Practical Assessment (WJEC)

10% of Qualification

This assessment gives learners the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to work scientifically. This will include experimental skills and strategies and skills in analysis and evaluation.

The practical assessment is untired and will take place in the first half of the spring term (January – February). It is recommended that this should be in the final year of study. Each year, WJEC will provide three tasks based on the content of GCSE Applied Science (Double Award). Learners are only required to submit two tasks so centers can select which two they wish to use with their learners.

The tasks will be externally marked by WJEC and will change on an annual basis.

The details required for the planning and administration of the practical assessment will be provided to centers at appropriate times prior to the assessment. Each task comprises two sections:

Section A - Obtaining results (6 marks)

Learners will be permitted to work in groups of no more than three, to obtain results from a given experimental method. This will be carried out under a limited level of control i.e. learners may work with others to obtain results but they must provide their own responses to the questions set. Teacher assistance should not normally be required, but may be given if equipment failure occurs. Section A will be completed in one session of 60 minutes duration.

Section B - Analyzing and evaluating results (24 marks)

Learners will be assessed on their ability to analyze and evaluate the data obtained in section A. They will require access to their section A assessment in order to complete this. Section B will be carried out under a high level of control i.e. learners must work individually. This section is to be completed with no teacher feedback or assistance allowed and under formal supervision. Section B will be completed in one session of 60 minutes duration.
