Twelve tribes in the dispersion - open letter to followers of The Way that were outside of Jerusalem
Catholic - universal (not Roman Catholic)
Diatribe - calls out opponents in an angry tone
Purpose - oppose superficial and worldly religion to promotetrue faith (deeds not just words)
Critical Issues
Authorship - why doesn’t he say he is the brother of Jesus?
Is this Christian? - sounds very similar to Jewish traditional texts with emphasis on the law
Themes: True Faith
Wise Life - James 1:5, 3:17
The Way - Didache (follow the way of light and life or the other path to death and destruction)
Themes: Faith and Works
Response to Paul? - especially to correct Paul’s teaching on the law
Faith without works is dead
Themes: Rich and Poor
Harsh words for the rich - James 5:1
No Partially - wealthy and rich got special treatment, James 2:1
Humility - rich need to make themselves humble, James 1:9
Generosity - rich need to be generous, James 5:4
Cannot serve God and Mammon - “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven”
Mammon - Wealth regarded as an evil influence or an idol