Traditional agricultural practices used to be dominated by subsistence farming, shifting cultivation, and pastoralism. They are still used today but are now used alongside more mechanized forms
Globalization has transformed farming households in the core, periphery and semi periphery
The first phase involved domesticating animals and seeds
The second revolves around improving outputs and innovations for making farming more efficient such as an improved yoke for oxen
The third is based on inputs to production such as fertilizers and. Field drainage systems
The three revolutionary phases have not occurred simultaneously throughout the globe but have been adopted and adapted to differing degrees based on levels of development, culture, and physical geography
Two of the most important forces behind agricultural transforms are multinational and transnational corporations and states
Institutions like the World Trade Center and regional associations Luke the European Union have also been important influences
The organizations has industrialized, impacts have multiplied and spread so that some parts of the globe are at crisis stage
In some regions the agricultural system has led to overproduction of crops, while in others the quantity and quality is several limited by physical constraints and environmental degradation
The farm is no longer the central piece in the chain of agricultural organization but one off several important compounds that include seed and fertilizer manufacturers, for processors and distributors, and consumers
The structure of agriculture is composed of five central and connected sectors (inputs, production, processing, distribution, and consumption with four contextual elements acting as external forces) (the state, international trade, physical environment and credit and finance)