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Chapter 12: History of key ideas

Key developments in Physics

  • 400 BCE. Democritus suggests that there might be a limit to the divisibility of matter. (Atomos is the Greek word for indivisible.)

  • 350 BCE. Aristotle suggests that the Earth is at the centre of the Universe, with the Sun, Moon, and planets on crystal spheres around it.

  • 240 BCE. Eratosthenes estimates the diameter of the Earth by comparing shadow angles in different places.

  • 60 CE. Hero makes a small turbine driven by jets of steam.

  • 150 CE. Ptolemy suggests that the Earth is at the centre of the Universe, and that the Sun, Moon, and planets are moving in perfect circles.

  • 1000 Magnetic compass used in China.

  • 1543 Copernicus suggests that the Sun is at the centre of the Universe, with the Earth and planets moving around it.

  • 1600 Gilbert suggests that the Earth acts like a giant bar magnet.

  • 1604 Galileo shows that all falling objects should have the same, steady acceleration.

  • 1621 Snell states his law of refraction.

  • 1644 Torricelli makes the first mercury barometer.

  • 1654 Guericke demonstrates atmospheric pressure.

  • 1662 Boyle states his law for gases.

  • 1678 Huygens puts forward his wave theory of light.

  • 1679 Hooke states his law for elastic materials.

  • 1687 Newton publishes his theory of gravity and laws of motion.

  • 1714 Fahrenheit makes the first mercury thermometer.

  • 1752 Franklin performs a hazardous experiment with a kite to show that lightning is electricity.

  • 1790 Herschel discovers the shape of our galaxy.

  • 1800 Volta makes the first battery.

  • 1803

    • Dalton suggests that matter is made up of atoms.

    • Young demonstrates the wave nature of light.

  • 1821 Faraday makes a simple form of electric motor.

  • 1825 Ampère works out a law for the force between current-carrying conductors.

  • 1827 Ohm states his law for metal conductors.

  • 1832

    • Faraday demonstrated electromagnetic induction.

    • Sturgeon makes the first moving - coil meter.

  • 1840 First use of words ‘physicist’ and ‘scientist’.

  • 1849

    • Fizeau measures the speed of light.

    • Joule establishes the link between heat and work.

  • 1852 Kelvin states the law of conservation of energy.

  • 1864 Maxwell predicts the existence of radio waves and other electromagnetic waves.

  • 1877 Cailletet liquefies oxygen.

  • 1879 Swan and Edison make the first electric light bulbs.

  • 1888 Hertz demonstrates the existence of radio waves.

  • 1894 Marconi transmits the first radio signals.

  • 1895 Röntgen discovers X-rays.

  • 1896 Becquerel discovered radioactivity.

  • 1897 Thomson discovers the electron.

  • 1898 M. Curie discovered radium and polonium.

  • 1899 Rutherford identifies alpha and beta rays.

  • 1909 Planck proposes the quantum theory.

  • 1905 Einstein uses the quantum theory to explain the photoelectric effect, and publishes his special theory of relativity.

  • 1911 Rutherford proposes a nuclear model of the atom

  • 1913 Bohr uses the quantum theory to modify Rutherford's model of the atom.

  • 1916 Einstein publishes his general theory of relativity.

  • 1919 Rutherford splits the atom and discovers the proton.

  • 1924 De Broglie suggests that particles can behave as waves.

  • 1925 Schrödinger wave-mechanics model of the atom.

  • 1927 Lemaitre suggests the possibility of the Big Bang.

  • 1928 Geiger and Müller invent their radiation detector.

  • 1929 Hubble discovers that the Universe is expanding.

  • 1932

    • Chadwick discovered the neutron.

    • Cockroft and Walton produce the first nuclear change using a particle accelerator.

  • 1938 Hahn discovered nuclear fission.

  • 1942 Fermi builds the first nuclear reactor.

  • 1947 Bardeen, Brattain, and Shockley make the first transistor.

  • 1957 First artificial satellite, Sputnik I, put into orbit.

  • 1958 St Clair Kilby makes the first integrated circuit.

  • 1960 Maiman builds the first laser.

  • 1963 First geostationary communications satellite.

  • 1969 First manned landing on the Moon.

  • 1971 Intel Corporation makes the first microprocessor.

  • 1977 First experimental evidence of quarks.

  • 1990 Hubble Space Telescope launched.

  • 2012 Higgs particle discovered.

Chapter 12: History of key ideas

Key developments in Physics

  • 400 BCE. Democritus suggests that there might be a limit to the divisibility of matter. (Atomos is the Greek word for indivisible.)

  • 350 BCE. Aristotle suggests that the Earth is at the centre of the Universe, with the Sun, Moon, and planets on crystal spheres around it.

  • 240 BCE. Eratosthenes estimates the diameter of the Earth by comparing shadow angles in different places.

  • 60 CE. Hero makes a small turbine driven by jets of steam.

  • 150 CE. Ptolemy suggests that the Earth is at the centre of the Universe, and that the Sun, Moon, and planets are moving in perfect circles.

  • 1000 Magnetic compass used in China.

  • 1543 Copernicus suggests that the Sun is at the centre of the Universe, with the Earth and planets moving around it.

  • 1600 Gilbert suggests that the Earth acts like a giant bar magnet.

  • 1604 Galileo shows that all falling objects should have the same, steady acceleration.

  • 1621 Snell states his law of refraction.

  • 1644 Torricelli makes the first mercury barometer.

  • 1654 Guericke demonstrates atmospheric pressure.

  • 1662 Boyle states his law for gases.

  • 1678 Huygens puts forward his wave theory of light.

  • 1679 Hooke states his law for elastic materials.

  • 1687 Newton publishes his theory of gravity and laws of motion.

  • 1714 Fahrenheit makes the first mercury thermometer.

  • 1752 Franklin performs a hazardous experiment with a kite to show that lightning is electricity.

  • 1790 Herschel discovers the shape of our galaxy.

  • 1800 Volta makes the first battery.

  • 1803

    • Dalton suggests that matter is made up of atoms.

    • Young demonstrates the wave nature of light.

  • 1821 Faraday makes a simple form of electric motor.

  • 1825 Ampère works out a law for the force between current-carrying conductors.

  • 1827 Ohm states his law for metal conductors.

  • 1832

    • Faraday demonstrated electromagnetic induction.

    • Sturgeon makes the first moving - coil meter.

  • 1840 First use of words ‘physicist’ and ‘scientist’.

  • 1849

    • Fizeau measures the speed of light.

    • Joule establishes the link between heat and work.

  • 1852 Kelvin states the law of conservation of energy.

  • 1864 Maxwell predicts the existence of radio waves and other electromagnetic waves.

  • 1877 Cailletet liquefies oxygen.

  • 1879 Swan and Edison make the first electric light bulbs.

  • 1888 Hertz demonstrates the existence of radio waves.

  • 1894 Marconi transmits the first radio signals.

  • 1895 Röntgen discovers X-rays.

  • 1896 Becquerel discovered radioactivity.

  • 1897 Thomson discovers the electron.

  • 1898 M. Curie discovered radium and polonium.

  • 1899 Rutherford identifies alpha and beta rays.

  • 1909 Planck proposes the quantum theory.

  • 1905 Einstein uses the quantum theory to explain the photoelectric effect, and publishes his special theory of relativity.

  • 1911 Rutherford proposes a nuclear model of the atom

  • 1913 Bohr uses the quantum theory to modify Rutherford's model of the atom.

  • 1916 Einstein publishes his general theory of relativity.

  • 1919 Rutherford splits the atom and discovers the proton.

  • 1924 De Broglie suggests that particles can behave as waves.

  • 1925 Schrödinger wave-mechanics model of the atom.

  • 1927 Lemaitre suggests the possibility of the Big Bang.

  • 1928 Geiger and Müller invent their radiation detector.

  • 1929 Hubble discovers that the Universe is expanding.

  • 1932

    • Chadwick discovered the neutron.

    • Cockroft and Walton produce the first nuclear change using a particle accelerator.

  • 1938 Hahn discovered nuclear fission.

  • 1942 Fermi builds the first nuclear reactor.

  • 1947 Bardeen, Brattain, and Shockley make the first transistor.

  • 1957 First artificial satellite, Sputnik I, put into orbit.

  • 1958 St Clair Kilby makes the first integrated circuit.

  • 1960 Maiman builds the first laser.

  • 1963 First geostationary communications satellite.

  • 1969 First manned landing on the Moon.

  • 1971 Intel Corporation makes the first microprocessor.

  • 1977 First experimental evidence of quarks.

  • 1990 Hubble Space Telescope launched.

  • 2012 Higgs particle discovered.
