Here’s the vocabulary list from Unit 4 following your requd format:
### Vocabulary Words
1. Resonant (adjective): Having a deep, clear, and continuing sound or effect.
- Synonym: Echoing
- Antonym: Muffled
2. Rheumatism (noun): A medical condition causing pain and stiffness in the joints or muscles.
- Synonym: Arthritis
- Antonym: Flexibility
3. Sated (adjective): Satisfied or filled, typically referring to hunger or desires.
- Synonym: Satisfied
- Antonym: Hungry
4. Scant (adjective): Barely sufficient or adequate; insufficient.
- Synonym: Meager
- Antonym: Abundant
5. Schizoid (adjective): Showing signs of a personality disorder characterized by social withdrawal and emotional detachment.
- Synonym: Aloof
- Antonym: Sociable
6. Self-abasement (noun): The act of lowering or humbling oneself; self-deprecation.
- Synonym: Humiliation
- Antonym: Self-esteem
7. Sodden (adjective): Soaked with liquid; saturated, especially in a heavy or unpleasant way.
- Synonym: Soaked
- Antonym: Dry
8. Tawdry (adjective): Showy but cheap or of poor quality; gaudy.
- Synonym: Gaudy
- Antonym: Elegant
9. Throes (noun): Intense or violent pain or struggle, typically during a difficult process or change.
- Synonym: Agony
- Antonym: Peace
10. Timorous (adjective): Showing or suffering from nervousness or fear.
- Synonym: Fearful
- Antonym: Confident
11. Torrent (noun): A strong, fast-moving stream of water or other liquid.
- Synonym: Flood
- Antonym: Dribble
12. Torpor (noun): A state of physical or mental inactivity; sluggishness.
- Synonym: Lethargy
- Antonym: Energy
13. Transcendent (adjective): Going beyond ordinary limits; surpassing.
- Synonym: Surpassing
- Antonym: Inferior
14. Transient (adjective): Lasting only for a short time; temporary.
- Synonym: Temporary
- Antonym: Permanent
15. Tremulous (adjective): Shaking or quivering slightly, typically due to nervousness or weakness.
- Synonym: Shaky
- Antonym: Steady
16. Turbid (adjective): Cloudy, opaque, or muddled, often referring to water or a situation.
- Synonym: Murky
- Antonym: Clear
17. Unabashed (adjective): Not embarrassed, disconcerted, or ashamed.
- Synonym: Unashamed
- Antonym: Ashamed
18. Variegated (adjective): Exhibiting different colors, types, or forms; diverse.
- Synonym: Multicolored
- Antonym: Monochrome
19. Veracity (noun): Conformity to facts; accuracy or truthfulness.
- Synonym: Truthfulness
- Antonym: Dishonesty
20. Veritable (adjective): True or real, often used for emphasis.
- Synonym: Authentic
- Antonym: False
21. Vigilant (adjective): Keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.
- Synonym: Watchful
- Antonym: Unaware
22. Vigilante (noun): A person who takes law enforcement into their own hands.
- Synonym: Avenger
- Antonym: Law-abider
23. Vociferation (noun): Loud or forceful shouting or expression of opinions.
- Synonym: Clamor
- Antonym: Silence
24. Voluble (adjective): Speaking or spoken incessantly and fluently.
- Synonym: Talkative
- Antonym: Silent
25. Weft (noun): The horizontal threads in woven fabric, or the process of weaving.
- Synonym: Thread
- Antonym: Warp
### Etymologies
1. eco-: Relating to the environment or ecology (Example: Ecology
2. ecto-: Meaning "outside" or "external" (Example: Ectoplasm
3. electro-: Related to electricity (Example: Electromagnetic
4. endo-: Meaning "inside" or "within" (Example: Endoscopy
5. epi-: Meaning "upon" or "over" (Example: Epicenter
6. equi-: Meaning "equal" (Example: Equilibrium
7. -esque: Meaning "in the style of" (Example: Picturesque
8. ethno-: Relating to a group or culture (Example: Ethnography
9. eu-: Meaning "good" or "well" (Example: Euphoria
10. exo-: Meaning "outside" or "external" (Example: Exoskeleton