Important Dates in the Industrial Revolution:
1760: Beginning of the Industrial Revolution in Britain.
1769: Invention of the spinning jenny by James Hargreaves.
1785: Invention of the power loom by Edmund Cartwright.
1794: Invention of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney.
1830: Start of the Railway Age.
1833: Factory Act passed in Britain, regulating child labor.
1856: Bessemer Process for steelmaking patented by Henry Bessemer.
Central Idea: Industrial Revolution
The chain of events that started in Britain in the 1700’s which completely changed the way of living.
Unlike other factors that affected the lives of people in the past, the industrial revolution was a a long, slow and uneven proces that changed simple hand tool to complex machines.
Britain→Europe→North America→the rest of the world.
the revoltion became possible because of the changes made in farming fields. known as the second agricultural revolution.
the insdustrial revoution benefited the entrepeneurs but fro the laborers it only brought povertyand bad living condition.
Main Branches:
→ because of the population growth, there were supply of labor ot mine for coal and build factories. this is one of the factors that led to the industrial revolution. why?
Natural resources
→ river- gave them water power and beneficial for the consturction of canals
- it helped for trading and bring in good sin the market.
- communication and transportation also became simpler because they had acces to the seas from all the angles.
→ coal- it was used to power the steam engine.
→ iron- was sufficeint to build machines.
Demand and Capital
→ britain had eager workers willing to make new inventions as the population started to increase and with that their demands. However, money was needed for this.
→ they had many sources of income such as the slave trade which helped them aquire capital or investment money.
→ britain also had a stable governemnt supporting economical growth. they built strong navies that protected the empire and the trading along the sea.
→sewing machine
→ measured the speed of light
→ antiseptic methods to reduce the dying women during labour.
→ the movement of people to cities.
→the peole that lived in the villages had changed their rural ways of living by 1850.
→they were forced to migrate from their villages because they had to look for jobs in factories to provide for their families.
→ cities started to be built around factories as the population grew since the people spent majority of the times there.
→ Economical system emerged from the industrial revolution characterized by private ownership of production and profit diven markets
→capital- is the money invested in enterprices.
→ enterprices- a business organization in an area such as shipping, mining, railroads and factories.
→ Economical system emerged from the industrial revolution characterized by private ownership of production and profit diven markets.
Economic Growth
→ laizze faire, Adam Smith- the hands off approach to economy by the government and it was liked by the middle class business owners.
-smith had said that the free market would not only benefit the richs. it would produce more goods at a lower price.
- this also encouraged the capitalist to reinvest because of the growing economy. this is known as the free enterprise capitalism.
another laizze faire economist Thomas Malthus said that hte population will soon out grow the food supply. he said tht the only way for the populatipnd to decrease is for nature ot take its course with war and diseases. he discouraged birth and medicines that kept the people alive, BUT HE WAS WRONG. Eventhough the population did continue to grow, the food supplies grew faster and living conditions improved.
Trasportation- the enterpenuers need faster ways of sending their goods from places to places so they turned to turnpikes whic are private roads that charge passengers fee. they also linked britain to every part.
-other built canals and some dug underground while others made the bridges better.
→Canal boom(1763)- it was built for factories to to recieve coal and raw material then send them to the market in a cheap way.
- this led to the enterpenuers to form companies to build canals for profit but it often resulted in bankruptcy.
- in 1830s, they were replced by steam locomotives making the railway more preferable.
→Steam locomotives- it made the railroads possible. the idea was to pull carages along the iron rails, and not the river making it cheaper for the factories to send of their goods over land.
→ Liverpool→Manchester- first rail line. this method got improved an later started to travel across Europe and north america.
Social Changes
→ the middle classes were divided based on their education.
Rise of the Middle Class
→ they owned and operated the factories, mines, railroads, and other industries and had a better lifestyle than the working class.
→ when the farmers started to work in the factories, it was hard for them but through time they managed to create a commnity of their own called the industrial middle class (bourgeoisie).
→ they were a combinstion of merchants, skilled artisans that highly contributed to the industry and new techs.
→ unlike the middle middle classes they werent affluant but instead took pride in their hard work.
→ they couldnt afford to leave thier kids at home but instead, the kids went to work with them.
they lived in multistory buldings made into apartments with no sewage or sanitational system. people also threw their garbage in th river which poluted and contaminated the water and caused cholera.
to initiate reforms, the workers had a secret union but had no political power to inforce changes in wages and others which led to violence.
→ Luddites, groups of textile workers, had had a riot against machines that threatened their jobs so they very lowkey burned the factory.
methodism, was the religion that the working class found comfort in. it was a religion found by John Wesley, a working class since they moved to the city and too far from their churches.
→ they had hymms and sermons preaching about forgiveness and a better life to come an to rekindle hope.
→ they not only studied the bible but also to read and write. religion helped the people “chanel their anger away from the revolution and towards reform”.
working class advances
→ through protest and pressure on the governemnt, improvemenrs were made throught the labor union.
→ the workers foremed a mutuak aid-society that aided the injured and/or the sick workers.
→ voting rights started to expand in the western parts of europe for men and the workers started to form their labour union.
→ workers owent on a strike for better working hours, limited work days and higher wages but this sometimes ended up with violence. at the end, they managed to get child labour completly dismissed, the had limited working hours.
→ eventually, theur standards of living got improved.
Utiliarians, limited government.
Jeremy Bentham advocated utilitarianism which is the idea for societies goal to be the greated happiness for the greatest numbers. does it cause more pain than happiness. he belived that giving the people freedom is what made them happy.
John stuart did agree that the people needed their freedom but john wanted the government to step in and help out the working class aswell. He said that even though it is good that the middle classes are increasing their business, they shouldnt however do it will harming the workers. he said that worlers and women should be givin the right to vote so that they could win the reforms and make change in their society.
David Richardo had no hope for the working class to escape poverty. he said that the increase of e´wages only made the working calss family to have more babies instead of provding for the ones that are already there.
→ it was thought to be the rational solution to the damage capitalism had caused which was void it created between the rich and poor.the socialists had believed that “people as a whole instead of private idividual would own and operate the means of production and business that produced and distributed goods.
an early socialt groups called Utopians had risen. they believed that when their is no differenfe between rich and poor the the fighting amongst people would dissappear. these people were believed to be dreamers and amoungst them was a welsh man named robert.
Robert Owen was a utopian that set up a model community in scotland where he reduced working hours, built homes for workers, started school for kids and opened a company sotre where wokers could come and buy clothes. he refused chil labor and encouraged labour unions.
→ marx prediction was the the struggle between the social classes would lead to a classless society and all business and means of productions were owned by the community. later on, communism was refered to as the system in which the government is led by a small elite that controlled all economical and political lives.
→ he classified the “history struggle classes” in 2, the have and the have-nots.
haves- the onwers of means of production that controlled society and all its wealth. they were the bougeoisie.
have-nots- they were the proletariats who were the working class.
→ marx had belived that the proletariats would be victorious. they would later take control of production and set up a classless society and wealth and power would be distributed equally. “workers of all countries, unite!”
→ social democracy- the political ideology in which there is a graudual trasition from capitalism to socialism instead of a sudden violent overthrow of the system. the marxism ideology was adopted by many around the world such as asia, latin america, and africa. but as times passsed by, the flaws of marxism started to emerge.
→ marx had predicted that workers around the world would unite nation wise but he was wrong. the people had felt more compfrtable with thier own countries rather than the international communist movement hence nationalism situated
Environmental Impact
Agricultural revolution
farming methods improved led by the Dutchs.
→they built dikes to claim lands from the seas
→joined the small and large lands to make better use of th earea and used fertilizers to renew the soils.
→ the british and the dutchs exchanged ideas of farming. while one was mixing different soils, the other was using the crop rotaion method.
→ new mechanical devis was made the seed drill, whic depostied hte seeds instead of being scattered all over.
→ it also left many farmers jobless and homeless.
Enclosure increases output but causes migration.
→ the rich landowners took over the lands that were initially the peasant farmers.
→ 1500s, the landowners enclosed the lands to gain more food for the sheeps from their wool.
→1700s, they wanted to create larger fields for greater cultivation. as this continued, the farm out put rose as did the profit because large fields needed fewer workers.
→ this was bad because this led to many farmers losing their job and as well as their lands because they couldnt compete with the rich landowners.
→ becuase of these factors, the jobeless farmers were forced to migrate form their villages to the cities to in looking for jobs.
→these people will later form a labour force that tend the machines of the industrial revolution.
Population growth
→ Due to the agricultural revolution, the population of countries grew exponentially. eg Britian from 5 mill to 9 mill in a hundered years. During the same period, the population of europe grew from 120mill to 180mil.
→ This was becasue the agricutural revoltuion decreased the deaths from starvation because of the amount of food being produced . the people ate better hence got healthier.
→ as time went by, the medical care got improved slowing down the deaths. they found out that there was a microbe that caused the infections and this was the germ theory discovered by the french chemist Louid Pasteur. he also went on and made medicine and vaccines againt these infections. the sanitazations as well were imporved. the first nursing schoool was made by Florence Nightingale.
City life changes
→there were both upsides and down sides to the changed made in the cities.
plus side
→ there were more job opportunities due to urbna renewal- rebulding the poor areas of a city.
→ the safety of the country was imporved by organizing a police force. to make the city safe during the night, they had developed gas and electric lights.
→ sanitations of the city got better due to the sewage systems and the supply of clean water to combat diseases such as cholera.
down side (slums)
→ the urban life was still harsh for the poor. they cintinued to live in the tenements with the crowded space.
→ they couldnt afford to get sick because they would lose their wages.
→ the crime rate and the alcoholism frequently cause a chaos.
despite all these good and bad factors, they still had tourists. they had music halls, operahouses and entertainment in the theater. museams, libraries and sports opened up opportunites for the visitors to learn and have a good time.
Key Inventions
Steam Engine
→ coal was used to develope the steam engine to pump water from mines. made by Thomas Newcomen’s.
→ in 1764, James watt took a look to mkae the steam engine more efficient.
→ his imporvement not only helps fro machineries but powering locomotives and steamships.
→ coal was also vital sources of fuel for the porduction of iron whic is used in machines and the steam engine.
→ they started toexperimentby using coal insted of charcoal to smelt iron; to separate iron from its ore.
→ this experiment led to iron being produced with better quality and less expensive.
→ a drug that prevents pain during sugery.( an American dentist first used it)
→ Putting-out System- raw cotton distributed to peasanr families fro them to spin it in to threads then wove them. artisans then came and dyed them. this production was slow
→Spinning Jenny- produced by James Hargreaves in 1764. it sped many threads simultaneously.
→ Cotton Gin- made by Eli Whitney because some countries were struggling to use the spinning jenny because they weren’t able to separate the seeds form the cotton.
→ factories were then formed where they brought workers and their machines to make large amounts of goods.
→ urgents messages started to get delivered along the telegraph wires.
Key Figures
James Watt- improved the steam engine to better facilitate the people.
Eli Whitney- made the cotton gin to help separate the seeds from the raw cottons to make the process of making cloths faster.
Thomas Malthus- an economist that observed the struggles caused by the rapid population growth. He believed that the increasing population would our grow the food supply.
Karl Marx- A German philosopher that rejected the utopian ideology. he worte the The communist manifesto in 1848. he was the father of communism.
Impacts on Society
City life improved
→ urban renewal- parks and skyskapers are made
→better sanitazation- clean water, sewagea dn side walks
→ better transportation and communication.
→ better diets- farming storage and distribution of food
→ hospital care is improved aswell resulting in the decrease of death rate.
Working Conditions
→ Unlike farmers that worked hard depending on the season, the working class had rigid schedule according to the factory and the demands of the city.
→working hours were from12 to 16 hours of shift 6 or 7 days a week.
→ their were no devices that guaranteed thier safety. their organs especially thier lungs were highly afected because of the air they breathed. if injured, they didnt get their jobs back.
women → most of hte workers hired were women because they were thought to adapt to machines faster and women are easier to “manage” and they paid them half of what the men got.
→ they were burdened to not only worl in the factory for 12 or more hours but also to get bacck to thei house and take care of their families that sick or injured.
Miners→ they got paid well but hteir working conditions were bad.
→ the pit was black and full od coal dust wihich affected their lands.
→ th erisk of injuries was very hig because they were exposed to explosions, flooding and the tubbek colapsing even. if not that, the loads they had to carry was enough to ruin they bone structure.
Child Labor
→children were also hired at the age of mostly 8 and above but a few from the age of 5. this sat right witht he parents because it was normal for children to help out in the farm so this wasnt out of the ordinary.
→ with their tiny feature, they helped out at places the grown ups couldnt see due to the dust and also repaired machinery by crawling under and fixing whats broken.
→ the conditions were worse for them because they were exposed to akk the chemicals and the heavy loads from a young age.
→ in 1800’s a factory act law was implied to reduce the working hours for the kids from 12 hours. it was aslo mentioned that children below the age of nine were to work in the cotton mills.
→ more laws were applied to reduce the working hours of womena nd for children to aquire education.
End results.
→ the industrial revolution is seen as both a blessing and a curse.
it improved life conditions, working class men gained the right to vote, as demands grew, new factories were opened creating more jobs for the people. wages got increased so people could have left over after paying rent. the cost of railroads decreased so traveling became less expensive.
lower pay, horrible living conditions for the middle working class,
Check point questions
How was the industrial revolution a turning point in the world history?
→ the industrial revolution was a turning point for the way people lived because new machines were created whic made their lives much simpler.
→coutries and villages changed to industrial towns and cities.
How did an agricultural revolution contribute to the population?
→ because of the new machines that were created for making farming easier and more efficient, the amount of food being produced increased so the deaths caused by starvation decreased and even ate more healthier
→ medical care and hygiene were imporved aswell so the people were able to get cured and not die.
What new technologies helped trigger the industrial revolution?
→ coal played a very important part in the production of the steam engine and the the smelting of iron.
→ as iron production started to get imporved, it started being used for many things . it was used for the steam engine and also a bridge.
What conditions in Britain paved the way for the industrial revolution?
→ they had access to the river which made it easier for them to trade because they canals making all sides of the seas available. this made it easier to communicate and travel.
→ the also had eager workers and also the money to supply the demands of their growing population.
→ had enough natural resource such as coal and rion which were essential for most of the inventions
→ they had a stable government that supported them the whole way through safety and moeny managinf wise aswell.
→ they had income sources from outside such as trading which resulted in tons of capital.
What led to the advancement of the british textile industry?
→ is the population started to increase, the demands for cloths rise aswell. becamebecause of that, there were eager workers willing to produce more goods faster than when using the putting out system. after creating machiens that made cotons into threads many at the same time.
→ this factor led to the beggining of factories. where alot of good
Why was the development of the railroads important to industrialization?
→ because the railroads meant that the goods transported would be on land make it cheaper for the factories to send out their goods.
→ it also spread the industrialization across its borders to Europe and North America.
What led to the massive migration of people from farms to cities?
→ people had lost their jobs because of the enclosure movement.
→ the city had more job opportunities and need more workers.
→ there was a massive growing population.
How did memebers of the working cladd react to their new expirience in industrial cities?
→ they weren’t very thrilled about it. their life stylr had completely been altered from how it previous used to be.
→ their living conditions need improvement because of the slumps and the garbage thrown in the rivers causeing diseas.
→ wiht no political power, the people can only get violence in order to get their voices heard and to keep thier jobs.
→ the only way to really keep thier sanity is the sunday school they have qith the methodism religion and the secret labour community they have formed.
How did the industrila revolution affect the lives of the men, women, and children?
→ thier working hours were horrible and the didnt have any breaks unless said so by the leader.
→ their working condition did not guarantee and type of safety ensurance which meant that there was a possibility of organ damages and also explossions nd flooding in the mines.
→ the women were getting hired because they didint dare fight the authority making it easire for them to manage the women easiky. they also got paid half the men salary even they they worked the same amount. the had no rest because after spending more than 12 hours in the mines, the had to go home and take care of theit family who are injured.
→ the worling conditions for the children were horrble. the were exposed to so many chemicals from a young age increasing the possbility of the kids growing up to be disabled due to the heavy loads on the back and bodies but also the exposure of coal dusts and other chemicals.
Why was the industrial revolutionseen as both a blessing and a curse?
the industrial revolutiononly benefited the entrepreneurs and not at all the working class, at least not until the end.
the working conditions the working class had was bad. they had to work for to many hours and barely had breaks. the air they inhaled were coal dust and other chemicals the damaged their lungs
they hired more women because they didnt have hte guts to protest against anything making it easier for the owners to “manage them”. they got paid half the salary the men did and they never really have a break because after working thier 12 or more hour shift, they got back home and took care of their families and helped the sick and injured.
the men got the right.
the labor union got to make a change in the end.
new inventions were created that made the lives of the people better .
communication and traveling no morerequired the amount of effort as it did before witht he help of telegraph and railroads.
the second aggricultral revoltuion totally changed the peoples was of living with new farming methods.
the population grew as more food started to get produced and hospital care and sanitization got improved and death rate decreased.
Explain the reponses to laizze- faire economics during the 19th century.
→ the economist had a lot to say about letting nature taking its own course and the government to interfering. this way, the population growth will decrease by its own and the food supplies wont run out on the people. the other person, david, said that if the governemnt interfered and increased the wages, this will only result in the working class families having more instead kids of using the money they have to support the memebers of the family that already exist.
what did John Stuart mill see as the prosper role of the government?
→ he said that the government should step in to improve the lives of the owkring class because even though it is good that the middle classes are increasing their business, it should be at the cost of loves of the workers. if women and workers got the right to vte, then they would be able to win the reforms and make change in their society.
what did early socialsts believe?
→ they believed that if there was no differnece between the rich and the poor then fighting amoungst people would dissappear.
what did marx predict was the future of the proletariats?
→ he predicted the they would trimphant and that they would build a classless society were all wealth and power is shared equally.
how accurate did marx’s prediction about the social classes prove to be?