Studies how people use the scarce resources to satisfy unlimited wants and needs.

Scarcity – core problem of economics; unlimited wants, and limited resources.

A pyramid of needs and levels of needs<br /><br />Description automatically generated with medium confidence


Fundamental questions in economics

·       What to produce?

·       How to produce it?

·       For whom to produce?


2 divisions of economics

·       Micro - studies the behavior of single entity such as the consumers and producers (Supply & Demand)

·       Macro - studies the overall performance of the economy; aggregate



Adam Smith

·       Father of economics

·       Laissez faire (let alone policy)

·       Capitalism

·       Invisible hand


John Maynard Keynes

·       Keynesianism

·       Father of Macroeconomics

Thomas Malthus

·       The population increases faster than the increase in the supply food


David Ricardo

·       Law of Comparative Advantage - produce a given or service in a more efficient and economically competitive manner than its peers (kung san ka mas magaling dun ka)

·       Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns - predicts that after some optimal level of capacity is reached adding an additional factor of production will result in smaller increases in output (wag kang OA)


Alfred Marshall

·       Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility - states that the marginal utility from consuming additional units of a good eventually declines (kapag sobra na, nakakaumay din)







Production - production is the process of combining various inputs to a create output

Productive Resources

·       Land (Natural)

·       Capital (Man Made)

·       Labor (Blue Collar – skills; White Collar – intellectual)

·       Entrepreneur


Allocation - resources are distributed to the people who desire their resources

·       Traditional (Culture, History)

·       Command (Government ang may ari ng resources)

·       Market (Private individuals ang may-ari ng resources)

·       Mixed


Consumption - use of goods and services by households









Demand - willingness of the consumer to buy a good or service at a given price

Supply - willingness of the producer to make a good or services available at a given price

Schedule – Tabular representation of connections of demand and supply

Curve – graphical representation of connections of demand and supply



A yellow and blue sign with red and blue text<br /><br />Description automatically generated


Substitute Good – can replace other goods

Price of good 

Demand of Substitute


Complementary Good – go together

Price of good 

Demand of Substitute








Diagram of a circular flow of economy<br /><br />Description automatically generated


Metrics of Economic Growth and Development


Growth – Income

Development - Welfare


Metrics of Economic Growth


GNP = GDP + Net factor income from abroad


Metrics of Economic Development


Human Development Index (HDI) - compiled by the United Nations to measure various countries levels of social and economic development


Why is India's (HDI) Human Development Index very low? What are the  measures to improve India's state? - Quora


Inflation – continuing increase in price of commodities

Unemployment – willing and able to work but does not have paid job


Fiscal Policy - government spending and taxation that influences our economy

·       Expansionary FP – more spending, lower tax

·       Contractionary FP - less spending, more tax


Monetary Policy – role of central banks in managing the money and interest rates

·       Expansionary MP – more money in circulation

·       Contractionary MP - less money in circulation


New Growth Theory - pressures the desire and wants of the populace will drive ongoing productivity and economic growth
