Chapter 11 - Cell Communication

  • Cells can communicate with one another and understand information from other cells and the environment. Light and touch are examples of signals, but chemicals are the most common. The flight reaction depicted here is induced by epinephrine (also known as adrenaline; see the space-filling model given below).

  • Biologists have uncovered plenty of evidence supporting the evolutionary relatedness of all life by examining cell communication.

  • The same set of cell-communication mechanisms appears in a variety of species and processes, from bacterial signaling through embryonic development to cancer. This chapter focuses on the primary methods by which cells receive, proliferate, and die.

  • Cells communicate about a variety of topics, including sex. Chemical signaling is utilized by cells of the unicellular yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which is used to create bread, wine, and beer, to select sexual partners.

  • Each kind secretes a unique factor that exclusively interacts with receptors on the opposite type of cell. When two cells of opposing types are exposed to each other's mating factors, they change shape, grow toward each other, and merge (mate).

  • The new cell includes all of the genes from both parent cells, a combination of genetic resources that benefits the cell's offspring, who are born through successive cell divisions. The one-of-a-kind match between mating factor and receptor is critical for guaranteeing to mate exclusively.

  • A biofilm, which is a collection of bacterial cells adhering to a surface, is one example.

  • The cells in the biofilm frequently get their sustenance from the surface they're on.

  • You've undoubtedly come into contact with biofilms on a regular basis, possibly without even recognizing it.

  • Bacterial biofilms include the slimy coating on a fallen log or the leaves on a woodland walk, as well as the film on your teeth each morning.

  • Brushing and flossing, in fact, destroy biofilms that might otherwise develop cavities and gum disease. Another example of quorum sensing-coordinated bacterial activity with severe medical consequences is the release of toxins by pathogenic bacteria.

  • Hormones are chemicals that are used by both animals and plants for long-distance signaling. Animal hormonal signaling, also known as endocrine signaling, occurs when specialized cells produce hormones that move via the circulatory system to other regions of the body, where they reach target cells that can identify and respond to them. Plant hormones (also known as plant growth regulators) can travel through plant vessels (tubes) but are more likely to reach their targets by flowing through cells or diffusing through the air as a gas.

  • Hormones, like local regulators, vary greatly in size and kind. For example, the plant hormone ethylene, a gas that stimulates fruit ripening and aids in growth regulation, is a hydrocarbon.

    • The term Reception refers to the target cell’s detection of a signaling molecule coming from outside the cell. A chemical signal is “detected” when the signaling molecule binds to a receptor protein located at the cell’s surface (or inside the cell, to be discussed later)

  • Cell signaling may be split into three steps from the perspective of the cell receiving the message: signal receipt, signal transduction, and cellular response.

  • When receiving occurs at the plasma membrane, as illustrated above, the transduction stage is generally a series of steps (three are shown as an example), with each relay molecule in the route causing a change in the next molecule.

  • The cell's reaction is triggered by the pathway's last molecule. The attached graphic depicted an Animation of Cell Signaling Overview.

  • A G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) is a cell-surface transmembrane receptor that is activated by a G protein, which is a protein that binds the energy-rich chemical GTP.

  • GPCRs are used by many different signaling molecules, including yeast mating factors, neurotransmitters, epinephrine (adrenaline), and many other hormones.
