What is a subculture?
A subculture is a group with its own norms and values that differ from mainstream norms and values
Pro-school, anti-school, laddish and ethnic subcultures are common in education
Ethnic subcultures:
Subcultures are often formed based on an understanding of one's own ethnicity
Asian girls (Shain)
Muslim boys (Archer)
Black Caribbean (Sewell)
Asain Girls:
Shain (2010)- Female school subcultures of Asain girls
Gang girls
Faith girls
Gang girls- Refusal to integrate into mainstream culture as a reaction to perceive racist behaviours
Muslim boys:
Archers (2003) examined the rejection felt by Muslim boys education
Identified with black culture
Macho-subculture focused on male dominance
Black subcultures:
Sewell (2008)
Innovators and Rebels adopted anit-school stances, but behaviours differed in Rebels more reactive to racism
The victim-blaming approach of Sewell has been criticised
Is the cause of subculture due to ethnicity or a reaction to racism in schools?
Some groups were pro-education but anti-school- Fuller’s research
Explanations for identity formation