Types of Movement
Supination & Pronation
Supination: Palms facing up (anatomical position)
Pronation: Palms facing down (backwards/down)
Supination and pronation are specific to the radius and ulna.
Important for understanding arm and hand movements.
Head and Neck Movements
Flexion: Chin to chest, decreasing the angle of the neck.
Extension: Returning to anatomical position.
Hyperextension: Movement beyond anatomical position, can lead to injury.
Trunk Movements
Forward Flexion: Decreasing angle in the trunk, involved in activities like crunches.
Lateral Flexion: Side bending of the trunk.
Rotation: Movement of the trunk towards (internal rotation) or away (external rotation) from the midline.
Mandibular Movements
Protraction & Retraction: Movements of the mandible forward and backward.
Medial & Lateral Excursion: Side-to-side movement of the mandible, important in chewing.
Ulnar & Radial Movements
Ulnar Deviation: Movement towards the ulnar side (medial).
Radial Deviation: Movement towards the radial side (lateral).
Finger Movements
Flexion/Extension of the fingers at different joints.
Abduction/Adduction: Movement away from (abduction) or towards (adduction) the midline of the hand.
Thumb Movements
Flexion/Extension respectively towards and away from the palm.
Opposition: Thumb touching other fingers, significant in grasping.
Reposition: Returning thumb to anatomical position.
Dorsiflexion & Plantarflexion
Dorsiflexion: Toes move towards the tibia, decreasing the angle at the ankle.
Plantarflexion: Toes point downward (e.g., standing on tiptoes).
Inversion/Eversion of the Foot
Inversion: Turning the sole of the foot inwards (medial aspect).
Eversion: Turning the sole outwards (lateral aspect).
Types of Joints
Amphiarthrosis: Slight movement (e.g., pubic symphysis).
Diarthrosis: Freely movable (e.g., synovial joints).
Fibrous Joints: Little to no movement (e.g., sutures).
Common Joint Injuries
Sprains: Overstretched or torn ligaments.
Graded based on severity: can vary from minor stretches to complete tears.
Dislocations: Bones out of alignment, necessitating reduction.
Cartilage Injuries: Harder to heal due to lack of vascularization.
Bursitis & Tendonitis: Inflammation of bursae and tendon sheaths respectively.
Arthritis Types:
Osteoarthritis: Wear and tear associated with age/overuse.
Rheumatoid Arthritis: Autoimmune disorder causing joint inflammation.
Gouty Arthritis: Uric acid build-up leading to severe pain, often in the great toe.