monetary base: Currency held by the public and commercial bank reserves held with the central bank
m1: currency, demand deposits,
traveler’s checks, and other checkable deposits.
m2: everything in M1 plus savings deposits,
small time deposits, money market mutual funds, and a few minor categories.
private saving: Y-T-C
public saving: T-G
national saving and investment: (Y-T-C) - (T-G)
budget surplus = public saving
budget deficit = -(public saving)
OMOs: The purchase and sale of U.S. government bonds by the Fed.
discount rate: The interest rate on loans the Fed makes to banks
reserve requirements: Regulations on the minimum amount of reserves banks must hold against deposits.
nominal variables: are measured in monetary units.
real variables: are measured in physical units.
money neutrality: the proposition that changes in the money supply do not affect real variables
quantity equation: M*V=P*Y (arrange for velocity formula)
shoeleather costs: the resources wasted when inflation encourages people to reduce their money holdings
menu costs: the costs of changing prices
Fischer effect: money is neutral, so a change in the money growth rate affects the inflation rate but not the real interest rate.
How do loans increase in banking system: Lending out excess reserves
Money multiplier overstated: Because it doesnt take excess reserves into account
As nominal interest rate increases: quantity of money people want to hold decreases
As nominal interest rate increases: prices of bonds decrease
As loanable funds increase/shift to right: Interese rate decreases