Event Overview: Participants will be assessed on their understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the integumentary, skeletal, and muscular systems of the human body.
Team Size: Up to 2 participants.
Calculator Requirement: Class II, non-programmable, non-graphing; two allowed.
Event Duration: Approximately 50 minutes.
Each team can bring one 8.5” x 11” sheet of paper, double-sided, for reference.
Event may consist of a written test or lab-practical stations involving various scientific elements.
Functionality: Understand key functions such as:
Physical protection
Vitamin D synthesis
Temperature regulation
Role in innate immunity
Anatomy & Histology:
Layers of the skin and their characteristics
Building blocks: hair (types, growth cycle), nails, glands (eccrine vs apocrine), sensory receptors.
Skin Variations:
Factors affecting color and texture; aging effects.
Dermatological Features:
Freckles, moles, scales, calluses, birthmarks, fingerprints.
Diseases: Understand the pathological effects at various levels:
Skin wounds (burns, sunburn)
Allergens (poison ivy, metals)
Infections (boils, shingles, etc.)
Inflammatory disorders (psoriasis, dermatitis)
Skin cancer types (melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, etc.)
Treatments: Know prevention and treatment methods for listed conditions.
Advanced Topics (State and National Level):
Immunology and additional skin disorders like vitiligo.
Wound healing processes: inflammation, apoptosis, etc.
Knowledge of Bones: Identify components of axial and appendicular skeletons.
Labeling diagrams and X-Rays of basic bone anatomy.
Joints & Mobility: Structure and function of various joint types; range of motion.
Bone Composition:
Importance in calcium/phosphate balance, hormones affecting bones.
Cellular structures and function of bones and cartilage.
Bone Disorders: Recognize diseases from cellular to systemic level:
Osteoarthritis, gout, osteoporosis, scoliosis, etc.
Fracture Understanding: Includes Salter-Harris classification, causes, and treatments.
Advanced Topics (State and National Level):
Further disorders (e.g., ankylosing spondylitis, osteosarcoma).
Basic Functions: Movement, circulation, and heat production; skeletal muscle interaction with the skeletal system.
Muscle Anatomy:
Gross and cellular structure of skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle.
Tension production and contraction physiology.
Muscle Actions: Understanding roles of agonist, antagonist, and synergist muscles.
Injury Prevention: Know about strains, sprains, and their management.
Pervasive Disorders: Classification of neuromuscular junction disorders and related pain syndromes.
Additional Topics (State and National Level): Energy systems in skeletal muscles, role of cardiac and smooth muscles.
High score wins; selected questions will serve to break ties.
Visit The Science Olympiad store for additional resources. Other materials are available on event pages at soinc.org.
Frontalis, Orbicularis oris, Orbicularis oculi, Occipitofrontalis, Zygomaticus major, Masseter, Sternocleidomastoid, Trapezius, Buccinator
Pectoralis major, Latissimus dorsi, Deltoid, Teres major, Biceps brachii, Triceps brachii, Brachialis, Palmaris longus, Flexor carpi radialis, Flexor digitorum superficialis, Extensor carpi radialis, Extensor digitorum, Extensor digiti minimi, Extensor carpi ulnaris, Infraspinatus, Supraspinatus, Subscapularis, Teres Minor
External intercostals, Internal intercostals, Transverse abdominis, Rectus abdominis, Serratus anterior, Diaphragm
Iliopsoas, Sartorius, Gluteus maximus, Gluteus medius, Tensor fasciae latae, Adductor longus, Gracilis, Semimembranosus, Semitendinosus, Biceps femoris, Rectus femoris, Vastus lateralis, Vastus intermedius, Vastus medialis, Tibialis anterior, Gastrocnemius, Soleus, Peroneus longus, Peroneus brevis