Does Earth Have a Human Carrying Capacity?
Malthusian theory (what Malthus theorized):
Earth has a human carrying capacity, probably based on food production
Human population growth is happening faster than growth of food production
Humans will reach a carrying capacity limited by food
Technological Advancement
Humans can alter earth’s carrying capacity with tech. Innovation
Ex: synthetic fixation of Nitrogen in 1918 leads to synthetic fertilizer, dramatically increasing food supply
Birth Rate, Death Rate, and Growth
Growth Rate (r) = % increase in a population (usually per year)
Ex: a growth rate of 5% for a population of 100 means they grow to 105
Crude Birth Rate & Crude Death Rate (CBR & CDR)
Births & deaths per 1,000 people in a pop.
Ex: Global CBR = 20 & CDR = 8
Doubling Time (Rule of 70)
Rule of 70: The time it takes (in years) for a population to double is equal to 70 divided by the growth rate
Ex: Global growth rate = 1.2%
70/1.2 = 58.3 years
Global pop. will double in 58.3 years
Calculating Population Change
Practice Problem: A country has a CDR of 9 and a CBR of 18.
Calculate the annual growth rate, and the doubling time
Solution: (18-9)/10 = 9/10 = 0.9% growth rate
70/0.9% = 77.77 years to double
Factors Affecting Human Pop. Growth
Factors that increase pop. growth
Higher TFR → higher birth rate
High infant mortality rate can drive up TFR (replacement children)
High immigration level
Increased access to clean water & healthcare (decrease death rate)
Factors that decrease population growth rate
High death rate
High infant mortality rate
Increased development (education & affluence)
Increased education for women
Delayed age of first child
Postponement of marriage age
Standard of Living Indicators
Standard of Living
What the quality of life is like for people of a country based
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) = key economic indicator of standard of living
Total value of the goods & services produced
Per capita GDP is total GDP/total population
Life expectancy = key health indicator of standard of living
Average age a person will live to in a given country
Increases with access to clean water, health care, stable food sources
Stages & Development 1 = pre-industrial 2 = developing 3= Developed 4 = Highly developed