Algorithm Analysis

CMPUT 175 Introduction to Foundations of Computing

Algorithm Analysis Post-test

  • This document includes vignettes on:

    • Objects and Classes

    • Fibonacci sequences


  • Understand performance differences between various algorithm solutions to the same problem.

  • Recognize the significance of algorithm analysis in programming.

  • Learn about "Big-O" notation to describe execution times for algorithms.

  • Introduction to algorithm techniques.

  • Importance of making the right choice regarding data structures and their implementations in Python.

What is an Algorithm?

  • Definition: A step-by-step procedure to solve a specific problem.

  • Characteristics:

    • Well-specified procedure using input values to produce output values.

    • Sequence of computational steps to transform input into output.

    • Analogous to a recipe transforming ingredients (input) into a dish (output).

Example of an Algorithm

  • Input: An array of numbers [25, 90, 53, 23, 11, 34]

  • Output: The smallest number in the array, which is 11.

  • Algorithm Steps:

    • Initialize m with the first element of the array.

    • Iterate through the array to check if any other element is smaller than m.

    • Update m to the smaller element if found.

    • Return m as the smallest number.

What is a Program?

  • Definition: An implementation of an algorithm in a programming language.

  • Characteristics:

    • Programming languages have specific grammar and syntax.

    • Python is one example of many programming languages, each designed to communicate instructions to a computer.

Program vs. Algorithm

  • Relationship:

    • An algorithm is essential for any program; without it, no program can exist.

    • Algorithms should be expressed in high-level language before translating them to programs.

    • Algorithms can be implemented using various programming languages such as:

      • Old languages: Fortran, PL/I, COBOL, Pascal, BASIC, C, etc.

      • Common languages: Java, C++, Python, JavaScript, Perl, etc.

Algorithm Implementation Example

  • Examples of implementations in programming languages to find the smallest number:

    int main()  
    int numbers[6] = {25, 90, 53, 23, 11, 34};
    int i, m = numbers[0];
    for (i = 1; i < sizeof(numbers); i++) {
    if (m > numbers[i]) {
    m = numbers[i];
    return 0;
  • Other implementations in Python, Pascal, Perl, and more illustrate the algorithm visually with similar logic.

Study of Algorithms

  • Key aspects:

    • Analyze how to measure the performance of algorithms.

    • Analyze an algorithm’s running time without coding it.

    • Devise algorithms using various techniques.

    • Validation and testing of algorithms and programs.

Analysis Criteria for Algorithms

  • Essential to assess:

    • Execution time: Time complexity.

    • Memory utilization: Space complexity.

    • Search for the optimal solution: Potentially better alternatives.

Comparing Algorithms

  • Comparison based on the resources utilized by each algorithm.

  • An algorithm is more efficient than another if it uses fewer resources or performs better with resource allocation.

  • Benchmarking involves analyzing execution time (running time) and memory usage.

Problem Example: Summing the First n Numbers

  • Analysis of two algorithms performing the same task, with one being more readable but both providing the same execution results.

    def sum1(n):  
    theSum = 0
    for i in range(1, n+1):
    theSum += i
    return theSum

    def myFunction(something):
    me = 0
    for alpha in range(1, something + 1):
    me += alpha
    return me

Fibonacci Sequence

  • Problem: Compute Fibonacci numbers defined by the relation:

    • F0 = 0, F1 = 1, Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2.

  • Noticed relationship to the golden ratio and how Fibonacci numbers approach this ratio.

Fibonacci Algorithm Implementation

  • Multiple implementations of Fibonacci sequences including:

    • Iterative, recursive, recursive with caching, and use of the golden ratio.

Benchmarking Fibonacci Algorithms

  • Performance measures showed that different algorithms had varied execution times; iterative solutions performed optimally, caching techniques reduced repeated calculations, while direct recursion was inefficient.

Performance Metrics of Algorithms

  • Algorithms can be analyzed based on the number of operations required to solve a problem, rather than actual CPU cycle time.

  • Asymptotic performance, Big-O notation helps classify algorithm efficiency in terms of the growth rate of these operations relative to input size.

Growth Rates of Algorithms

  • Various growth rates are presented, such as linear, logarithmic, polynomial, and exponential.

  • Comparative analysis of different Fibonacci algorithms shows notable time complexity differences.


  • Understanding the performance of algorithms through analyzing time and space complexity is crucial.

  • Selection of appropriate data structures can significantly impact the execution efficiency of algorithms.

  • Techniques such as dynamic programming and divide-and-conquer strategies provide efficient methods for problem-solving.
