Amendment, citizen, democracy, laws, rights, society, government, politics, legislative, executive, judicial, ideologies, beliefs, liberties, Anti-Federalist, bicameral, checks and balances, elite democracy, enumerated powers, extradition, federalism, judicial review, national supremacy, natural law, necessary and proper clause, participatory democracy, pluralist democracy, popular sovereignty, representative republic, republicanism, reserved powers, separation of powers, social contract, supremacy clause
Amendment, citizen, democracy, laws, rights, society, government, politics, legislative, executive, judicial, ideologies, beliefs, liberties, Anti-Federalist, bicameral, checks and balances, elite democracy, enumerated powers, extradition, federalism, judicial review, national supremacy, natural law, necessary and proper clause, participatory democracy, pluralist democracy, popular sovereignty, representative republic, republicanism, reserved powers, separation of powers, social contract, supremacy clause