This document includes vignettes on:
Objects and Classes
Fibonacci sequences
Understand performance differences between various algorithm solutions to the same problem.
Recognize the significance of algorithm analysis in programming.
Learn about "Big-O" notation to describe execution times for algorithms.
Introduction to algorithm techniques.
Importance of making the right choice regarding data structures and their implementations in Python.
Definition: A step-by-step procedure to solve a specific problem.
Well-specified procedure using input values to produce output values.
Sequence of computational steps to transform input into output.
Analogous to a recipe transforming ingredients (input) into a dish (output).
Input: An array of numbers [25, 90, 53, 23, 11, 34]
Output: The smallest number in the array, which is 11.
Algorithm Steps:
Initialize m with the first element of the array.
Iterate through the array to check if any other element is smaller than m.
Update m to the smaller element if found.
Return m as the smallest number.
Definition: An implementation of an algorithm in a programming language.
Programming languages have specific grammar and syntax.
Python is one example of many programming languages, each designed to communicate instructions to a computer.
An algorithm is essential for any program; without it, no program can exist.
Algorithms should be expressed in high-level language before translating them to programs.
Algorithms can be implemented using various programming languages such as:
Old languages: Fortran, PL/I, COBOL, Pascal, BASIC, C, etc.
Common languages: Java, C++, Python, JavaScript, Perl, etc.
Examples of implementations in programming languages to find the smallest number:
int main()
int numbers[6] = {25, 90, 53, 23, 11, 34};
int i, m = numbers[0];
for (i = 1; i < sizeof(numbers); i++) {
if (m > numbers[i]) {
m = numbers[i];
return 0;
Other implementations in Python, Pascal, Perl, and more illustrate the algorithm visually with similar logic.
Key aspects:
Analyze how to measure the performance of algorithms.
Analyze an algorithm’s running time without coding it.
Devise algorithms using various techniques.
Validation and testing of algorithms and programs.
Essential to assess:
Execution time: Time complexity.
Memory utilization: Space complexity.
Search for the optimal solution: Potentially better alternatives.
Comparison based on the resources utilized by each algorithm.
An algorithm is more efficient than another if it uses fewer resources or performs better with resource allocation.
Benchmarking involves analyzing execution time (running time) and memory usage.
Analysis of two algorithms performing the same task, with one being more readable but both providing the same execution results.
def sum1(n):
theSum = 0
for i in range(1, n+1):
theSum += i
return theSum
def myFunction(something):
me = 0
for alpha in range(1, something + 1):
me += alpha
return me
Problem: Compute Fibonacci numbers defined by the relation:
F0 = 0, F1 = 1, Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2.
Noticed relationship to the golden ratio and how Fibonacci numbers approach this ratio.
Multiple implementations of Fibonacci sequences including:
Iterative, recursive, recursive with caching, and use of the golden ratio.
Performance measures showed that different algorithms had varied execution times; iterative solutions performed optimally, caching techniques reduced repeated calculations, while direct recursion was inefficient.
Algorithms can be analyzed based on the number of operations required to solve a problem, rather than actual CPU cycle time.
Asymptotic performance, Big-O notation helps classify algorithm efficiency in terms of the growth rate of these operations relative to input size.
Various growth rates are presented, such as linear, logarithmic, polynomial, and exponential.
Comparative analysis of different Fibonacci algorithms shows notable time complexity differences.
Understanding the performance of algorithms through analyzing time and space complexity is crucial.
Selection of appropriate data structures can significantly impact the execution efficiency of algorithms.
Techniques such as dynamic programming and divide-and-conquer strategies provide efficient methods for problem-solving.