Exam 2 child psych

### Flashcards


1. Stages of Birth

- Stage 1: Labor – Contractions and cervical dilation.

- Stage 2: Delivery – Baby is born.

- Stage 3: Placental – Placenta is expelled.


2. Evolutionary Adaptations

- Human birth evolved for early delivery due to narrow pelvis and long brain development.


3. Birth Complications

- Preterm Birth: Born before 37 weeks.

- Low Birth Weight: Less than 5.5 pounds.

- Breech Birth: Feet-first position.

- Anoxia: Lack of oxygen at birth.


4. Apgar Score

- Assesses newborn’s health on 5 factors: appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, and respiration.


5. Low Birth Weight

- Baby weighs less than 5.5 pounds at birth, often due to prematurity.


6. Reflexes

- Rooting: Baby turns head when touched on cheek.

- Grasping: Baby grabs objects placed in hand.

- Moro: Startle reflex in response to sudden movements.

- Stepping: Reflexive walking motions when feet touch the surface.


7. Neonates and Pain

- Neonates can feel pain, though their nervous system is still developing.


8. Postpartum Depression

- Sadness and fatigue following birth, making it hard to bond with the baby.


9. Sensation and Perception

- Vision: Nearsighted; high contrast visible.

- Hearing: Can recognize familiar sounds.

- Taste/Smell: Preference for sweet tastes and recognition of mother’s scent.

- Touch: Responds to skin-to-skin contact.


10. Growth During Infancy

- Infants double their weight by 5 months and triple it by 1 year.


11. Neuron Anatomy

- Dendrites: Receive signals.

- Axon: Sends signals.

- Soma: Cell body with nucleus.

- Synapse: Connection point between neurons.


12. Neurons During Infancy

- Neurons form connections and begin myelination to speed up brain function.


13. Overproduction/Synaptic Exuberance

- Extra synaptic connections are made to allow for flexibility in learning.


14. Synaptic Pruning

- Unused synapses are eliminated to make brain function more efficient.


15. Structures of the Brain

- Cerebrum: Thinking and memory.

- Cerebellum: Motor coordination.

- Brainstem: Controls basic life functions.

- Limbic System: Emotions and memory.


16. Brain Regions/Lobes

- Frontal Lobe: Reasoning and planning.

- Parietal Lobe: Sensory processing.

- Occipital Lobe: Vision.

- Temporal Lobe: Hearing and memory.


17. Romanian Orphanages

- Studies showed that early care deprivation leads to cognitive and emotional issues.


18. Gross Motor Development

- Development of large muscles like sitting, standing, and walking.


19. Fine Motor Development

- Small muscle control like grasping objects and using utensils.


20. Depth Perception

- Ability to judge distance, develops around 6 months.


21. Sensorimotor Stage (Piaget)

- Infants learn through sensory experiences and develop object permanence.


22. Preoperational Stage (Piaget)

- Children begin using symbols (like words and images) to represent objects and events.

- They lack understanding of conservation (quantity doesn’t change if appearance does).

- Egocentric thinking (difficulty understanding others’ perspectives).


23. Concrete Operational Stage (Piaget)

- Children understand logic, conservation, and cause-and-effect.

- They can perform mental operations on concrete objects but still struggle with abstract concepts.


24. Formal Operational Stage (Piaget)

- Adolescents develop abstract thinking and hypothetical reasoning.

- They can think about possibilities and use deductive reasoning.


25. Assimilation and Accommodation

- Assimilation: Fitting new information into existing ideas.

- Accommodation: Changing ideas to fit new information.


26. Habituation and Dishabituation

- Habituation: Decreased response to repeated stimuli.

- Dishabituation: Renewed response to a new stimulus.


27. Information Processing Approach

- Focuses on how children process and store information.


28. Joint Attention

- Shared focus on an object by two people, important for social development.


29. Recognition vs. Recall

- Recognition: Identifying something familiar.

- Recall: Remembering something without cues.


30. Infant Temperament

- Types: Easy, difficult, and slow-to-warm-up.


31. Goodness of Fit

- The match between a child’s temperament and their environment.


32. Physical Changes During Toddlerhood

- Slower growth and increased motor skills and independence.


33. Growth in Developed vs. Developing Countries

- Faster growth in developed countries due to better nutrition and healthcare.


34. Sleeping Patterns in Infancy and Toddlerhood

- Infancy: 16-18 hours of sleep.

- Toddlerhood: 12-14 hours of sleep with longer nights.


35. Piaget’s Theory and Associated Concepts

- Sensorimotor Stage: Learning through senses and actions, developing object permanence.

- Preoperational Stage: Using symbols but lacking conservation and understanding others' perspectives.

- Concrete Operational Stage: Logical thinking, understanding conservation.

- Formal Operational Stage: Abstract thinking and reasoning.


36. Vygotsky’s Theory and Associated Concepts

- ZPD: Tasks a child can do with help.

- Scaffolding: Support to help a child achieve tasks within their ZPD.


37. Brain Areas for Language Development

- Broca’s Area: Produces speech.

- Wernicke’s Area: Understands language.


38. Emotional Self-Regulation

- Managing emotions in response to environmental or social demands.


This is a simplified but comprehensive set of flashcards! Let me know if you want any further adjustments or explanations.
