

Nursing Theories and Quality of Care

  • Developed to improve the quality of care

Types of Theories

  • Grand Theories: Broad in scope and complex, assist research occasionally

  • Middle Range Theories: Focus on the discovery of concepts

  • Critical Theory: Describes how social structures influence human experiences

Theory-Generating Research

  • Discover and describe relationships and phenomena without predetermined notions

Theory-Testing Research

  • Determines how accurately a theory describes a phenomenon

Theoretical and Practical Knowledge

  • Theoretical Knowledge: Stimulates thinking and broadens understanding of nursing science and practice

  • Practical Knowledge: Gained through personal experience and practice

Forms of Knowing

  • Empirical Knowing: Factual and descriptive knowing, focuses on evidence-based research

  • Aesthetics or Esthetics Knowing: Understanding significance to patients, empathy

  • Ethical Knowing: Knowledge of different philosophical positions regarding what is good and right

  • Personal Knowing: Knowledge of self in relation to others, encompasses the Nurse-Client Relationship

Evidence-Based Practice

  • Promotes quality care that has been proven effective and efficient

Influential Figures in Nursing

Florence Nightingale

  • Practice: Environmental aspects as an integral part of nursing

  • Education: Developed an excellent training system in London hospitals

  • Research: Invented "polar diagrams" for data analysis

Hildegard Peplau

  • Practice: Provided a clear design for psychiatric nursing

  • Emphasized the development of interpersonal relationships between patients and nurses Main Ideas:

  • Hildegard Peplau's contributions in education, research, and psychotherapeutic methods

  • Virginia Henderson's focus on nursing practice, education, and research

  • Betty Neuman's holistic approach to client care, education, and research

  • Imogene King's impact on nursing practice, education, and research

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  • Hildegard Peplau

    • Education: Author of "Interpersonal Relations in Nursing"

    • Education: Formulated effective psychotherapeutic methods

    • Research: Formulated concepts of anxiety as a means to constructively resolve angry feelings

  • Virginia Henderson

    • Practice: Nurses as direct caregivers help patients become independent

    • Education: Nurse's education demands universal understanding of diverse human beings

    • Education: Designed three phases of curriculum development

    • Research: Recommended library research

    • Research: Advocated research as a way to improve practice

  • Betty Neuman

    • Practice: Goal-directed, integrated, and holistic approach to client care

    • Practice: Neuman Nursing Process Format (Diagnosis, Goals, Outcomes)

    • Education: Holistic curriculum; effective framework in conceptual evolution among levels of nursing education

    • Research: Additional clarification and generation of testable nursing theories

    • Research: Guide Model to enhance the nursing care of clients with specific physiological stressors

  • Imogene King

    • Practice: Utilized by professionals in most specialty areas

    • Practice: Developed the Goal Oriented Nursing Record (GONR) for recording goals and outcomes in patient settings

    • Education: Nursing curriculum development and practice application in Ohio state and other universities

    • Research: Her work served as a theoretical basis for various studies

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