Sessions: 10-11Topic: Matrix AlgebraInstructor: Erwan LamyAffiliation: ESCP Business SchoolLocations: Berlin, London, Madrid, Paris, Turin, Warsaw
Understand the concept of a matrix.
Familiarity with special types of matrices.
Learn matrix addition and scalar multiplication operations.
Express a system of equations as a matrix equation using multiplication.
Use matrix reduction techniques to solve linear systems.
Explore the theory of homogeneous systems.
Understand the concept of an inverse matrix.
Definition and Examples: Explore the definition of a matrix, recognize various examples, and identify dimensions.
Methods: Identify and classify different examples of matrices based on size and entries.
Matrix Addition: For matrices A and B of the same size, add corresponding entries to obtain a new matrix.
Scalar Multiplication: Multiply each entry of matrix A by a scalar k to produce a new matrix kA.
Multiplication Process: Verify that the number of columns in A equals the number of rows in B.
Calculate Product: For entry (i, j), compute the sum of products of entries in the ith row of A and the jth column of B.
Matrix Representation: Express a system of equations as AX = B using coefficient and variable matrices.
Matrix Reduction: Use row operations to transform the system into row echelon form.
Inverse Matrix Method: Calculate the inverse of matrix A to find solutions by multiplying with the constant matrix.
Analyze when a system has unique or infinite solutions depending on the rank and properties of the coefficient matrix.
A matrix is a rectangular array of numbers defined by its dimensions (m rows and n columns).
The size of a matrix is denoted as m x n.
An entry denoted as a_ij represents the value in the ith row and jth column of the matrix.
Matrices A and B are equal if they share the same size and all corresponding entries are equal.
Given examples of various sizes:
1x3 (row vector)
3x2 matrix
1x1 (scalar)
3x5 matrix
Square Matrix: An n x n matrix with equal number of rows and columns.
Example of a square matrix:[−5, −3, 1][1, −4, −1][0, −7, −4]
Diagonal Matrix: A square matrix where all off-diagonal elements are zero.
Example:[−5, 0, 0][0, −1, 0][0, 0, 10]
Upper Triangular Matrix: All entries below the diagonal are zero.
Lower Triangular Matrix: All entries above the diagonal are zero.
Zero Matrix: Denoted by O, an n x n zero matrix has all entries equal to 0:
Example: O₃ = [0,0,0;0,0,0;0,0,0]
The transpose (denoted A^T) of an m x n matrix A is an n x m matrix created by swapping rows and columns.
Example: A = [1, 2; 3, 4] implies A^T = [1, 3; 2, 4].
Matrix Addition: A + B for two matrices A and B of the same size results in a matrix of the same size obtained by adding corresponding entries.
Method: For each entry in A and B, add the values directly.
Scalar Multiplication: If A is an m x n matrix and k is any real number, then kA is a matrix obtained by multiplying every entry of A by k.
Addition is defined only for matrices of the same size.
Commutative Property: A + B = B + A
Associative Property: A + (B + C) = (A + B) + C
To multiply A (m x n) by B (n x p), the number of columns in A must equal the number of rows in B.
Method: The entry in position (i, j) of the product matrix AB is computed as:(AB)ij = sum of the products of the entries of the ith row of A and the jth column of B.
Not commutative: AB ≠ BA
Associative: A(BC) = (AB)C
Distributive: A(B + C) = AB + AC
Any system of linear equations can be represented in matrix form. For instance, a system represented as AX = B where A is the coefficient matrix and X is the variable matrix.
Methods: Represent the system in matrix form, either via matrix reduction or applying the inverse matrix method.
Matrix reduction and inverse matrix approaches are common methods for solving linear systems.
Matrix Reduction: Use row operations to reach row echelon form.
Inverse Matrix: Find the inverse of the coefficient matrix and multiply by the constant matrix.
A system is homogeneous if all constant terms equal zero. For example, the system Ax = 0 is homogeneous.
Method: Analyze the system for trivial and non-trivial solutions based on the rank of the matrix.
A square matrix A has an inverse A^(-1) if and only if AA^(-1) = I (the identity matrix).
Not all matrices are invertible.
To find A^(-1), augment A with the identity matrix and apply elementary row operations until the identity matrix appears on the left side of the augmented matrix.
A linear system has a unique solution if its matrix is invertible. If not, it could have no solutions or infinitely many solutions.
If the coefficient matrix has k non-zero rows, the solutions to the homogeneous system will depend on k:
< k: Infinitely many solutions.
= k: Unique trivial solution.
For non-homogeneous systems, the same k-row concept applies but it relates to existence of unique, no, or infinitely many solutions based on conditions evaluated through the Rouché-Capelli theorem.
Various examples illustrating concepts of matrix addition, multiplication, and linear system solutions can be useful in the application of these principles in practice.