Studies how people use the scarce resources to satisfy unlimited wants and needs.
Scarcity – core problem of economics; unlimited wants, and limited resources.
Fundamental questions in economics
· What to produce?
· How to produce it?
· For whom to produce?
2 divisions of economics
· Micro - studies the behavior of single entity such as the consumers and producers (Supply & Demand)
· Macro - studies the overall performance of the economy; aggregate
Adam Smith
· Father of economics
· Laissez faire (let alone policy)
· Capitalism
· Invisible hand
John Maynard Keynes
· Keynesianism
· Father of Macroeconomics
Thomas Malthus
· The population increases faster than the increase in the supply food
David Ricardo
· Law of Comparative Advantage - produce a given or service in a more efficient and economically competitive manner than its peers (kung san ka mas magaling dun ka)
· Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns - predicts that after some optimal level of capacity is reached adding an additional factor of production will result in smaller increases in output (wag kang OA)
Alfred Marshall
· Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility - states that the marginal utility from consuming additional units of a good eventually declines (kapag sobra na, nakakaumay din)
Production - production is the process of combining various inputs to a create output
Productive Resources
· Land (Natural)
· Capital (Man Made)
· Labor (Blue Collar – skills; White Collar – intellectual)
· Entrepreneur
Allocation - resources are distributed to the people who desire their resources
· Traditional (Culture, History)
· Command (Government ang may ari ng resources)
· Market (Private individuals ang may-ari ng resources)
· Mixed
Consumption - use of goods and services by households
Demand - willingness of the consumer to buy a good or service at a given price
Supply - willingness of the producer to make a good or services available at a given price
Schedule – Tabular representation of connections of demand and supply
Curve – graphical representation of connections of demand and supply
Substitute Good – can replace other goods
Price of good
Demand of Substitute
Complementary Good – go together
Price of good
Demand of Substitute
Metrics of Economic Growth and Development
Growth – Income
Development - Welfare
Metrics of Economic Growth
GNP = GDP + Net factor income from abroad
Metrics of Economic Development
Human Development Index (HDI) - compiled by the United Nations to measure various countries levels of social and economic development
Inflation – continuing increase in price of commodities
Unemployment – willing and able to work but does not have paid job
Fiscal Policy - government spending and taxation that influences our economy
· Expansionary FP – more spending, lower tax
· Contractionary FP - less spending, more tax
Monetary Policy – role of central banks in managing the money and interest rates
· Expansionary MP – more money in circulation
· Contractionary MP - less money in circulation
New Growth Theory - pressures the desire and wants of the populace will drive ongoing productivity and economic growth