7 Points
60 minutes
Step 1- Read Prompt Carefully
Mark up time period
mark Categories
Decide or notice historical thinking skills for essay
Step 2-Read the Documents quickly
15 minutes
Read one at a time
Start at citation
Step 3- Summarize the main idea of the document in your own words
Step 4- Group your documents
Write next to it what type of document it is
Thesis and claim→ 1 point
Entire argument in miniature
Must be historically defensible aka take a position + factually correct
Must establish a line of reasoning
Despite the conclusion of minorities from the American national identity, the majority in the US developed a national identity to a great extent as a result of nationalizing forces after the War of 1812 and the operation of democracy during the age of Jackson
Formula→ Restate prompt because A and B
Contextualization→ 1 point
Better to explain events from before the time period
3-4 sentences that are content-rich
Describe historical events related to the prompt
Use Vocab and be specific
Use immediate context
Evidence→ 3 Points
Sourcing 4 documents→ 2 Points
Supporting an argument
Describe document
Start the next sentence with “This shows or demonstrates”
Write about how it proves your thesis
Group your documents and topic sentence
Evidence from outside the text→ 1 Point
Connect specific evidence to the argument
Cannot be something mentioned in the documents themselves
Needs to come from the same time period given in the prompt
Name, Explain, Connect
Analysis and reasoning→ 2 points
1 point for sourcing 2 documents
Sourcing skills
Historical Situation
Place the document in a larger historical context
Demonstrate why it is important to know whom this was written for
Explain what it was intended to do
Point of View
Answer “ Why does “ person” say things in the way they say it
Why does your sourcing analysis matter to the interpretation the document and overall argument
Example of Sourcing sentence
The historical situation of the document is X and that matters because
1 point for complexity
Source four documents
OR use all 7 documents as evidence