Title: Cycles Thermodynamics
Authors: Hakeem V. Canonio, RPAE, CEA
Institution: Tarlac Agricultural University
Coverage of Power Cycles:
1913 Gas Power Cycle
Otto Cycle
Diesel Cycle
Vapor Power Cycle
Rankine Cycle
Refrigeration Cycles
Ideal Vapor-Compression Refrigeration Cycle
A cycle consists of a series of processes that return the working fluid or system to its original state.
Mechanical Power Generation includes:
Gas Power Cycle
Otto Cycle
Diesel Cycle
Vapor Power Cycle
Carnot Cycle
Rankine Cycle
Refrigeration and Reversed Carnot Cycle
Ideal Vapor Compression Cycle
Based on Fluid Phase:
Gas Power Cycles: Working fluid remains in gaseous form throughout.
Vapor Power Cycle: Working fluid transforms between liquid and vapor phases.
Closed Cycle:
Working fluid returns to the original state for the next cycle.
Open Cycle:
Working fluid is expelled and replaced at each cycle.
Defined as a set of devices or systems interconnected to produce net mechanical power.
Types Based on Energy Source:
Internal Combustion Engine (ICE): Energy supplied by burning fuel inside the system boundary.
External Combustion Engine (ECE): Energy supplied from outside the system boundary.
Based on Ignition:
Spark Ignition Engines (SI): Combustion of air-fuel mixture via a spark plug.
Compression Ignition Engines (CI): Air-fuel mixture self-ignites by high compression temperature.
Key Terms:
Bore (d): Diameter of the cylinder.
Stroke (l): Distance piston travels.
Top Dead Center (TDC): Highest point of piston.
Bottom Dead Center (BDC): Lowest point of piston.
Intake/Exhaust Valve: Controls gas flow in/out of the cylinder.
Clearance Volume (Vc): Space remaining when the piston is at TDC.
Displacement Volume (Vd): Volume displaced by the piston during stroke.
Compression Ratio (r):
Defined as [ r = \frac{V_{max}}{V_{min}} ]
Mean Effective Pressure (MEP): Indicates power output, defined as [ MEP = \frac{W_{net}}{V_{d}} ] where [ W_{net} ] is the net work done by the engine.
No friction or non-conservative forces.
Quasi-equilibrium processes.
Perfectly insulated system boundaries.
Neglect potential (PE) and kinetic energy (KE) of working fluid.
Treat chemical reactions as heat absorbed.
Ideal SI Engine conceived by Beau de Rochas (1862), applied by Nikolaus August Otto (1867).
Known as a "Constant Volume Cycle" in gas power cycles.
Operates as a four-stroke engine.
Stages in Cycle:
End of combustion.
Exhaust and intake strokes.
Compression and power strokes.
Key Parameters:
TDC, BDC, pressure-volume relations.
Processes are Idealized:
1-2: Isentropic Compression
2-3: Isochoric Heat Addition
3-4: Isentropic Expansion
4-1: Isochoric Heat Rejection
Assumptions of pure gas states.
Relationships among temperatures and pressures during various processes.
Key Relationships:
States and transitions between points in the cycle.
Analyzing changes across cycle states:
Pressure, volume, temperature relationships.
Utilize the Polytropic Law for analysis:
Relate temperatures and volumes in respective states.
Work (W) calculation:
[ W = Q_{in} - Q_{out} ]
Consideration of heat transfer.
Formula for Efficiency (n):
[ n = 1 - \frac{T_{L}}{T_{H}} ]
Identifying states, computing work and heat, and determining thermal efficiency and design ratio.
Conduct analysis for real air parameters, finding efficiencies, heat inputs, and output work.
Conditions: Air at 100 kPa and 20°C, compression, heating, expansion, cooling phases.
Variables to find: Efficiency, heat input, work output, maximum pressure.
Calculation steps using absolute temperatures and values processed to find efficiencies and work.
Investigate an engine's parameters connected to bore, stroke, clearance, and actual thermal efficiency.
Developed by Rudolf Diesel (1886) and Nikolaus Otto, operating as a gas power cycle.
Involves a series of strokes:
Intake, compression, power, and exhaust with specific volumes depicted.
Reversible Processes:
1-2: Isentropic Compression
2-3: Isobaric Heat Addition
3-4: Isentropic Expansion
4-1: Isochoric Heat Rejection
Visual representation of process stages in the Diesel cycle (P-V diagram).
Breakdown of state transitions with pressure, temperature, volume analysis.
Analyze according to the Polytropic Law similar to Otto cycle while adding a cut-off ratio.
Work calculation closely resembling the Otto cycle but accounting for heat differences incorporating heat capacities.
Efficiency defined with respect to heat differences and the introduced cut-off ratio.
Identifying key states and calculating work, heat, and efficiency.
Analyze an engine's operating conditions and performance metrics.
Calculation for air standard efficiency, maximum temperature, heat input, and net work output for a Diesel cycle.
Steps taken to arrive at pressure, temperature, efficiency, and work done per kilogram of gas.
Determine cycle performance metrics from initial conditions and derived points in the cycle.
Additional cycles to explore:
Ericsson Cycle
Stirling Cycle
Cayley Cycle
Lenoir Cycle
Reitlinger Cycle
Atkinson Cycle
Crossley Cycle