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Class FRQ:

  • Read the whole prompt!

    • especially if null is supposed to be returned in certain cases, that’s an easy point!

  • Check the example inputs to double check algorithm

  • Make sure the class header is correct(easy point)

  • make sure instance variables are created correctly(easy point)

    • private!

  • make sure methods are created correctly with RIGHT RETURN TYPE(easy point)

  • overall, algorithm points don’t matter as much, focus on class construction

Algorithm FRQS:

  • Read each step of the paragraph, write the code(or pseudocode if that helps)

    • Make sure to check EVERY PART to get full points

  • Write down code even if your algorithm doesn’t get the right answer.

  • When comparing strings, use.equals method NOT ==

things to review:

Content review:

  • How to create arrays

  • using random

  • how to create an arraylist

  • how to create a 2d array

  • enhanced for loop 2d arrays

  • 1 algorithm FRQ

  • 1 2d array frq

  • 1 arraylist/array frq

exam layout:

  • frq portion

  • mcqs


Class FRQ:

  • Read the whole prompt!

    • especially if null is supposed to be returned in certain cases, that’s an easy point!

  • Check the example inputs to double check algorithm

  • Make sure the class header is correct(easy point)

  • make sure instance variables are created correctly(easy point)

    • private!

  • make sure methods are created correctly with RIGHT RETURN TYPE(easy point)

  • overall, algorithm points don’t matter as much, focus on class construction

Algorithm FRQS:

  • Read each step of the paragraph, write the code(or pseudocode if that helps)

    • Make sure to check EVERY PART to get full points

  • Write down code even if your algorithm doesn’t get the right answer.

  • When comparing strings, use.equals method NOT ==

things to review:

Content review:

  • How to create arrays

  • using random

  • how to create an arraylist

  • how to create a 2d array

  • enhanced for loop 2d arrays

  • 1 algorithm FRQ

  • 1 2d array frq

  • 1 arraylist/array frq

exam layout:

  • frq portion

  • mcqs