Chapter 3 Notes exam


1.       Main function of carbohydrates is to supply the body with energy]

2.      Glucose in the most basic unit of all carbohydrates.

3.      Lactose is the primary carbohydrate found in milk.

4.      Sucrose is commonly referred to as white sugars.

5.      Glycogen is the storage form of glucose in the body.

6.      Bacterial enzymes in the gut are responsible digestion with some types of fiber in the GI tract.

7.      Mono poly sac KNOW!

8.      Lower blood cholesterol levels ear fruits berries oats legumes or cooked beans.

9.      Insoluble fiber components- Cellulose and hemicelluloses

10.  Soluble fiber components- Pectin’s , gums , mucilage’s some  hemicellulose

  1. ALL THE AMDRS CARBS 45-65% if 2000 it would be 900-1300

  2. Remember Amylase Maltase Sucrase Lactase

  3. carbs provide 4 Cals per food

  4. Glucagon stimulates the liver to break glycogen to raise blood sugar levels

  5. insulin stimulates glucose up take to lower blood sugar levels

  6. Glycogen can be stored in the liver and muscle tissues

  7. No more than 10% of total energy from added sugars, WITH GREATER BENFIT expected from an intake of less than 5 percent

  8. Nutritive sweetener- does provide some energy when consumed

  9. Nonuterine Sweeteners- do not provide energy

  10. Glycemic load takes into account the index and the serving size of carbs

  11. Glycemic Index- shows the effect foods may have on blood sugar levels.

  12. People that need to focus on glycemic index are people with diabetes.
