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Week 11, Thursday

Anterior Antebrachium ppt

Osteology of the wrist and hand:

  • Metacarpals 1-5 medial to lateral

  • Phalanges

  • Carpal bones:

    • Distal row:

      • Scaphoid

      • Lunate

      • Triquetrum

      • Pisiform

    • Proximal row:

      • Trapezoid

      • Trapezium

      • Capitate

      • Hamate

  • Ulna does not articulate with the carpals like the Radius does. There is an articular disc instead

  • Radius has articular surfaces for the Lunate and Scaphoid

Cutaneous Nerves:

  • Superficial branch of radial nerve

  • Median nerve

  • Superficial branch of ulnar nerve

  • Dorsal cutaneous branch of ulnar nerve

Dermatomes: know them, love them

Palmar Aponeurosis

Dorsal Venous Network:

  • dorsal veins of the hand

  • Radial (Thumb) side drains to Cephalic Vein

  • Ulnar (5th finger) side drains to the Basilic vein

Palmar Venous Network:

  • Superficial Venous Palmar Arch

  • Radial side drains into the Cephalic vein

  • Ulnar side drains into the Median (antebrachial) vein of the forearm


  • Brachial artery →

    • radial →

      • Superficial Branch

      • Deep Dorsal branch

    • ulna →

    • Deep Palmar Arch

Muscular Compartments:

  • Anterior = Flexor Pronator compartment

    • Superficial layer: All 4 arise either entirely or in part from the medial epicondyle of the humerus via the common flexor tendon

      • Pronator teres

      • Flexor carpi radial is

      • Palmaris longus

      • Flexor carpi ulnaris

    • Intermediate layer

      • Flexor Digitorum superficialis

    • Deep layer

      • Flexor Digitorum profundus

      • Flexor pollicis longus

      • Pronator Quadratus

  • Posterior = Extensor supinator compartment

Learn the O, I, N, Art, and Act

Golfer’s elbow= medial epicondylitis

Flexor Retinaculum

  • a strong ligamentous band that runs from the psi form and hook the hamate laterally to the scaphoid tuberosity and palmar side of the trapezium

  • Forms the roof of the carpal tunnel

Summary of Muscle innervation:

  • Superficial layer:

    • Median Nerve

      • Pronator teres

      • Flexor carpi radial is

      • Palmaris longus

    • Ulnar nerve

      • Flexor carpi ulnaris

  • Intermediate layer:

    • Median Nerve

      • Flexor Digitorum superficialis

  • Deep Layer:

    • Radial ½ Anterior interosseous nerve, ulnar ½ ulnar nerve

      • Flexor Digitorum Profundus

    • Anterior interosseous nerve (from the median nerve)

      • Pronator Quadratus

      • Flexor Pollicis Longus

Tunnels of the Wrist:

  • There are 2 tunnels through which structures from the forearm enter the hand:

    • Carpal Tunnel

      • Deep to flexor retinaculum

    • Tunnel of Guyon

      • Superficial to flexor retinaculum

Carpal Tunnel:

  • a passageway for 9 tendons and 1 nerve

    • Tendons=

      • 4 from flexor Digitorum superficialis

      • 4 from flexor Digitorum profundus

      • 1 from flexor pollicis longus

    • Nerve=

      • Median nerve

  • Boundaries:

    • Roof= flexor retinaculum

    • Laterally= scaphoid and trapezium

    • Medially= hook of hamate and pisiform

    • Floor= palmar ulnocarpal and radiocarpal ligaments

Tunnel of Guyon:

  • a passageway for 1 nerve and 1 artery

    • Ulnar nerve

    • Ulnar artery

Wrist and Palm ppt

Nerves of the hand:

  • the hand is innervated by

    • Radial nerve

    • Median nerve

    • Ulnar nerve

Cutaneous nerves of the hand:

  • superficial branch of the radial nerve

  • Dorsal Cutaneous branch of ulnar nerve

  • Dorsal branches of the Poper palmer nerves

  • Palmar cutaneous branches

Dermatomes, know them, love them

Radial Nerve →

  • superficial branch

  • Deep branch →

    • Through supinator muscle Changes name to Posterior interosseous nerve

  • Superficial branch of the radial nerve is purely sensory

    • Supplies the skin over lateral 2/3 of the dorsum of the hand, and the proximal parts of the lateral 3 ½ digits

Median nerve

  • enters the hand through the carpal tunnel

  • Motor to 2 ½ thenar muscles, and the 1st and 2nd Lumbricals

  • Sensory to the lateral 2/3 of the palm, the palmar surface of lateral 3 ½ digits, and the dorsum of the distal pat of the same 3 ½ digits

  • Palmar Cutaneous branch of the median nerve is sensory to the central palm

    • Arises proximal to the wrist and passes superficial to the flexor retinaculum

Ulnar nerve →

  • Dorsal cutaneous branch

  • Palmar cutaneous branch →

  • Passes through Guyon’s canal and changes its name to Superficial branch

  • Deep branch

  • Leaves forearm by emerging from deep to the tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris

  • continues into Guyon’s canal anterior to the flexor retinaculum passing between the pisiform (medially) and ulnar artery (laterally)

  • Superficial branch

    • arises within Guyon’s canal

    • supplies skin of medial 1/3 of the palm and the medial 1 ½ digits

  • Deep branch

    • arises within Guyon’s Canal

    • supplies hypothenar and other muscles

  • Palmar Cutaneous branch

    • arises proximal to the wrist and passes superficial to the flexor retinaculum and palmar aponeurosis

    • supplies skin at base of medial palm

  • Dorsal cutaneous branch

    • supplies medial half of the dorsum of the hand and the proximal part of the medial 1 ½ digits

Ended at Nerve of the Palm/Digits slide

Week 11, Thursday

Anterior Antebrachium ppt

Osteology of the wrist and hand:

  • Metacarpals 1-5 medial to lateral

  • Phalanges

  • Carpal bones:

    • Distal row:

      • Scaphoid

      • Lunate

      • Triquetrum

      • Pisiform

    • Proximal row:

      • Trapezoid

      • Trapezium

      • Capitate

      • Hamate

  • Ulna does not articulate with the carpals like the Radius does. There is an articular disc instead

  • Radius has articular surfaces for the Lunate and Scaphoid

Cutaneous Nerves:

  • Superficial branch of radial nerve

  • Median nerve

  • Superficial branch of ulnar nerve

  • Dorsal cutaneous branch of ulnar nerve

Dermatomes: know them, love them

Palmar Aponeurosis

Dorsal Venous Network:

  • dorsal veins of the hand

  • Radial (Thumb) side drains to Cephalic Vein

  • Ulnar (5th finger) side drains to the Basilic vein

Palmar Venous Network:

  • Superficial Venous Palmar Arch

  • Radial side drains into the Cephalic vein

  • Ulnar side drains into the Median (antebrachial) vein of the forearm


  • Brachial artery →

    • radial →

      • Superficial Branch

      • Deep Dorsal branch

    • ulna →

    • Deep Palmar Arch

Muscular Compartments:

  • Anterior = Flexor Pronator compartment

    • Superficial layer: All 4 arise either entirely or in part from the medial epicondyle of the humerus via the common flexor tendon

      • Pronator teres

      • Flexor carpi radial is

      • Palmaris longus

      • Flexor carpi ulnaris

    • Intermediate layer

      • Flexor Digitorum superficialis

    • Deep layer

      • Flexor Digitorum profundus

      • Flexor pollicis longus

      • Pronator Quadratus

  • Posterior = Extensor supinator compartment

Learn the O, I, N, Art, and Act

Golfer’s elbow= medial epicondylitis

Flexor Retinaculum

  • a strong ligamentous band that runs from the psi form and hook the hamate laterally to the scaphoid tuberosity and palmar side of the trapezium

  • Forms the roof of the carpal tunnel

Summary of Muscle innervation:

  • Superficial layer:

    • Median Nerve

      • Pronator teres

      • Flexor carpi radial is

      • Palmaris longus

    • Ulnar nerve

      • Flexor carpi ulnaris

  • Intermediate layer:

    • Median Nerve

      • Flexor Digitorum superficialis

  • Deep Layer:

    • Radial ½ Anterior interosseous nerve, ulnar ½ ulnar nerve

      • Flexor Digitorum Profundus

    • Anterior interosseous nerve (from the median nerve)

      • Pronator Quadratus

      • Flexor Pollicis Longus

Tunnels of the Wrist:

  • There are 2 tunnels through which structures from the forearm enter the hand:

    • Carpal Tunnel

      • Deep to flexor retinaculum

    • Tunnel of Guyon

      • Superficial to flexor retinaculum

Carpal Tunnel:

  • a passageway for 9 tendons and 1 nerve

    • Tendons=

      • 4 from flexor Digitorum superficialis

      • 4 from flexor Digitorum profundus

      • 1 from flexor pollicis longus

    • Nerve=

      • Median nerve

  • Boundaries:

    • Roof= flexor retinaculum

    • Laterally= scaphoid and trapezium

    • Medially= hook of hamate and pisiform

    • Floor= palmar ulnocarpal and radiocarpal ligaments

Tunnel of Guyon:

  • a passageway for 1 nerve and 1 artery

    • Ulnar nerve

    • Ulnar artery

Wrist and Palm ppt

Nerves of the hand:

  • the hand is innervated by

    • Radial nerve

    • Median nerve

    • Ulnar nerve

Cutaneous nerves of the hand:

  • superficial branch of the radial nerve

  • Dorsal Cutaneous branch of ulnar nerve

  • Dorsal branches of the Poper palmer nerves

  • Palmar cutaneous branches

Dermatomes, know them, love them

Radial Nerve →

  • superficial branch

  • Deep branch →

    • Through supinator muscle Changes name to Posterior interosseous nerve

  • Superficial branch of the radial nerve is purely sensory

    • Supplies the skin over lateral 2/3 of the dorsum of the hand, and the proximal parts of the lateral 3 ½ digits

Median nerve

  • enters the hand through the carpal tunnel

  • Motor to 2 ½ thenar muscles, and the 1st and 2nd Lumbricals

  • Sensory to the lateral 2/3 of the palm, the palmar surface of lateral 3 ½ digits, and the dorsum of the distal pat of the same 3 ½ digits

  • Palmar Cutaneous branch of the median nerve is sensory to the central palm

    • Arises proximal to the wrist and passes superficial to the flexor retinaculum

Ulnar nerve →

  • Dorsal cutaneous branch

  • Palmar cutaneous branch →

  • Passes through Guyon’s canal and changes its name to Superficial branch

  • Deep branch

  • Leaves forearm by emerging from deep to the tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris

  • continues into Guyon’s canal anterior to the flexor retinaculum passing between the pisiform (medially) and ulnar artery (laterally)

  • Superficial branch

    • arises within Guyon’s canal

    • supplies skin of medial 1/3 of the palm and the medial 1 ½ digits

  • Deep branch

    • arises within Guyon’s Canal

    • supplies hypothenar and other muscles

  • Palmar Cutaneous branch

    • arises proximal to the wrist and passes superficial to the flexor retinaculum and palmar aponeurosis

    • supplies skin at base of medial palm

  • Dorsal cutaneous branch

    • supplies medial half of the dorsum of the hand and the proximal part of the medial 1 ½ digits

Ended at Nerve of the Palm/Digits slide