EmpTech - 2nd Quarter

  1. Organization
  1. Statement of the Problem
  2. Objectives
  3. Technical approach
  4. Project management flow

Engineering Designing Process

  • A progress of steps that architects follow to come up with an answer for an issue.

Steps in Design Process

  1. Define the problem
  2. Identify constraints on your solution and criteria for success (Background research)
  3. Brainstorm multiple solutions for the problem
  4. Select the most promising solution
  5. Prototype your solution
  6. Test and evaluate your prototype
  7. Iterate to improve your prototype (until it meets the requirements)
  8. Communicate your solution

Guidelines in Designing an ICT Project

  1. Quality
  • Produce value for money
  • Product is useful and provides solution
  • Conveyed in proficient way
  1. Timeliness
  • Project must be finished on time
  • Flexible in uncommon scenarios
  1. Teamwork
  1. Consistency
  • Project must be overseen in a predictable manner
  1. Business value
  • Project should be connected to business goals
  1. Communication
  1. Flexibility
  1. Required format
  • Consist of layout and typography
  1. Organization
  • Enumerates the sections essential for proposal:
  1. Title page
  2. Summary
  3. Table of Contents

Copywriting for ICT Project

  • Copywriting is a key component of all product promotions, campaigns, and marketing.
  • According to Edmondson (2020), copywriting is the skill or field of work of writing sales promotion and other marketing materials.

Kind of Copywriter

  1. Marketing materials
  • Leaflets and brochures
  1. Advertising
  • Creative concepts for adverts
  • Appear in prints and broadcasts
  1. Websites
  • Writing content for online publication
  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Writing content for websites in such a way that it appeals to search engines
  1. Business to Business (B2B)
  • Writing communications from one business to another
  1. Business to Consumer (B2C)
  • Helping companies to sell to the public

Skills Needed in Copywriting

  1. Active Listener
  • Giving full attention to what other people are saying
  • Taking time to understand the points being made
  1. Critical Thinking
  • Using logic and reasoning to
  1. Critical Thinking
  • identify strengths and weaknesses of solutions, conclusions, or approaches
  1. Time Management
  • Managing own/othersā€™ time
  1. Effective Writing
  • Communicating effectively in writing as appropriate for the needs of the audience
  1. Reading Comprehension
  • Understanding written sentences and paragraphs in work related documents
  1. Speaking
  • Talking to others to change their minds
  1. Active Learning
  • Adjusting actions in relation to others
  1. Persuasion
  • Persuading others to change their minds
  1. Coordination
  • Adjusting actions in relation to others
  1. Equipment Selection
  • Determining the kind of tools and equipment needed to do a job
  1. Monitoring
  • Assessing performance to make improvements
  1. Complex Problem Solving
  • Identifying complex problems and reviewing related information to develop and evaluate options and implement solutions
  1. Judgement and Decision
  • Putting more thoughts and considering the cost and benefits of an action
  1. Instructing
  • Teaching others how to do something
  1. Learning Strategies
  • Using training methods and procedures appropriate for the situation when learning or teaching new things

Publishing an ICT Project

Uploading and Website Management

2 Ways to Upload a Website

  1. Purchasing a domain name
  2. The use of 3rd party websites that enables us to create a sub website

Things to be Considered Before Uploading

  • In chronological order:
  1. How people view a webpage (audience profiling)
  2. Design techniques that should be considered
  3. The option of regularly changing a website
  4. File formats that are acceptable when uploading a website
  • GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)
  • JPG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
  • PNG-8 (Portable Network Graphics-8 bit)
  • PNG-24 (Portable Network Graphics-24 bit)

Design Techniques that Should be Considered

  • According to an online article by Conversion XL Founder Peep Laja, one design technique that works effectively is that the first paragraph of an article in a webpage should be slightly larger than the rest of the content.
  1. A user focuses on the logo for about 6.48 seconds before moving on.
  1. Traction
  • Is achieved when your website is being used by many users
  1. Traffic Monitoring
  • Traffic or website traffic is determined by the number of users of a website including the number of pages they visit
  • When monitoring web traffic, the following information are often gathered:
  1. The count of visitors
  2. The average number of pages viewed by visitor
  3. The most visited pages
  4. Most requested entry pages
  5. Most requested exit pages
  1. The navigation menu is the second most viewed part of the webpage, subjects spent an average of 6.44 seconds viewing the menu.
  2. The search box was viewed for 6 seconds.
  3. Social networking links were viewed for 5.95 seconds before moving on.
  4. The siteā€™s main image was viewed for 5.94 seconds.
  5. The siteā€™s written content was viewed for 5.9 seconds.
  6. The siteā€™s bottom part was viewed for 5.25 seconds.

Promotion, Traction and Traffic Monitoring

  1. Website Promotion
  • The process of increasing exposure of a website to bring in visitors
  • Search Engine Optimization is a methodology of techniques, tactics, and strategies used to increase the amount of visitors to a website by obtaining a high ranking placement in the search engine
  • Search Engine Submission is the process of submitting a website directly to a search engine
  • Web Content Development is the process of gathering, researching, waiting, organizing, and editing information

Sustaining ICT Project for Social Change



  • Is the unknown underlying cause of one or more incident

Problem Management

  • Aims to resolve the root causes of incidents
  • It aims to minimize the adverse impact of incident cause by errors
  • It prevents further incidents


  • Overcoming a problem or limitation

Known Error

  • Condition identified by successful diagnosis of the

Known Error

  • root case of a problem and the subsequent development of a workaround


  • Event that results in a new status of one or more configuration items which are approved by the management
  • Enhances business process changes

Change Management

  • Ensures that standardized methods and procedures are used for efficient handling of all changes
  • 3 Aims:
  1. Minimal disruption of services
  2. Reduction in back-out activities
  3. Economic use of resources in the change

Request Fulfillment

  • Focuses on fulfilling service requests, which are minor changes (standard change) or request for information

Standard Change

  • Means pre-approves, repeatable, pre-defined, and low risk changes

IT Infrastructure

  • The basic hardware, software, networks, and facilities
  • Examples:
  1. Network equipment
  2. Telecommunication services

Infrastructure Management

  • The process of managing equipment, software, and services
  • Another branch of Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL)
  • Goal is to use prove, repeatable processes

Technical Support

  • Persons who monitor and maintain computer systems and networks within an organization
  • Provides assistance to those who experience technical, hardware, or software issues

Service Support

  • Encompasses the support processes necessary to ensure service quality
  • Problem Management Process
  • Change Management Process

Reflecting on the ICT Learning Processes

  • ICT in learning
  • Transformed the way of communicating, networking, seek help, access information and learn.
  • The utilization of ICT in instruction focused in learning settings.
  • Successful utilization of ICT in Education tends to showcase learning process and learning aspirations.

ICT in Education Trends

  • According to Bui (2020), the following are some Educational Technology trends in 2020-2021:
  1. Online & Blended Instruction
  2. STEM Based Learning
  3. Gamification (a method where games are used for learning and engagement to motivate and set competition for different users of the app/software.)
  4. Video Assisted Learning (the use of videos to enrich lessons and make content comprehensible.)

ICT and Society

  • Digital Divide is the term that refers to the gap between demographics and regions that have access to modern ICT and those that donā€™t.
  • Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D) alludes to the use of ICTs in the fields of financial improvement, worldwide advancements, and human rights.
  • ICT4D is an initiative aimed at bridging digital divide and aiding economic development by ensuring equitable access to up-to-date communications technology.

D in ICT4D (Development)

  • ICT4D for Poverty Alleviation
  • ICT4D for Agriculture
  • ICT4D for Healthcare
  • ICT4D for Education

Impacts of ICT to the Society


  1. Faster Interactions
  • We can send emails to our friends, business partners, or to anyone efficiently
  1. Low Cost Communication
  • The internet allows people to access large amount of data at very low cost
  1. Paperless Environment
  • ICT helped documents to be stored and retrieved through the digital medium instead of paper
  1. Effective sharing of information
  • ICT has enables knowledge sharing which contributes to the development of a knowledge-based society


  1. Social Problems
  • A person prefers to be isolated and engage in different negative activities like online gambling, identity theft, and hacking
  1. Health Problems
  • Physically, mentally, and emotionally
  • Examples are bad posture and the Body Dysmorphia Disorder wherein it is a condition where an individual becomes obsessive about a perceived flaw in their appearance.