-graphy - process of recording
-plasty - surgical repair:
-spasm - sudden involuntary contraction
-stenosis - narrowing
-tomy - incision
-ic - pertaining to trans (across)
-ole - small
-sclerosis - hardening
-stenosis - narrowing
-ectomy - surgical removal
-oma - mass/tumor
-al - pertaining to inter or between
cardiologist: -logist - specialist: Specialist in the heart.
-ology - study of
-megaly: enlargement
-gram: record
-electr/o: electric
-al: pertaining to
my/o: muscle
-pathy: disease
pan-: all
peri-: around
-um: structure
-ary: pertaining to
coron/o: crown:
-gram: record;
cardi/o: heart:
embol/o: plug
-us: condition/thing: plug of clotted blood
isch/o: hold back
-emia: blood condition
-al: pertaining to
my/o: muscle
cardi/o: heart
phleb/o: vein
-osis: abnormal condition
thromb/o: clot
-itis: inflammation
rhythm/o: rhythm
-ia: state of; condition; process
scler/o: hardening
-therapy: treatment
valvul/o: valve
varic/o: twisted and swollen
-ose: pertaining to
-ar: pertaining to
a: no, not, lack of
cerebro/o: brain
vas/o: vessel
-ion: process
extra-: outside
constrict/o: to draw, together, narrowing
dilat/o: to expand, widen
ven/o: vein
-ous: pertaining to
-ule: small
ventricul/o: ventricle
-ar: pertaining to
inter-: between
septum: wall
-ectasis: dilation, stretching
angi/o: vessel
-brady: slow
-ia: condition; state of
-tachy: fast