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Industrial Revolution


The Increase in output of machine-made goods that began in the middle 1700.

Prior to the Revolution:

  • Goods were made by hand

  • Many people lived on farms rather than cities.

During The Revolution:

  • It began because wealthy owners started to buy farms, and people were making machines to start taking life and jobs easier.

    • Forced many smaller farmers to leave and find new jobs.

  • Began in England, because they could easily trade, and had many great resources.

  • Impact of Colonialism- More resources available that are needed to “produce” goods.

  • The Steam Engine- One of the more powerful inventions as it could provide power to vehicles.

  • There was a growth in the middle class. (Gap between poor and rich)

  • Positive changes:

    • Increased production

    • Created jobs

    • fostered technology

    • Provided Hope

    • raised standards of living

    • Cheaper goods → more can afford.

  • The ideas spread throughout Europe, the Americas, and Japan.

    • The countries who industrialized viewed it as a way to get more money, thus becoming more powerful.

  • Living Conditions:

    • Cities were overwhelmed, and couldn’t properly plan. Many things like building codes, sanitation, and education were not great during this time.

    • Working conditions:

      • 14 hour work days

      • work 6 days a week

        • Dangers:

          • Poor conditions

          • Poorly lit, bad ventilations

          • dangerous machines

          • No Insurance

      • Child and women workers

      • Underpaid


The Government has no control over business.

  • Adam Smith- wrote “Wealth of Nations” → birth of capitalism

  • Competition is good

    • Invisible hand → competition will naturally push people in the right direction.


The government should interfere with business. Essentially controlling most if not all aspects.

  • Battle between “Haves” and “Have Not”

    • Bourgeoisie vs. proletariat. Or Rich and Poor.

  • Karl Marx- Came up with the first form of communism.

  • Utopia- a book describing a perfect world where everybody helps out, and carries their weight.

  • Modern Examples of Communism:

    • Former Russia (U.S.S.R)

    • Cuba

    • China

Other Things to Remember:

  • Labor Unions- Groups made within companies to have some sort of power over the company.

  • Child labor laws- made work fairrer for children

  • Workers rights- made the working environment as a whole better for employees.

  • Socialism- A community dicatets business.

Next Lesson: Imperialism


Industrial Revolution


The Increase in output of machine-made goods that began in the middle 1700.

Prior to the Revolution:

  • Goods were made by hand

  • Many people lived on farms rather than cities.

During The Revolution:

  • It began because wealthy owners started to buy farms, and people were making machines to start taking life and jobs easier.

    • Forced many smaller farmers to leave and find new jobs.

  • Began in England, because they could easily trade, and had many great resources.

  • Impact of Colonialism- More resources available that are needed to “produce” goods.

  • The Steam Engine- One of the more powerful inventions as it could provide power to vehicles.

  • There was a growth in the middle class. (Gap between poor and rich)

  • Positive changes:

    • Increased production

    • Created jobs

    • fostered technology

    • Provided Hope

    • raised standards of living

    • Cheaper goods → more can afford.

  • The ideas spread throughout Europe, the Americas, and Japan.

    • The countries who industrialized viewed it as a way to get more money, thus becoming more powerful.

  • Living Conditions:

    • Cities were overwhelmed, and couldn’t properly plan. Many things like building codes, sanitation, and education were not great during this time.

    • Working conditions:

      • 14 hour work days

      • work 6 days a week

        • Dangers:

          • Poor conditions

          • Poorly lit, bad ventilations

          • dangerous machines

          • No Insurance

      • Child and women workers

      • Underpaid


The Government has no control over business.

  • Adam Smith- wrote “Wealth of Nations” → birth of capitalism

  • Competition is good

    • Invisible hand → competition will naturally push people in the right direction.


The government should interfere with business. Essentially controlling most if not all aspects.

  • Battle between “Haves” and “Have Not”

    • Bourgeoisie vs. proletariat. Or Rich and Poor.

  • Karl Marx- Came up with the first form of communism.

  • Utopia- a book describing a perfect world where everybody helps out, and carries their weight.

  • Modern Examples of Communism:

    • Former Russia (U.S.S.R)

    • Cuba

    • China

Other Things to Remember:

  • Labor Unions- Groups made within companies to have some sort of power over the company.

  • Child labor laws- made work fairrer for children

  • Workers rights- made the working environment as a whole better for employees.

  • Socialism- A community dicatets business.

Next Lesson: Imperialism
