Scientific Method Steps
test / experiment
observe and record
report results
data vs measurements?
data: the collection of observations and measurements
data: plural “data are—”
measurement: the dimensions,capacity, or amount of something represented by a number, aka what you’re measuring.
measurements make up data
Metric Conversion Chart
kilo- 1000 units
hecto- 100 units
deka- 10 units
basic unit
Deci- .1 units
centi- .01 units
milli- .001 units
converting to smaller unit x10 or move decimal point to the right
convert to larger unit /10 or move decimal to the left
calculating volume = length x width x height (units—> mm³)
Continental drift
alfred wegner
Pangea — ocean named: panthalassa
puzzle like fit
matching rock sequences/ mountain chains
glacial deposits
org distribution
plate tectonics
Plate Boundaries
spreading apart
creation of new crust
plates come together
destruction of crust
go past eachother
crust neither destroyed nor created
Divergent features
Mid-ocean ridge
Rift valley
New ocean floor created
Sea floor spreading
convergent boundary types
Oceanic is subducted, bc its denser
Older oceanic, bc older is denser
Convergent features
O-C: trench, volcanic arc on land
O-O: trench, volcanic arc as island
C-C: mountains
Convection cells
Idealized representation of plate tectonics and seafloor spreading
vertical transfer of heat by the circulation of a gas, liquid or a plastic solid
Measuring rate of movement using: V= D/T
Velocity (rate of movement) = Distance / Time
Ocean sediments
classification by grain size and composition
Wentworth scale
largest= boulders
smallest= clay
Sediment sorting
Measure of grain size uniformity
Well sorted: Same
Poorly sorted: all different
Moderately sorted: most common
Deposit types
Biogenic- biologically derived
Siliceous ooze
Calcareous ooze
> or = to 30% of bio material
Derived from land, weathering and erosion of rocks
Pelagic - formed/deposited in open ocean
Cosmogenous - derived from space
Authigenic- precipitation of chemicals
Settling velocity
Depends on :size & density of particle + temperature & viscosity of water.
Larger rocks settle faster, size and density of particles is the biggest factor
Increase in temp = less viscosity ( vise versa )
Increase in viscosity = harder to travel through
V= D/T (cm/sec)
Salinity is the sum of all dissolved ions
(positive and negative charged elements) in the water, expressed as parts per thousand (%another lil circle ) (etc...) of seawater
Methods of measuring
“Poor mans” way , very outdated, slow, and not accurate , (g/kg)
Refractometer (%o)
More salt= refract more
Hydrometer (%o)
Density increases with increasing salinity
Conductivity (PSU)
PSU= practical salinity unit.
Most accurate, easy to use, instant reading, tool used: conductivity meter
More salts= stronger electrical current
Evaporation vs precipitation
Evaporation increases salinity
Precipitation decreases salinity
Salinity units
Ppt (%o)
buffering= resistance to change (in pH)
Self regulation process in ocean
Ocean buffer sys = The Carbonate System
Oceans pH = 7.6-8.4 , avg. 8.1, slightly basic
Measure of acidity (0-5 range) or alkalinity( or basic 8-14 range) of a solution and amount of H+ ions in the solution
Acidic solutions = more H^+ ions
Basic solutions = more (OH^-) ions
Seawater is slightly alkaline
pH of ocean is extremely important for living organisms there
Affected by : dissolved CO2
Lab equipment used: graduated cylinder, beaker, pH meter/ probe, flask,
Acids used: Hydrocholoric acid (HCl)
Solutions used: ocean water
Lab equipment
Graduated cylinder
Erlenmeyer flask