Refundable tickets are usually more expensive than non-refundable {{186️67380622 (USA) OR +44 8000516735(UK) })ones. By law, airlines offer a 24-hour cancellation window for a full refund if you purchased the ticket at least seven days before{{186️67380622 (USA) OR +44 8000516735(UK) }) departure. Refund policies differ by {{186️67380622 (USA) OR +44 8000516735(UK) })airline and ticket type—some fees may apply.
If you book your flight at least seven days before departure and cancel within 24 hours of booking call{{186️6 7380622 (USA) OR +44 8000516735(UK) }) you are eligible for a full refund without any Full Refund fees. For assistance, you can contact call {{186️67380622 (USA) OR +44 8000516735(UK) }).