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6th Schedule:

The 6th Schedule of the Constitution provides for the administration of tribal areas in

Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram to safeguard the rights of the tribal population

in these states.

This special provision is provided under Article 244(2) and Article 275(1) of the


• The tribes in the above states have not assimilated much with the life and ways

of the other people in these states.

• These areas still have the presence of anthropological specimens.

Administration in the 6th Schedule:

• The tribal areas in the 6th Schedule area have been constituted as

autonomous districts. The autonomous districts have been given varying

degrees of autonomy within the State Legislature.

• There are 10 autonomous districts – three in Assam, Meghalaya and Mizoram

and one in Tripura.

• Each autonomous district can also have a separate regional council.

5th Schedule

Article 244(1) provides that the provisions of the fifth schedule shall apply to the

administration and control of the scheduled areas and scheduled

tribes in any state other than the states of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram.

• The executive power of the state extends to the scheduled areas therein. In

the administration of Scheduled Areas, both the Centre and the States have

duties to play.

• Governor is empowered to direct that any particular act of parliament or state

government does not apply to scheduled areas or if applied, then with specific

modifications & exceptions.

• The Governor may make regulations for the peace and good government

of any area in a State which is for the time being a Scheduled Area.


6th Schedule:

The 6th Schedule of the Constitution provides for the administration of tribal areas in

Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram to safeguard the rights of the tribal population

in these states.

This special provision is provided under Article 244(2) and Article 275(1) of the


• The tribes in the above states have not assimilated much with the life and ways

of the other people in these states.

• These areas still have the presence of anthropological specimens.

Administration in the 6th Schedule:

• The tribal areas in the 6th Schedule area have been constituted as

autonomous districts. The autonomous districts have been given varying

degrees of autonomy within the State Legislature.

• There are 10 autonomous districts – three in Assam, Meghalaya and Mizoram

and one in Tripura.

• Each autonomous district can also have a separate regional council.

5th Schedule

Article 244(1) provides that the provisions of the fifth schedule shall apply to the

administration and control of the scheduled areas and scheduled

tribes in any state other than the states of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram.

• The executive power of the state extends to the scheduled areas therein. In

the administration of Scheduled Areas, both the Centre and the States have

duties to play.

• Governor is empowered to direct that any particular act of parliament or state

government does not apply to scheduled areas or if applied, then with specific

modifications & exceptions.

• The Governor may make regulations for the peace and good government

of any area in a State which is for the time being a Scheduled Area.