Dendrite - fibers that receive messages from cells and conduct them to the cell body
Axon - Extension to the neuron that passes messages to other neurons
Synapse - the empty space between the sending and receiving neurons
Nucleus - Controls the cells
Axon Terminal - Ending of axon where on nerve connects with another
Vesicle - Where neurotransmitters are stored
Cell Body - The cells life support center
Myelin Sheath - insulates the axon’s Schwann cells to speed up the neurotransmission process
Node of Ranvier - Gap between myelin sheath on the axon
Action Potential - small electrical charge that travels down the axon
Neurotransmitters - messengers that carry chemical messages through the synapse to the receiving neuron
Receptor - membrane on cell surface that reads/reacts to messages
Sensory Neuron - Nerve cells activated by sensory environmental input
Interneuron - Connecting nerve cells between sensory and motor neurons
Motor Neurons - Neurons of the central nervous system (CNS) that connect to muscles, glands, and organs.