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Most essential

  • Still life

  • Landscape

  • Portrait

  • To have a passion for

  • Think outside the box

  • Masterpiece

  • To go through sth - to check sth again

  • Motif / Pattern

  • aesthetics (spelling!)

  • A culture vulture - A person who is very interested in the arts, often obsessively

  • you can’t take your eye off

  • performing art ( drama, music and …)

ART collocations and Idioms

  • A culture vulture - A person who is very interested in the arts, often obsessively

  • A visual feast - Something that is extremely beautiful

  • Break new ground - Innovate or new

  • Dribs and drabs - Very small or slow amounts

  • Hype - Extravagant or intense publicity

  • It wasn't much to write home about - Normal, nothing special

  • Lose yourself - Become so involved that you don't notice anything else

  • Road less travelled - An unconventional path, a choice that leads in a different direction than most people go

  • Think outside the box - To think creatively

  • Thought-provoking - stimulating careful consideration or attention.

  • To have a passion for - To be very enthusiastic about something

  • Up and coming - Soon to be famous, established, noticed, or successful

  • i was bowed over - really impressive

  • it took my breath away

  • there was a lot of buzz - ( exitement, hype)

  • it left me cold - i felt uninterested

  • it is not much to write home about = normal

  • I cant put my finger on it - i cant explain why


  • Arts and crafts - Decorative design and handicraft

  • Contemporary/Modern art - Art produced in the second half of the 20th century or in the 21st century

  • Cubism(Cubist) - A movement in art in which perspective with a single viewpoint was abandoned and instead it uses simple geometric shapes

  • Digital art - Art made using software, computers, or other electronic devices

  • Expressionism (Expressionist) - Expressionism refers to art in which the image of reality is distorted in order to make it expressive of the artist's inner feelings or ideas

  • Figurative art - Any form of modern art that retains strong references to the real world, particularly the human figure

  • Fine arts - Art whose products are to be appreciated primarily for their imaginative, aesthetic, or intellectual content

  • Graffiti art - A form of visual communication, usually illegal, involving the unauthorised marking of public spaces

  • Impressionism (Impressionist) - A movement in painting characterised by a concern with depicting the visual impression of the moment

  • Modernism(Modernist) - A style or movement in the arts that aims to break away from classical and traditional forms

  • Performing arts - Forms of creative activity performed in front of an audience, such as drama, music, and dance

  • Plastic arts - Art forms that involve modelling or moulding, such as sculpture and ceramics, or the representation of solid objects with three-dimensional effects

  • Romanticism (Romanticist) - A movement that originated in the 18th century, emphasising inspiration and subjectivity

  • Still-life painting - The depiction of inanimate objects for their form, colour, texture, and composition

  • Surrealism (Surrealist) - A 20th-century avant-garde movement which strives to release creativity, for example,through the irrational juxtaposition of images

  • Visual arts - Art forms such as painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics, photography, video, filmmaking, design, crafts and architecture



Do you like art?

Do you think art classes are necessary? 
.What kind of paintings do people like?
What benefits can you get from paintings as a hobby?
What kinds of things do you like to draw?

Are you good at art?

Did you learn art at school when you were a child?

What kind of art do you like?

Is art popular in your country?

Have you ever been to an art gallery?

Do you think children can benefit from going to art galleries?


Describe a piece of art you like. You should say:

  • what the work of art is

  • when you first saw it

  • what you know about it

  • and explain why you like it.


Art and school

  • Do you think art should be a compulsory subject at school?

  • Do you think that art is as important as academic subjects when it comes to educating children?

  • How can children benefit from studying art?

Art as a hobby

  • What are the benefits that people can get from painting as a hobby?

  • Do you think some people are naturally better artists than others?

  • Do you think older people are more interested in art than the younger generation?

Current art

  • Are there any traditional forms of art in your country?

  • Should the government provide support for art and cultural activities?

  • Do you think art has changed a lot in your country in the last few decades?

What kinds of things do you like to draw?

What are the tradition art forms in your country?

- What makes a good painting?

• Do you think children should study art at school?

• How can children benefit from learning art?

• How has art changed in the last few decades in your country?

VOCABULARY, Phrases, Ideas, Links, materials —————

From my perspective,

I guess well-painted work means sth different for everybody

Ideas and Vocab

  • the composition of all the parts

  • the painter has a good eye (to know when something is good)

  • perspective and symmetry (sizing and balance of all parts)

  • using a particular style or an unusual technique (skill)

  • the subject (person / landscape / animal etc)

  • the balance of colours and contrasts

  • to bring about an emotional response - it touches people

  • to evoke a memory or idea

  • impact - something you can't take your eyes off

  • historical background or relevance

serve the purpose of keeping alive creativity

Appreciate the power of aethetics

Art is a field that offers a huge range of carears.

The study of music and painting might be persuade by students with genuine talent for others

We can talk about artwork, feelings, artist

  1. it is a painting of a house. There some

  2. it makes feel warm, inspired, over the moon. it gives me a feeling of complexity of life and clashing of ideas

  3. i like one painting called … and its by … and it was painted in …

    I like one painting that has ::::

    Im not sure who it was painted by, nor when, but it gives me feeling of sadness/ happiness

art (n) - uncountable

A work of art

A piece of art / many pieces of art

artist (person)

Artistic. I’m quite artistic

Arty (adj) - negative

I like crafting sth new - make sth new

i have an appreciation of art

mixed media - paints and materials all together

hidden meaning

i was bowled over = impressed

it took my breath


It is better to marry art and science = to connect

To pair art with science = to connect


ESSAYS _____________ _____________ _____________ ______

  1. Some people think that the government is wasting money on the arts and that this money could be better spent elsewhere.

To what extent do you agree with this view? (frequently repeated topic)

  1. Many people think that museums and galleries should only show work from local artists rather than work from other countries. Do you agree? (2021, 2022)

  2. Art is considered an essential part of all cultures throughout the world. However, these days fewer and fewer people appreciate art and turn their focus to science, technology and business.

Why do you think that is?

  1. What could be done to encourage more people to take interest in the arts? (2020)

  1. Some people think that art is an essential subject for children at school while others think it is a waste of time.

Discuss both sides and give your opinion. (2018, 2019, 2021)

_____________ _____________ _____________ ______



Most essential

  • Still life

  • Landscape

  • Portrait

  • To have a passion for

  • Think outside the box

  • Masterpiece

  • To go through sth - to check sth again

  • Motif / Pattern

  • aesthetics (spelling!)

  • A culture vulture - A person who is very interested in the arts, often obsessively

  • you can’t take your eye off

  • performing art ( drama, music and …)

ART collocations and Idioms

  • A culture vulture - A person who is very interested in the arts, often obsessively

  • A visual feast - Something that is extremely beautiful

  • Break new ground - Innovate or new

  • Dribs and drabs - Very small or slow amounts

  • Hype - Extravagant or intense publicity

  • It wasn't much to write home about - Normal, nothing special

  • Lose yourself - Become so involved that you don't notice anything else

  • Road less travelled - An unconventional path, a choice that leads in a different direction than most people go

  • Think outside the box - To think creatively

  • Thought-provoking - stimulating careful consideration or attention.

  • To have a passion for - To be very enthusiastic about something

  • Up and coming - Soon to be famous, established, noticed, or successful

  • i was bowed over - really impressive

  • it took my breath away

  • there was a lot of buzz - ( exitement, hype)

  • it left me cold - i felt uninterested

  • it is not much to write home about = normal

  • I cant put my finger on it - i cant explain why


  • Arts and crafts - Decorative design and handicraft

  • Contemporary/Modern art - Art produced in the second half of the 20th century or in the 21st century

  • Cubism(Cubist) - A movement in art in which perspective with a single viewpoint was abandoned and instead it uses simple geometric shapes

  • Digital art - Art made using software, computers, or other electronic devices

  • Expressionism (Expressionist) - Expressionism refers to art in which the image of reality is distorted in order to make it expressive of the artist's inner feelings or ideas

  • Figurative art - Any form of modern art that retains strong references to the real world, particularly the human figure

  • Fine arts - Art whose products are to be appreciated primarily for their imaginative, aesthetic, or intellectual content

  • Graffiti art - A form of visual communication, usually illegal, involving the unauthorised marking of public spaces

  • Impressionism (Impressionist) - A movement in painting characterised by a concern with depicting the visual impression of the moment

  • Modernism(Modernist) - A style or movement in the arts that aims to break away from classical and traditional forms

  • Performing arts - Forms of creative activity performed in front of an audience, such as drama, music, and dance

  • Plastic arts - Art forms that involve modelling or moulding, such as sculpture and ceramics, or the representation of solid objects with three-dimensional effects

  • Romanticism (Romanticist) - A movement that originated in the 18th century, emphasising inspiration and subjectivity

  • Still-life painting - The depiction of inanimate objects for their form, colour, texture, and composition

  • Surrealism (Surrealist) - A 20th-century avant-garde movement which strives to release creativity, for example,through the irrational juxtaposition of images

  • Visual arts - Art forms such as painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics, photography, video, filmmaking, design, crafts and architecture



Do you like art?

Do you think art classes are necessary? 
.What kind of paintings do people like?
What benefits can you get from paintings as a hobby?
What kinds of things do you like to draw?

Are you good at art?

Did you learn art at school when you were a child?

What kind of art do you like?

Is art popular in your country?

Have you ever been to an art gallery?

Do you think children can benefit from going to art galleries?


Describe a piece of art you like. You should say:

  • what the work of art is

  • when you first saw it

  • what you know about it

  • and explain why you like it.


Art and school

  • Do you think art should be a compulsory subject at school?

  • Do you think that art is as important as academic subjects when it comes to educating children?

  • How can children benefit from studying art?

Art as a hobby

  • What are the benefits that people can get from painting as a hobby?

  • Do you think some people are naturally better artists than others?

  • Do you think older people are more interested in art than the younger generation?

Current art

  • Are there any traditional forms of art in your country?

  • Should the government provide support for art and cultural activities?

  • Do you think art has changed a lot in your country in the last few decades?

What kinds of things do you like to draw?

What are the tradition art forms in your country?

- What makes a good painting?

• Do you think children should study art at school?

• How can children benefit from learning art?

• How has art changed in the last few decades in your country?

VOCABULARY, Phrases, Ideas, Links, materials —————

From my perspective,

I guess well-painted work means sth different for everybody

Ideas and Vocab

  • the composition of all the parts

  • the painter has a good eye (to know when something is good)

  • perspective and symmetry (sizing and balance of all parts)

  • using a particular style or an unusual technique (skill)

  • the subject (person / landscape / animal etc)

  • the balance of colours and contrasts

  • to bring about an emotional response - it touches people

  • to evoke a memory or idea

  • impact - something you can't take your eyes off

  • historical background or relevance

serve the purpose of keeping alive creativity

Appreciate the power of aethetics

Art is a field that offers a huge range of carears.

The study of music and painting might be persuade by students with genuine talent for others

We can talk about artwork, feelings, artist

  1. it is a painting of a house. There some

  2. it makes feel warm, inspired, over the moon. it gives me a feeling of complexity of life and clashing of ideas

  3. i like one painting called … and its by … and it was painted in …

    I like one painting that has ::::

    Im not sure who it was painted by, nor when, but it gives me feeling of sadness/ happiness

art (n) - uncountable

A work of art

A piece of art / many pieces of art

artist (person)

Artistic. I’m quite artistic

Arty (adj) - negative

I like crafting sth new - make sth new

i have an appreciation of art

mixed media - paints and materials all together

hidden meaning

i was bowled over = impressed

it took my breath


It is better to marry art and science = to connect

To pair art with science = to connect


ESSAYS _____________ _____________ _____________ ______

  1. Some people think that the government is wasting money on the arts and that this money could be better spent elsewhere.

To what extent do you agree with this view? (frequently repeated topic)

  1. Many people think that museums and galleries should only show work from local artists rather than work from other countries. Do you agree? (2021, 2022)

  2. Art is considered an essential part of all cultures throughout the world. However, these days fewer and fewer people appreciate art and turn their focus to science, technology and business.

Why do you think that is?

  1. What could be done to encourage more people to take interest in the arts? (2020)

  1. Some people think that art is an essential subject for children at school while others think it is a waste of time.

Discuss both sides and give your opinion. (2018, 2019, 2021)

_____________ _____________ _____________ ______