The Increase in output of machine-made goods that began in the middle 1700.
Goods were made by hand
Many people lived on farms rather than cities.
It began because wealthy owners started to buy farms, and people were making machines to start taking life and jobs easier.
Forced many smaller farmers to leave and find new jobs.
Began in England, because they could easily trade, and had many great resources.
Impact of Colonialism- More resources available that are needed to “produce” goods.
The Steam Engine- One of the more powerful inventions as it could provide power to vehicles.
There was a growth in the middle class. (Gap between poor and rich)
Positive changes:
Increased production
Created jobs
fostered technology
Provided Hope
raised standards of living
Cheaper goods → more can afford.
The ideas spread throughout Europe, the Americas, and Japan.
The countries who industrialized viewed it as a way to get more money, thus becoming more powerful.
Living Conditions:
Cities were overwhelmed, and couldn’t properly plan. Many things like building codes, sanitation, and education were not great during this time.
Working conditions:
14 hour work days
work 6 days a week
Poor conditions
Poorly lit, bad ventilations
dangerous machines
No Insurance
Child and women workers
The Government has no control over business.
Adam Smith- wrote “Wealth of Nations” → birth of capitalism
Competition is good
Invisible hand → competition will naturally push people in the right direction.
The government should interfere with business. Essentially controlling most if not all aspects.
Battle between “Haves” and “Have Not”
Bourgeoisie vs. proletariat. Or Rich and Poor.
Karl Marx- Came up with the first form of communism.
Utopia- a book describing a perfect world where everybody helps out, and carries their weight.
Modern Examples of Communism:
Former Russia (U.S.S.R)
Labor Unions- Groups made within companies to have some sort of power over the company.
Child labor laws- made work fairrer for children
Workers rights- made the working environment as a whole better for employees.
Socialism- A community dicatets business.