5 - Climate Change

Paris Agreement Overview

  • Date and Context: Adopted during the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21) in 2015, known as the Paris Agreement.

Objectives and Recognition

Objective of the Agreement

  • Aimed at combating climate change and building resilience while pursuing sustainable development.

Recognition of Needs

  • Recognizes the specific needs and vulnerabilities of developing countries, especially the least developed and those most at risk from climate impacts.

Principles of Action

  • Reflects the principles of equity and common but differentiated responsibilities, acknowledging different national circumstances.

  • Emphasis on safeguarding food security and ending hunger.

  • Highlight the intrinsic relationship between climate actions and sustainable development.

Articles Focused on Mitigation

Article 2: Global Temperature Goals

  • Aims to keep the global temperature rise below 2°C and pursue efforts to limit it to 1.5°C to reduce climate change risks.

  • Encourages increasing resilience to climate impacts without compromising food production.

  • Seeks consistency in financial flows toward low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient development.

Article 3: Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)

  • All Parties are to submit ambitious NDCs and report on progress every five years.

  • Parties’ commitments should reflect their capacities and responsibilities, supporting one another, especially developing nations.

Article 4: Emission Reduction Targets

  • Parties aim to peak global greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible and to undertake rapid reductions thereafter.

  • Emphasizes the importance of support for developing nations to enhance their involvement in climate actions.

Adaptation and Support

Article 8: Loss and Damage

  • Addresses loss and damage from climate change, including extreme events and slow onset situations.

  • Establishes the Warsaw International Mechanism for enhanced understanding and support related to loss and damage.

Article 9: Climate Finance

  • Developed nations are obligated to provide financial resources to help developing nations mitigate and adapt to climate change.

  • Encourages a progressive mobilization of climate finance from varied sources beyond conventional public funds.

Technology and Capacity Building

Article 10: Technology Development

  • Emphasizes the importance of technology in implementing climate action.

  • Establishes a framework to promote cooperative technological development and transfer.

Article 11: Capacity Building

  • Focused on enhancing the abilities of developing countries to respond to climate change through various forms of support, including education and technical assistance.

Transparency and Accountability

Article 13: Transparency Framework

  • Sets guidelines for transparency in actions and support to build mutual trust among Parties.

  • Parties must regularly communicate their emissions, progress, and needs for support.

Article 14: Global Stocktake

  • Periodic assessment of collective progress towards the Agreement’s goals and objectives, set for the first assessment to occur in 2023.

Governance and Institutional Arrangements

Article 16: Conference of the Parties

  • The governing body for Parties to the Agreement, ensuring ongoing reviews and decisions for effective implementation.

Article 19: Subsidiary Bodies

  • Established bodies under the Convention will also serve this Agreement, ensuring continuity and expertise in discussions and implementation.

Final Provisions

Article 20: Signature and Ratification

  • The Agreement was open for signature from April 22, 2016, to April 21, 2017.

Article 21: Entry into Force

  • The Agreement enters into force 30 days after 55 Parties account for at least 55% of global greenhouse gas emissions ratify it.

Article 27: No Reservations

  • No reservations may be made to the Agreement, ensuring unified commitment.

Judicial Policy and International Law

  • A state’s judicial policy toward international law is connected to its public policy.

  • Understanding a state's public policy is essential to evaluate its judicial policy.

  • China’s public policy goal over the last three decades has been to rise as a great power.

    • The Beijing Consensus emphasizes:

      • Economic growth over political freedom and social justice.

      • Maintenance of an authoritarian regime with strong executive authority.

China’s Judicial Policy Methodology

  • China tailors its judicial policy methodology based on its rise as a power and its identity.

  • Navigates constitutional silence on international law through case-by-case decisions:

    • This can lead to fragmentation and unpredictability.

    • However, it grants flexibility in applying international law.

  • Judges apply one of two methods for treaties:

    • Automatic incorporation or transformation based on context.

  • Historical application of international law by Chinese courts includes:

  • Limited application of human rights treaties.

  • No application of relaxed immunity rules.

  • Rare extension of jurisdiction by international law.

  • Increasing likelihood of involvement in foreign affairs and international law as China rises.

    • Potential for greater engagement with relaxed immunity rules.

Constraints in Judicial Policies

  • In spite of increased involvement,

    • Chinese courts face limitations due to:

      • Desire to maintain authoritarian control.

      • Need to protect executive authority.

  • The Chinese judicial stance thus appears conservative regarding individual rights, applying international law only when it does not threaten authority.

The Paris Climate Change Agreement


  • Popular adage: "Know your limits."

  • The Paris Agreement follows many false starts in climate negotiations over twenty years.

  • It sets a modest foundation compared to the Kyoto Protocol.

Challenges of Climate Change

  • Climate change presents immense difficulties on global and local scales.

  • Examples of state's challenges include:

    • U.S.: Climate science is politically contested.

    • India: Electricity access for millions overshadows climate concerns.

Structural Elements of the Paris Agreement

  • Aim of Agreement:

    • Balances being strong enough to prompt action but weak enough for acceptance.

    • Bottom-up approach: Align with national policy instead of imposing external standards.

  • Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs):

    • Self-defined commitments from each country, reinforcing progressive actions and accountability standards.

Historical Context of Climate Change Conference

  • The Paris Agreement can be seen as a response to the failures of earlier frameworks, particularly the Copenhagen Accord.

  • Notable Features of the Agreement:

    • Legally binding aspects with non-binding elements.

    • Global applicability covering all producing parties, unlike prior agreements which focused mainly on developed countries.

    • Common obligations for all countries, eliminating strict separations based on developmental status.

Implementation and Additional Elements

Global Commitments and Reporting

  • Each country must submit updated NDCs every five years.

  • Transparency and accountability are crucial:

    • Political pressure drives compliance with commitments.

    • Enhanced transparency and accountability mechanisms aim to achieve long-term goals.

Mechanisms for Adaptation and Mitigation

  • The agreement emphasizes a dual focus:

    • Both mitigation of GHG emissions and adaptation efforts.

    • Calls for financial resources to balance adaptation and mitigation funding.

Mechanism for Loss and Damage

  • Recognizes the difference between retrospective responses to climate impacts (loss and damage) versus proactive adaptation efforts.

  • The inclusion of loss and damage in the agreement is a notable milestone despite resistance and limitations imposed by developed nations.

Analysis of the Paris Agreement

Reception and Future Outlook

  • Views of the Paris Agreement vary, with some considering it historic while others regard it as another instance of ambition exceeding practicality.

  • The agreement is projected to affect global emissions positively, albeit not radically aligning with temperature goals adopted.

Innovations of the Agreement

  • Represents a shift to a more common global approach for mitigation and adaptation as opposed to rigid categorizations.

  • The role of nations significantly evolved from prior frameworks, fostering an approachable atmosphere for negotiations.

  • The flexibility of new provisions allows for changes in national circumstances and recognizes that political will can drive future implementations.


  • While the limitations and challenges in tackling climate change remain, the Paris Agreement marks progress and sets higher expectations for global cooperation in future efforts.

Summary of Climate UN negotiations


  • Summary of UN climate negotiations and outcome in Katowice, Poland (Dec 2018).

  • Paris Rulebook adoption seen as a diplomatic success amid political tensions (e.g., U.S. withdrawal).

  • Unresolved issues, particularly on market mechanisms under Article 6.

Significance of the Paris Rulebook

  • The Rulebook aims to create rigour and clarity in commitments made under the Paris Agreement:

    • Prescriptiveness: Detail and specificity of rules.

    • Legal Bindingness: Identification of binding vs non-binding commitments.

    • Differentiation: Approaches accommodating Party variances.

Elements of the Paris Paradigm

  • Shift from Kyoto Protocol’s binding commitments to the Paris Agreement's flexible, self-determined contributions (NDCs).

  • Highlights of the Paris paradigm:

    1. Nationally determined contributions (NDCs): Self-defined, with no legal obligation to achieve at the outset.

    2. Procedural obligations: Internationally negotiated to ensure collective transparency and accountability.

    3. Ambition cycle: Periodic NDC updates aimed at enhancing efforts over time.

    4. Nuanced differentiation: Flexibility based on country-specific needs and capacities.

Challenges Ahead

  • Importance of ambitious targets against IPCC findings on necessary GHG reductions.

  • Need for comprehensive monitoring and strategic responses.

Implementation and the Role of the Paris Rulebook

  • Details on operationalizing Paris Agreement elements:

    • Extensive discretion for Parties in designing their NDCs while ensuring comprehensive transparency requirements.

    • The inclusion of capacity constraints faced by developing nations, aiming for equal contributions equitable to parties’ capabilities.

Transparency Framework

  • Reporting Obligations: Structured summaries of emissions and NDC progress updating.

  • Technical Expert Reviews: Peer assessments of Parties’ submissions ensuring compliance and provision of support.

  • Flexibility for Developing Countries: Tailored reporting guidelines recognizing varying capacities.

Global Stocktake

  • Core mechanism for assessing Parties' collective progress.

  • Focus on emissions, adaptation, and implementation support.

  • Equity Considerations: Balancing differing national circumstances and capabilities.

Implementation and Compliance Mechanism

  • Establishment of a committee for facilitating compliance without punitive measures.

  • Importance of non-binding but transparent approaches allowing collective and individual accountability.

  • Balancing stringent procedural obligations with the autonomy of Parties in their commitments.


  • The Paris Rulebook encapsulates a careful balance between formal commitments and national flexibility.

  • Future state actions will determine the effectiveness of the agreement in combating climate change and achieving the desired temperature goals.

  • The path taken by Parties remains an open question.

Shell's Responsibility for Climate Change: An International Law Perspective


  • On 26 May 2021, the District Court of The Hague issued a groundbreaking ruling in the case Milieudefensie v Royal Dutch Shell.

  • This judgment marked the first instance where a multinational corporation has been held partially responsible under international law for its role in climate change.

  • The implications of this ruling could significantly affect Shell and similar corporations, although an appeal by Shell is expected.

1. Facts and Holding

  • Plaintiff: Milieudefensie (Dutch branch of Friends of the Earth International) represented 17,379 individuals and six NGOs.

  • Legal Basis: The court recognized the class action suit under Dutch Civil Code, allowing for collective interest in preventing climate change (par. 4.2.4).

  • Claims Rejected: Claims regarding interests of future generations globally were dismissed due to varying impacts of climate change (par. 4.2.3).

  • Defendant: Royal Dutch Shell (RDS), a UK-based public limited company, was found to have emissions exceeding those of many states.

  • Findings: The Court linked RDS's CO2 emissions to substantial climate risks affecting health and safety in the Netherlands and Wadden region (par. 4.4.6).

  • Obligation Established: RDS was ordered to cut CO2 emissions by net 45% from 2019 levels by 2030 (par. 4.1.4).

  • Decision Ratio: While the court granted obligations for future emissions reduction, it did not classify current policies as unlawful (par. 4.5.10).

2. Role of International Law in Shell’s Responsibility

  • Indirect Application: The judgment was primarily based on Dutch tort law, with international law acting as a context for the decision.

  • Applicability of Dutch Law: The court ruled that RDS must comply with Dutch legal standards considering international practice (par. 4.3.6).

  • Due Care Standard: RDS's obligations were tied to the unwritten law standard of care, where societal due care may include international norms.

    • The judgment highlighted the company's duty to observe international human rights obligations (par. 4.4.9).

  • UN Guiding Principles: The Court cited the UNGP as an influential soft law framework guiding corporate responsibilities in relation to human rights (par. 4.4.11).

  • Paris Agreement Influence: The court recognized the Paris Agreement as a relevant framework for determining CO2 reduction obligations (par. 4.4.27).

    • It cited the IPCC reports that inform best practices for emissions reduction (par. 4.4.29).

3. Shared Responsibility

  • RDS's Defense Rejected: RDS claimed that it was merely one of many contributors to climate change.

  • Court's Finding: The Court emphasized collective responsibility does not absolve individual entities from their obligations to mitigate climate change (par. 4.4.36).

    • Companies must work towards net-zero emissions, regardless of others’ contributions (par. 4.4.37).

  • Significance of RDS's Emissions: Cited as among the top contributors, with emissions exceeding those of several states (par. 4.4.37).

Conclusion: Implications of the Judgment

  • This landmark ruling propels discussions around corporate accountability in climate change.

  • Dutch courts continue to take bold stances in addressing significant legal questions related to climate change responsibility.

  • The ruling enhances the interpretation of shared responsibility, underscoring that all actors play a role in exacerbating climate change impacts.

  • Essential questions remain regarding compliance strategies, such as improving operational emissions and influencing supply chains and end-user practices.

  • The judgment lays the groundwork for future climate change litigation, emphasizing both individual and collective responsibilities.
