3 causes of Stock Market crash
Panic Selling
Credit dropped people sold stock and banks ran out of money
New deal
1st 100 – relief and recovery
3 economic trends in the 20s that indicated oncoming crash
Inflation and paced wages
Saturated market
Over production
The great crash
1928 – soaring stock prices affect individual and corporate investment
1929 – stock market crashes
Directly affects 3 million
Credit crunch stifles business
Business lay off workers
Demand for consumer goods declines
1920s economy
Wages went up but prices went up more and people purchased less
People purchased durable goods leading to over production
Industires kept producing at large rates
Hoover and Voluntarism
Hoover initially seeks solution though voluntary action and private charity
Eventually aids farmers and bankers
Resists democratic efforts to give direct aid to the unemployed
Hoover blankets – Newpapers
Bank Failures
Banks had lent too much money
People defaulted on loans
Banks called in loans on others
People withdrew all their savings
Bonus army
Marched on Washington
Protested for their WW1 money
Shanty towns
New deal
Big expectations
Democrats control congress
FDR given lots of powers
First 100 days
Focus on relief and recovery
15 major laws were passed
Roosevelt and Recovery
National recovery admin
Industries formulate codes to eliminate cutthroat competition and ensure labor peace
Codes favor big business
1935 – NRA ruled unconstitutional
Agricultural adjustment act of 1933
Farmers paid to take land out of cultivation
Prices increase
Sharecroppers and tenant farmers dispossessed
Tennessee Valley Authority
Provides jobs
Stop flooding
Provide electric power
Government utility
Fireside chats
FDR’s informal talks through radio in which he explained in simple terms the nation’s problems
The radio allowed the chats to be broadcasted everywhere
New deal critics
Disappointments among African Americans
Some felt it tried to please too many people
Some felt it interfered too much
Father Charles Coughlin
Catholic priest with radio program out of Detroit
Wanted a new system based on social justice
Nation's problems caused by bankers and banks should be controlled by government
Antisemitic (extreme hatred of Jews)
Huey Long
Governor of Louisiana
Share of wealth program
Take money from rich and give to poor
Every family gets money
Elderly pensions
Established minimum wage
Assassinated in 1935
Social security act
Wanger act
Join labor unions
Collective bargaining
National labor relations board
Negatives effects of New Deal
Men got preferred hiring
Lower pay
Social secrurity didnt include domestic work
African Americans
Racism and segregation
Lower wage scales
Floyd B. Olson
Hennepin county attorney
Earned a name for himself as stern prosecutor
Took on the KKK
Controversial censuring of a newspaper
Accused of organized crime connections
Teamsters strike
Wanted fair wage, union recognition, and trucking firms
Floyd of Rosedale
Pig trophy exchanged every year MN vs IA
Died due to stomach cancer
Q: Which industries and companies were hit hardest?
Iron range 70%
Q: Who is Governor Olson comparable to?
Huey Long
Established minimum wage
Both governors
Both died young an unexpectedly
Francis Townsend
An advocate for the elderly
Father Coughlin
Saying the government should take over
End of the New Deal
Supreme court strikes down new deal
Roosevelt comes up with a new plan called the court packing scheme
Wanted 15 supreme court justices and he would nominate 6 as they are appointed by the president
It would be one guy controlling the whole government because the legislative branch passed all 15 of his exective orders almost immediately
A wolf in sheep's clothing – dictator
Dust storm Damage
Farmers headed to the California “promise states”
No promises states wanted these people moving into their towns and states
Pros and cons
Pros | Cons |
Restored optimism and hope to Americans | Did not really fix the depression |
Provided necessary relief to many | Left the nation with much debt |
| Left people too dependent on government |
Q: Why run for three terms?